Важные годы. Почему не стоит откладывать жизнь на потом

См. S. M. Stanley, G. K. Rhoades, H. J. Markman. “Sliding Versus Deciding.” 83

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См. S. M. Stanley, G. K. Rhoades, H. J. Markman. “Sliding Versus
См. G. K. Rhoades, S. M. Scott, H. J. Markman. “The Pre-Engagement
Cohabitation Effect: A Replication and Extension of Previous Findings” /
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (2009): 107–111; G. H. Kline, S. M. Scott, H.
J. Markman, P. A. Olmos-Gallo, M. St. Peters, S. W. Whitton, L. M. Prado.
“Timing Is Everything: Pre-Engagement Cohabitation and Increased Risk for
Poor Marital Outcomes” / Journal of Family Psychology (2004): 311–318; G. K.
Rhoades, S. M. Scott, H. J. Markman. “Pre-Engagement Cohabitation and
Gender Asymmetry in Marital Commitment” / Journal of Family Psychology 20
(2006): 553–560.
Вы можете ознакомиться с результатами любых исследований по теме
замыкания и межвременного дисконтирования, в частности: G. Zauberman.
“The Intcrtemporal Dynamics of Consumer Lock-in” / Journal of Consumer

Research 30 (2003): 405–419.
См. S. M. Stanley, G. K. Rhoades, H. J. Markman. “Sliding Versus
См. Masud Khan. The Privacy of the Self (New York: International
Universities Press, 1974).
См. D. C. Rubin, T. A. Rahhal, L. W. Poon. “Things Learned in Early
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and Social Psychology Review 4 (2000): 45–56.
См. T. Habermas, S. Bluck. “Getting a Life: The Emergence of the Life
Story in Adolescence” / Psychological Bulletin 126 (2000): 748–769; M.
Pasupathi. “The Social Construction of the Personal Past and Its Implications for
Adult Development” / Psychological Bulletin 127 (2001): 651–672.
Теме рассказа о себе как одного из аспектов идентичности посвящена
следующая работа: D. P. McAdams, J. L. Pals. “A New Big Five: Fundamental
Principles for an Integrative Science of Personality” / American Psychologist 61
(2006): 204–217.
См. A.Thorne, K. C. McLean, A. M. Lawrence. “When Remembering Is Not
Enough: Reflecting on Self-Defining Memories in Late Adolescence” / Journal
of Personality 72 (2004): 513–541.

См. B. Rime, B. Mesquita, P. Philippot, S. Boca. “Beyond the Emotional
Event: Six Studies on the Social Sharing of Emotion” / Cognition & Emotion 5
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См. D. P. McAdams, J. L. Pals. “A New Big Five: Fundamental Principles
for an Integrative Science of Personality” / American Psychologist 61 (2006),
Для детей очень важно, чтобы родители «видели» их и рассказывали им
истории их жизни по мере того, как они взрослеют. Об этом можно
прочитать в статье: R. Fivush, C. A. Haden, E. Reese. “Elaborating on
Elaborations: Role of Maternal Reminiscing Style in Cognitive and
Socioemotional Development” / Child Development 11 (2006): 1568–1588.
См. C. Anderson, D. Keltner, O. P. John. “Emotional Convergence Between
People over Time” / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84 (2003):
1054–1068; G. Gonzaga, B. Campos, T. Bradbury. “Similarity, Convergence,
and Relationship Satisfaction in Dating and Married Couples” / Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 93 (2007): 34–48; S. Luo, E. C. Klohnen.
“Assortative Mating and Marital Quality in Newlyweds: A Couple-Centered
Approach” / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 88 (2005): 304–326;
D. Watson, E. C. Klohnen, A. Casillas, E. Nus Simms, J. Haig, D. S. Berry.
“Match Makers and Deal Breakers: Analyses of Assortative Mating in
Newlywed Couples” / Journal of Personality 72 (2004): 1029–1068.
См. следующие статьи о различных типах сходства между партнерами:
E. Berscheid, K. Dion, E. Hatfield, G. W. Walster. “Physical Attractiveness and
Dating Choice: A Test of the Matching Hypothesis” / Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology 7 (1971): 173–189; T. Bouchard Jr., M. McGue. “Familial
Studies of Intelligence: A Review” / Science 212 (1981): 1055–1059; D. M.
Buss. “Human Mate Selection” / American Scientist 73 (1985): 47–51; A.
Feingold’s paper “Matching for Attractiveness in Romantic Partners and Same-

Sex Friends: A Meta-Analysis and Theoretical Critique” / Psychological Bulletin
104 (1988): 226–235; D. T. Y. Tan, R. Singh. “Attitudes and Attraction: A
Developmental Study of the Similarity-Attraction and Dissimilarity-Repulsion
Hypotheses” / Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21 (1995): 975–986;
S. G. Vandenberg. “Assortativc Mating, or Who Marries Whom?” / Behavior
Genetics 11 (1972): 1–21; G. L. White. “Physical Attractiveness and Courtship
Process” / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39 (1980): 660–668.
О том, как сходство личностных качеств повышает удовлетворенность
встречающихся или супружеских пар, можно прочитать здесь: G. Gonzaga,
B. Campos, T. Bradbury. “Similarity, Convergence, and Relationship
Satisfaction in Dating and Married Couples”; S. Luo, E. C. Klohnen.
“Assortative Mating and Marital Quality in Newlyweds”; R. Gaunt. “Couple
Similarity and Marital Satisfaction: Are Similar Spouses Happier?” / Journal of
‘Personality 74 (2006): 1401–1420; J. S. Blum, A. Mehrabian. “Personality and
Temperament Correlates of Marital Satisfaction” / Journal of Personality 67
(1999): 93–125; A. Caspi, E. S. Herbener. “Continuity and Change: Assortative
Marriage and the Consistency of Personality in Adulthood” / Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 58 (1990): 250–258; R. W. Robins, A. Caspi,
T. E. Moffitt. “Two Personalities, One Relationship: Both Partners’ Personality
Traits Shape the Quality of their Relationship” / Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology 79 (2000): 251–259. В следующих статьях идет речь о
том, что сходство личностных характеристик не всегда является признаком
удовлетворенности партнеров своими отношениями: K. S. Gattis, S. Berns,
L. E. Simpson, A. Christensen. “Birds of a Feather or Strange Birds? Ties among
Personality Dimensions, Similarity, and Marital Quality / Journal of Family
Psychology 18 (2004): 564–574; D. Watson, E. C. Klohnen, A. Casillas, E. Nus
Simms, J. Haig, D. S. Berry. “Match Makers and Deal Breakers.”
См. H. J. Eysenck. “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Individual
Differences” / Journal of Personality 58 (1990): 245–261; S. Luo, E. C.
Klohnen. “Assortative Mating and Marital Quality in Newlyweds.”
См. пресс-релиз сайта знакомств eHarmony: “New Research Finds

eHarmony Couples Are Significantly Happier in Their Marriages Than Non-
eHarmony Couples”, February 2, 2006:

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