Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences

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Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences:

  1. В каком аэропорту приземляются самолеты из Гамбурга? 2. Так как правый двигатель вышел из строя, самолет совершил вынужденную посадку. 3. Поезд идет строго по расписанию и прибудет в Санкт-Петербург минута в минуту. 4. Мои чемоданы были тяжелые, и мне пришлось взять носильщика. 5. У вас есть свободные комнаты на двоих с ванной и холодильником? 6. Заполните этот регистрационный бланк, и не забудьте расписаться внизу. 7. Как долго вы собираетесь пробыть в нашей гостинице? 8. Я прошу вас как можно скорее осмотреть мой багаж. Мой самолет взлетает через 30 минут. 9. Таможенные ограничения распространяются на все эти вещи: картины, драгоценности и т.д. 10. Во всех странах контрабандный провоз товаров через границу является преступлением. 11. Я заполнил таможенную декларацию и подошел к таможенному инспектору для осмотра багажа. 12. Я люблю путешествовать налегке и поэтому обычно беру с собой в поездки только самые необходимые вещи.

Ex. 3. Imagine, your friend doesn’t know the notions given below. Explain them in your own words:
плацкартный вагон; купе; локомотив; таможня; таможенная декларация; контрабандист; спальный вагон; ручная кладь.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the given text. a) Explain in English the meaning of the underlined phraseological units. b) Make up your own sentences with underlined phraseological units. c) Make up a story to illustrate one of the proverbs.
The Language of Holidays
Some of us have a fortnight’s holiday, others a month and there are said to be a lucky few who manage to have three months annual holiday. But whatever the duration, a holiday equals a change from our normal daily routine. We should avoid taking a busman’s holiday. We should not be like the postman who went away for a holiday, wrote lots of postcards to his many relatives and consequently spent most of his time in his normal environment – the post office.
We all have different ideas about what represents the ideal holiday. Some of us like to be extremely active, others prefer to lie on the beach all day. In other words, one’s man’s meat is another man’s poison. But whichever type of holiday you prefer, the English language provides a wealth of expressions which can be used in the context of a holiday.
Take for example, the open-air enthusiast. Now, he usually spends his holiday camping. He always rises with a lark whatever the weather, even when it is raining cats and dogs. He never grumbles as long as he is close to nature and there is little danger of his getting out of the bed the wrong side in the morning. Not that that is likely because the tent is usually too cramped for him to have a choice about which of the two sides of his bed to get out of. He doesn’t mind all the minor irritations that would make life unbearable for a comfort lover who tends to exaggerate any lack of amenities and to make mountains out of molehills. Give the camper enough blue sky to make a pair of sailor’s breeches and he will assure you that everything in the garden is lovely and furthermore, that he is in the seventh heaven. Above all, he is a realist and knows that he will reap the benefit of all this fresh air when he is back again in his stuffy office. He takes with a pinch of salt all the jeremiads from those wet blankets who warn him that he will probably suffer from rheumatism sleeping under canvas, and if the tent does get blown down during the night he does not make a fuss about it. The following morning he has no regrets, realising that it is no good crying over spilt milk.
During the day he is up and about, preferably off the beaten track. He is also a great walker and would always go on shank’s pony rather than use any form of transport. He is quite happy to miss the bus as long as it means losing an opportunity to go where everyone else is going. He travels as the crow flies; and when his feet began to ache then is the time for him to sit down and rest on his laurels and have a picnic. Animals and insects will probably come and see what’s cooking but he certainly won’t let that spoil his enjoyment and upset the applecart. No matter what crops up he is prepared for it.
The experienced camper always clears up after his meal and less than a pig’s whisper he has everything just as it was before he came on the scene. At the end of a blissful day he returns to his tent thoroughly worn out and sleeps like a log.
Well, the idea of camping is all very well for some, but personally I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole since I am too fond of my creature comforts. No, give me a good hotel or at a pinch a boarding-house with all the amenities to make me feel at home; that is my idea of a perfect holiday. The only problem is that a place like that will cost a pretty penny. The other difficulty is that you don’t know what the accommodation is like until you have got there, and by then if you don’t like it you have to lump it. And talking of lumping it brings back to my mind a specially unfortunate experience I had with a hotel in a part of England that will have to remain nameless. It is enough to say it was at the seaside. According to the brochure the sea was supposed to be no more than a stone’s throw. Now, it depends how good you are at throwing stones, but all I know was that it took me a good three-quarters of an hour to walk to the beach. The service in the hotel had also been slightly exaggerated in the prospectus, since it had been described as excellent. Normally I don’t mind waiting for my food, but at that hotel you could easily polish off a difficult crossword puzzle between serving of the courses and you could wait until the cows came home before the coffee arrived. Personally, I think the proprietor had bitten off more than he could chew for he just didn’t have enough staff to cater for the number of guests staying there. And if this didn’t just take the biscuit he had the effrontery to add a surcharge on to the bill because one of the days happened to be a bank holiday. Still, I had the consolation of knowing that I wasn’t alone in paying through the nose. But every cloud has a silver lining for although the management tried to pull the wool over our eyes about the accommodation, the beach was perfect, with miles of golden brown sands, and that made up for the deficiencies at the hotel. After all, what you lose on the roundabouts you gain on the swings. And speaking of losses and gains there was one bitter pill I had swallow and that was the day there was a race meeting held on the local course. I thought I would have a bit off a flutter at the race, but I spent more than I had bargained for. You see, I had managed to persuade some of my fellow guests to rely on me to place the bets on the horses for them as I do like to let my hair down when I am on holiday and have a little gamble. Unfortunately, all the horses I had recommended came in last. And that evening I had to eat a humble pie but they were not too upset, especially when I offered to buy the drinks that night in the bar. Still, whether you spend your holiday under canvas or in the hotel, there is always a risk or two involved. This year I am not taking any chances. I have made up my mind to spend the whole fortnight at home.
I shan’t be building any sandcastles on the beach with the family. I shall be lying in my deckchair in the garden imagining where I might be – simply building castles in the air.

Ex.5. You need to get to the airport to catch a plane. It’s ten miles away, and it’s the rush hour. Which do you think is the quickest way of getting there, and why? Choose from the options below.
go by bus go by car go by taxi go by train
go by motorbike go by bike go on foot

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