Бүгінгі сабақтың тақырыбы: The grammar Noun,classification of noun

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Бүгінгі сабақтың тақырыбы: The grammar Noun,classification of noun

Аты – жөні:Аязбекқызы Нұрай





Өтілетін күні:

01.09. 2020 жыл




Digital recourses

Цифрлық ресурстар

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0ESmyMenCQ

  • https://www.really-learn-english.com/english-nouns.html

Short information about the theme:

Жаңа сабақ жайлы жаңа ақпарат

Hello Dear my student! Welcome to our college!

My name is Togjan Maratovna. I am your English teacher! I’ll give you some information about new lesson and laboratory works. You should pass all your works in time!

So, Good luck!!!
Today we shall introduce with the new lesson grammar “Noun and its classification”

According to this lesson we shall find for these following questions

  • What is a noun?

  • What is the classification of noun (за есімнің классификациясы түрлері)?

  • Common noun, concrete noun, Abstract noun, proper noun

An noun is a word that names a person, a place or a thing.

Sarah, lady, cat, New York, Canada, room, school, football, reading.

Example sentences:

  • People like to go to the beach.

  • Emma passed the test.

  • My parents are traveling to Japan next month.

Abstract Nouns

An abstract noun is a noun that names an idea, not a physical thing.

Love is an abstract noun.

Hope, interest, peace, ability, success, knowledge, trouble.

Concrete Nouns

A concrete noun is a noun that names a physical thing.

House is a concrete noun.

Common Nouns

A common noun is a noun that names a general thing, not a specific thing.

Cat is a common noun.

Boy, girl, city, country, company, planet, location, war.

Proper Nouns

A proper noun is a noun that indicates the specific name of a thing. It begins with a capital letter.

Mabel (this cat's name) is a proper noun.

Robin, Alice, London, Sweden, Google, Earth, Eiffel Tower, Civil War.
(Compare these examples to those in the "Common nouns" section to see the difference.)


Give 4 examples for the abstract and proper nouns

Үй тапсырмасы

Abstract Nouns

"The recipient was very happy to receive his award on stage. However, another student who did not have time to be awarded was jealous.

'The first abstract thing in these sentences is joy, and the second is jealousy.
Friendship is very important in our life.
The abstract noun here is friendship.

Relevant nouns
Relevant nouns include, for example, the names of people such as Eva, Andrew, Michael; These include places like Nebraska, McDonald's, Harvard University, and more.

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