1. According to Panova E. A. and Pozdnyakova A. A., the form of the first person singular implies the speaker’s action: пою, зайду

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“Typological and Contrastive features of Russian and English Pronouns”

Made by:

M1703-21 group

Kanal Nurgul

Khalkulova Ugiljon

Kanayeva Balnur

Plan Introduction Differences between two languages Conclusion

The grammatical category of person of verbs in Russian is rather complicated in comparison with the category of person in English. The forms of the person express the attitude of the action expressed by the verb towards the person speaking. Three types of person are distinguished in the Russian language such as first, second and third as in English.

1. According to Panova E.A. and Pozdnyakova A.A., the form of the first person singular implies the speaker’s action: пою, зайду. The form of the first person plural implies the action of a group of people in which the speaker also belongs to: поем, зайдем. The form of the second person singular implies the action of the interlocutor (a companion): поɺшь, зайдɺшь. The form of the second person plural expresses the action of a group of people in which the interlocutor also belongs to: поете, зайдете. The forms of the third person singular and plural number express the action performed by certain people who do not participate in the dialogue, i.e. neither a speaker nor the listener. поет, зайдет, поют, зайдут.

The categories of person and number can exist only in present and future tense of verbs in indicative and imperative moods in the Russian language.

The verbs in the past tense and conditional mood do not have the category of person, but they conjugate in number and gender which are quite different from English: (я, ты, он) вɺл_ – masculine gender, (я, ты, она) вела – feminine gender, (я, ты, оно) вело - neutral gender, (мы, вы, они) вели - plural form.

The opposite phenomenon can be found in contemporary Russian where the formation of the form of the person of some verbs in present (or future simple) tense can have two different ways of formation: брызгать – брызжет/ брызгает, капать – каплет/ капает, плескать – плещет/ плескает, тыкать – тычет / тыкает, махать – машет / махает etc.

So, while comparative analysis of the category of person in English and Russian it is possible to observe that both languages have their own way of formation of these grammatical categories as in English the category of person is not as complicated as in Russian. This can be seen as specific case for the third person singular form of the present simple, perfect and perfect 43 continuous tenses.

Typological characteristics of languages: The proportion of vowels in the total number of phonemes and palatalization of consonants. Differentiation or lack of differentiation of the word, phrase and sentence. Existence or non-existence of grammar markers. Polysemy or monosemy of grammar affixes Type of grammatical structure.

Russian and English differ radically with respect to the main typological features of languages. These features of English and Russian which can condition various. The majority of Russian → English TTs conditioned by typological differences are rather trivial, as, for instance, addition of auxiliary verbs, articles, personal and possessive pronouns in English translations.

Word order

tense aspect mood forms

inflectional potential

cases in nouns

gender in nouns

case gender number agreement







pr Analytic






pr synthetic





Table 1. Typological features of English and Russian



type of Russian English

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