The nomenclature of the copolymers. The structure of a copolymer macromolecule is more complex than homopolymers.It is difficult to know the structure of all the links contained in the macromolecule, and their location in the chains. As suggested by IUPAC in 1985, the name of the copolymer is not based on its structure, but on its origin. The composition of copolymers and the location of joints in chains are diverse, but all copolymers can be divided into the following seven types:
The nomenclature of the copolymers. The structure of a copolymer macromolecule is more complex than homopolymers.It is difficult to know the structure of all the links contained in the macromolecule, and their location in the chains. As suggested by IUPAC in 1985, the name of the copolymer is not based on its structure, but on its origin. The composition of copolymers and the location of joints in chains are diverse, but all copolymers can be divided into the following seven types:
Сополимер номенклатурасы. Сополимер макромолекуласының құрылысы гомополимерлерге қарағанда күрделі болып келеді. Макромолекула құрамындағы барлық буындардың құрылысын және олардың тізбекте орналасуын білу қиын. 1985 жылғы ИЮПАК-тың ұсынысы бойынша, сополимер атауы оның құрылым ұстанымына емес, шығу тегіне негізделген. Сополимерлердің құрамы және буындардың тізбекте орналасуы сан алуан болады, дегенмен барлық сополимерлерді мынадай жеті түрге бөлуге болады:
1. Copolymers, the design of which is unknown. If the copolymer consists of monomers A and B, the systematic nomenclature is called poly (A-co-B). For example, the name of styrene and methyl methacrylate copolymers is poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate).
1. Copolymers, the design of which is unknown. If the copolymer consists of monomers A and B, the systematic nomenclature is called poly (A-co-B). For example, the name of styrene and methyl methacrylate copolymers is poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate).
2. Statistical copolymers. Monomeric links are arranged in chains based on the laws of statistics. For example, in the Bernoulli statistics. Name of the poly (A-stat-B) copolymer.