Ва а. Т.,До зы баев м д. 71 Бошанов а д., К. Ул-мухаммед м. А., Мэжитов с. Ф. бас ре сагадиев к. , Токаев ц. К., Т0лепбаев б. А., Туймебаев ж д

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Байпақов. Қозыбаев Қазақстан тарихы (көне заманнан бүгінге дейін)

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The development o f Industry in Soviet Asia / / Journal o f the Central Asian 
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M uslims o f the Soviet Union / / C urrent History. January 1953; 
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Cultural development in Soviet Central Asia / / Journal o f the Royal Central 
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The Marxist approaches to nationalism
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The Soviet Union: politics, economics and society. From Lenin to Gorbachev.
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The C om m unist Party and the Soviet schools, 1917—1937. U npubl. 
Philosoph. D. thesis. Radcliile College. 1952; idem. Evolution o f Soviet educational policy /
/ Harvard Educational Review. 1954. Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 159—175; Berman H.J. The «Right 
to knowledge» in the Soviet U nion/7 Columbia Law Review. May 1954. Vol. 54; Witt N. 
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T h e m o d e rn h is to ry o f S o v ie t C e n tra l A sia. P. 179—187; idem .
Modernization in the East: the role o f script and language reform / / Asian affairs. 1974. Vol. 
5. Pt. I. P. 157-164; idem. The Turkic languages o f Soviet Asia: Russian linguistic policy /
/ Middle Eastern Studies. 1977. Vol. 13. No. 2. P. 208-217; 
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Russia in Central 
Asia. N.Y., L., 1963. P. 86-87; D unn S. and D unn E. Soviet regime and native culture in the 
Soviet Union / / American anthropologist. 1962. Vol. LXIV. No. 2. P. 328—339; Henze P.B. 
Politics and alphabets in Inner Asia / / Advances in the creation and revision o f writing 
systems. The Hague. P. 371-420; Problems o f C om m unism . 1982. No. 4. P. 78 etc.
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Review. 1965. Vol. XXIV. No. 3. P. 479-496; 
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Recent trends in the econom y o f 
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Katkov V.
Soviet econom y. 1940-1965. 
Baltimore, 1967; K om m unism us ohne Z ukunft. 1962.
Olcott M.B.
The Kazakhs. Pp. 242, 225.
ClearyJ. W.
The virgin lands / / Survey. 1956. N o. 56. p. 9 5 -1 0 5 ; 

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