№2(78)/2015 Серия филология

Қазіргі таңда Қазақстандағы мультилингвалды жағдайды дамытуға

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Қазіргі таңда Қазақстандағы мультилингвалды жағдайды дамытуға 
бағытталған жағдайлар 
Мақалада қазіргі қазақ тіліндегі кірме терминдердің аударылу, берілу тəсілдері, жолдары мен қолдану 
барысы  қарастырылды.  Авторлар  қазіргі  кезеңдегі  кірме  сөздерінің  қай  тілдерден  кіріп  жатқанын 
анықтап,  олардың  белгілі  дəрежеде  тұрақтана  бастағанын,  оларды  аудару  барысын  кірме  сөздерінің 
қолданылу ерекшеліктерін нақты мысалдармен көрсетіп, мультилингвалды жағдайды пысықтап кетті. 
Жұмыстың басты мақсаты қазақстандық қоғамдағы мультилингвалды жағдайды зерттеп, оның бекіту 
жолдарын нық ұстау болып табылады.  
Г.Ю.Аманбаева, М.А.Балабекова  
Условия для развития мультилингвизма в современном Казахстане 
В  статье  рассмотрены  вопросы  переводозаимствованных  слов  в  современном  Казахстане.  Авторами 
статьи  показаны,  из  каких  языков  заимствована  лексика,  способы  передачи  заимствованных  слов,  а 
также  условия  развития  мультилингвизма  в  современном  Казахстане.  Проанализированы  переводы 
заимствованных слов в казахском языке, доказано, что активно используются заимствованные слова с 
английского языка. Основная цель работы заключается в изучении условий многоязычия в казахстан-
ском обществе и в попытке проанализировать пути его сохранения. 
1  State Program of Functioning and Development of Languages for 2001–2010. Decree of the President of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan, 2001, February, 7, 550, p. 18–20, [ER]. Access mode: tengrinews.kz. 
2  Stengel E. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1939, 20, 36 p.   
3  Suleimenova E.D. Ethnolinguistic  processes or influence of shifts in ethnic structure of population to language situation
Dynamics of language situation in Kazakhstan Suleimenova E.D. 2
 ed., Almaty,  2010, p. 26–34, [ER]. Access mode: 
4  State Program for Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2020. Decree of the President of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan, 2010, December, 7, 1118.  
5  Ospanova Sh. The number of trilingual schools increases from 33 to 700, [ER]. Access mode: http://tengrinews.kz/ kazakh-
stan_news/ s-33-do-700 uvelichitsya-olichestvotriyazyichnyih-shkol-v- kazahstane- 216137/.   
6  Bucholtz M., Skapoulli E. Pragmatics, 2009, 49 p.   
7  Wartenburger I., Heekeren Kh.R., Abutalebi J., Cappa S.F., Villringer A., Perani D. Neuron, 2003, 37, 270 p.  

Серия «Филология». № 2(78)/2015 
UDC 378.147 
G.Yu.Amanbayeva, А.Т.Toleubekova  
Ye.А.Buketov Karaganda State University 
(E-mail: Sulamita_t@mail.ru) 
Integrated models of scientific discourse research  
The article deals with one of the objects of linguistic research — the category of discourse as well as its ty-
pology. The main components of the institutional dialogue are described on the basis of scientific type of dis-
course. Its integral differential features are analyzed. The criteria for this type of discourse and its genre space 
are identified. The so-called complex regulatory principles are considered, adherence to which optimizes the 
process of creation, transmission and use of knowledge. 
Key words: text, discourse, scientific discourse, institutional discourse, classification of discourse types.
The current stage of development of linguistic science is characterized by interest of linguists to the 
problems of the text in general and scientific discourse in particular. This is due to a complex, multi-aspect 
nature of the research object, the emergence of new methods for the study of this object, the processes of 
globalization covering all aspects of social life including science [1]. 
Discourse as an object of linguistic research allows for multiple scientific interpretations.  
N.D. Arutyunova defines discourse as ‘a coherent text in conjunction with extra linguistic, pragmatic, 
sociocultural, psychological and other factors’ [2]. M.L. Makarov has a different position offering to use the 
terms ‘text’ and ‘discourse’ as synonyms leaving ‘emphatic process’ for the last one  [3]. The need to com-
ment on own understanding of the term ‘discourse’ arises in connection of its membership to a number of 
humanities [4] as well as because of the ambiguity of interpretations that exist for this concept directly in 
modern linguistics [4]. To explain the reasons for this situation it is enough to cite the work of Dutch re-
searcher T.A.van Dyck ‘The definition of discourse’: ‘the notion of discourse is diffused as well as the con-
cept of language, society and ideology. We know that notions the most diffused and difficult to define be-
come the most popular’ [4]. Therefore the ‘discourse’ can be briefly defined as ‘text in a situation of real 
communication’ [4].   
Recently discourse analysis has become one of the central sections of linguistics because cognitive set-
tings in the science of language begin to change and the view is growing in strength according to which any 
linguistic phenomena cannot be adequately understood and described out of their use, without regard to their 
discoursive aspects [5]. 
V.I. Karasik has developed a classification of discourse types based on the typology of sociological cri-
teria: discoursive situation, status and role characteristics of the participants in the discourse and the distance 
(proxemics) of communication [6]. On the basis of these criteria the Russian linguist distinguishes two types 
of discourse: student-centered (personal) and status-oriented (institutional) discourse. Let us consider the se-
cond type of discourse closely. 
Institutional discourse is communication limited by a scope of any social institution where each of the 
interlocutors plays a specific social role. Every institutional discourse has its own sublanguage (specialized 
vocabulary, phraseology) [7]. 
According to V.I. Karasik, the main purpose of scientific discourse is ‘the conclusion process of new 
knowledge about objects, phenomena, their properties and qualities presented in verbal form and associated 
with communicative canons of scientific communication — logic of presentation, proof of the truth or falsity 
of any provisions, limited abstraction of the subject of speech’ [6]. 
Scientific discourse is a specific scientific way of organizing speech activity. It is considered appropri-
ate to give the scientific discourse an institutional status as it has its categorical attributes that distinguish it 
from the general system. Supporting the view L.V. Slavgorodskaya, we believe these constitutive features 
are a special purpose, the characteristics of typical participants and the form of the existence of discoursive 
work. Indeed studying the specifics of scientific prose, one cannot but agree that any scientific work is the 
‘development, continuation or refutation of previously recognized provisions, polemics with other areas or 
individual scientists’ [8]. Every scientific text contains the results of studies, opinions and views of other 
scholars; in other words the scientific text is created on the basis of common mental and conceptual space of 
the science of which it is a means for fixing and developing. 

G.Yu.Amanbayeva, А.Т.Toleubekova 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
Scientific text is related retrospectively and prospectively with other scientific texts and acts as a micro 
text in the macro text of the scientific communication in the field of a particular branch of science as well as 
in the global general scientific communication [9]. This means a high degree of intertextual and 
interdiscoursive interaction of scientific texts. Specificity of scientific discourse is associated with a special 
kind of mental activity of the person and is subject to strict laws of logic and pragmatics and therefore the 
possibilities of the author of the scientific text is limited and specified for the use of borrowed fragments. 
Terms of communication between scientists require uniqueness and certainty in the interpretation of his 
thoughts; therefore all references to other sources must be explicitly expressed and understood by the reader. 
Thus we must assume that arsenal of intertextual expressions used in the scientific literature differs by man-
datory labeling (enclosed in quotation marks, registration of footnotes, references indicating the source) and 
less diverse than in fiction. 
Scientific discourse is the process of expressing new knowledge in a whole text as well as its justifica-
tion by interrelated arguments, i.e. a dialogue between old and new knowledge within which there is a grad-
ual development of new, conceptual scientific knowledge. The specific nature of scientific discourse in-
volves consideration of the scientific style as a specific register of communication. Scientific style is a func-
tional style of scientific language used in various branches of knowledge (humanities, natural, technical) in-
side which stylistic and genre substyles should be distinguished. In terms of genre, discourse of science can 
be presented in the form of an official report, thesis statement, articles, monographs, dissertations, abstracts, 
reviews, summaries, etc. In other words, scientific style is implemented in large and small genres of science 
fiction. Semantic structure of scientific text combines two constitutive beginnings. On the one hand the text 
displays events of denotative sphere and in this case is mediated by relationships between displayed events; 
on the other hand, the text embodies the intellectual and communicative activities of the author of the text 
and its structure reflects the logical relationships between the communicating actions [10]. Since any scien-
tific text is generated in order to create new knowledge which is of particular content, then just this new 
knowledge can be considered as information text, its rheme. Just rheme of scientific text is more relevant in 
the context of subsequent data processing. Since the sender of the scientific text has its own scientific con-
cept, his communicative purpose is to explain and prove some truth, put the problem and try to solve it. Se-
mantic structure of scientific text is defined by the process of cognition as well as its organization by a man 
for specific areas of research activities. Communication of scholars in a professional environment is carried 
out against the background of clearly defined communication goals, well-developed system of general 
knowledge about a certain subject area and thus prepared perception on the part of recipients of scientific 
Scientific text has a number of essential functions, the most important of which is the property of 
transmitting information from one entity to another. Analyzing scientific text, scholars pay attention to its 
constitutive factors such as the identity of the creator of the text, informative content of the text, the purpose 
of writing the text and the intended recipient i.e. the chain: the author-text-recipient. 
Scientific discourse as a verbalized way of thinking, a way of conceptualizing knowledge must have 
expressed communicative structure and pragmatics in order to be understood and accepted. Dialogue be-
tween the author and the recipient of the scientific text involves the transfer of new information facilitating 
the description of the scientific image of the world. This new information in its turn becomes the main object 
of evaluation from both the author and the addressee of scientific communication. First of all this evaluation 
concerns the validity of scientific judgments, their relevancy and necessity. Author’s such evaluation is im-
plemented in the scientific text by linguistic means at the level of proposals or even paragraphs. 
The main factor of style identification in scientific speech is its content part so the main features of the 
content of scientific style are the certainty of the framework of the statement subject and fundamentally ob-
jective attitude to it. It is the content side of scientific speech and communication requirements of the content 
that determine the original — written form of its existence as well as its monologue character and logical 
completeness and therefore oral form is secondary here. The central meaningful units of scientific speech as 
well as units of logical thinking are the concept, judgement and conclusion. Abstract and generalized nature, 
objectivity of presentation, accuracy, consistency and in this regard impersonality of presentation is all fea-
tures of style identification which can characterize scientific style [11]. The main features of scientific style 
of speech can be shown by the example of linguistic material extracted from scientific articles, textbooks, 
monographs, lectures, etc.  

Integrated models of scientific… 
Серия «Филология». № 2(78)/2015 
The main ontological characteristics of scientific discourse are: 
• Abstract in scientific discourse is seen in a distinct nominative and abstract and generalized design of 
the statement. Under the abstract and generalized design of the statement it is advisable to understand the 
functional and semantic ‘colour’ of scientific speech which manifests specificity of scientific thinking. In 
scientific language the objective properties of the phenomena under consideration should be reflected. 
«The influence of mathematics, in particular the discovery of integral and differential calculation made 
impact on the study of Leibniz (1646–1716), the great German thinker of the XVII century, who put forward 
the concept of the unconscious mentality for the first time in the history of science. Picture of mental life has 
acted as an integral rather than the arithmetic sum. Based on the idea of continuous gradation of concepts, 
Leibniz distinguished perception (unconscious perception) and apperception (conscious perception which 
includes attention and memory). Being an idealist, Leibniz believed the universe was built from a plenty of 
souls — ‘monads’ (‘Monad’ — indivisible). However, he added a lot of new things in psychology, especially 
the idea of the active nature and continuous development of mentality, about the complicated ratio between 
the conscious and the unconscious» [12]. 
• Consistency as one of the main characteristics is realized in scientific language which is a form of ex-
pression of concepts, opinions. In scientific discourse such language means that meet the requirements of 
logical thinking at maximum level, express conceptual content are used. 
«Education especially higher education is considered as the main leading factor for social and econom-
ic progress. The reason of such attention is to understand that the most important value and main capital of 
modern society is a person capable of finding and developing new knowledge and making nonstandard deci-
sions» [13]. 
• Objectivity of scientific discourse is achieved through the specifics of scientific cognition which es-
tablishes an objective scientific truth. Objectivity of scientific discourse is realized due to the impersonality 
of linguistic expression, the desire to focus on the subject of the statement and there is a small degree of sub-
jectivity in scientific texts. 
«Gender is a set of social representations, not a prescription fixed by nature; this is what we think of 
the field within our social and cultural conceptions. Gender studies are based on the principle of anthropo-
centrism in the study of linguistic phenomena. Anthropo-oriented approach to the study of language and 
communication is associated with cognitive scientific paradigm and allows to consider gender as a cultural 
phenomenon and to put ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ down statuses of concepts. In the framework of the 
linguistic paradigm of gender it is emphasized that the concepts of ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ are con-
structed in the language because language is presented as a method of developing consciousness» [14]. 
• Accuracy as a feature of scientific discourse is related to the specific scientific cognition. Scientific 
cognition involves not only objective but also an accurate representation of reality. Without accuracy of sci-
entific knowledge the progress of science is impossible. This is evidenced by the prevalence of the linguistic 
means that are unambiguous and can accurately express the essence of concepts in scientific speech. These 
language means include terms and special terminology. 
«Postpartum psychosis (or according to the International Classification of Diseases of 10
 review — 
mental and behavioral disorders that occur in the first 6 weeks after delivery) is a rare mental disorder usu-
ally occurs in the first 2–6 weeks after delivery. Psychiatric disorders that arise after delivery have been al-
ready known at the time of Hippocrates who mentioned postpartum ‘delusion’ and ‘mania’. The term ‘gener-
ic fever’ became widespread later» [15]. 
• The necessity of the statements is the most important feature of scientific discourse. The absence of 
this property leads to the phrase mongering and declarativity which is unacceptable in science. The essence 
of this principle is that if a certain position is formulated or any hypothesis (theory) is proposed, it is neces-
sary to give undeniable rational grounds (reasons, arguments) by virtue of which they should be accepted as 
true or more believable than before. 
«Thus we can distinguish three aspects of being, existence of science — firstly it is one of the types of 
cognitive activity, the purpose of which is to obtain new knowledge; secondly — the result of this activity 
which can be represented as the union of newly gained scientific knowledge into a coherent, organic grow-
ing system (not just their sum); third — a social institution with specific infrastructure: scientific institutions 
which include academic, research and university scientific organizations; professional associations of 
scholars (scientific communities, forums, etc.); ethos (moral norms and values) of science; resources, fi-
nances, scientific equipment, scientific information system, various kinds of communication between schol-
ars, etc.» [16; 7]. 

G.Yu.Amanbayeva, А.Т.Toleubekova 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
• Setting for a search of truth. This imperative of scientific discourse assumes that our all statements are 
not guaranteed against mistakes. Truth in its classic sense is the ratio of the accordance of statements (hy-
potheses, theories) to its allocated fragment of reality. 
• Conceptuality. This rule considers usage of categories system in any area of scientific discourse which 
serves as specific coordinates of the space of theoretical thinking. Firstly they are philosophical categories — 
ontological, epistemological and axiological. Secondly scientific categories, the system of which emphasizes 
a certain aspect of reality which is the objective content of statements of science. 
«Time as a basic category of being is originally shaped in the ingenious image of the world and is rep-
resented in it by the richest paroemiological stock fixing an important role of the time phenomenon in a hu-
man life» [17]. 
• Methodology. It means that any scientific research can be carried out with the help of a certain set of 
rational methods. 
«In the second half of the twentieth century scientists actively use the methods of mathematical analysis 
and differential equations, mathematical modeling, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics 
have great success» [16;17]. 
• Creativity. Innovative research begins when the impossibility of solving a certain kind of problems 
(issues) on an existing theoretical base using previously established methods and means is fully realized. 
This evidence encourages the researcher to develop new ideas and hypotheses, to invent non-traditional ex-
perimental methods, means of monitoring and measurement. 
«Modernization of the educational process in medical higher institutions shows that the training de-
mands innovative technologies that provide development of skills directly required in future practice. The 
leading place among these methods belongs to the method of projects which allows to create a natural envi-
ronment for the development of students' key competencies, educational situations, enables students to for-
mulate and solve problems themselves, it is a technique of self-activity support by a student to resolve target-
ed problem» [18]. 
• Criticism requires the ability to listen to counterarguments, try to be on others’ point of view, to look 
at own position as if from outside and start a meaningful dialogue with other views. 
• Evidence of presentation. 
«Thus the surface-active properties at interphase borders with air and a solid surface are characteristic 
of all three varieties of amines and significantly enhance due to increase of their the molecular mass compo-
sition. In accordance with Rebinder classification they can be referred to the surfactants of wetting and dis-
persing properties. The last one is particularly important for any paint composition which includes white 
spirit solvent» [19]. 
Also monotonous, uniqueness, a high degree of certainty (invariableness) of linguistic units, lack of 
new speech means and original ways of their use, the use of well-established, stereotyped and therefore usual 
forms of expression devoid of any allegories, allusions, etc. are considered to be characteristic features of 
scientific style. An important tool to implement the effective functions of modern scientific text is 
estimability of presentation which promotes the development of socially and lingually cultural significant 
values. In the modern scientific text there is a tendency to simplify the syntax, use special turn of speech. 
Authors often use analogies, comparisons and even metaphors [20]. In addition to the basic features scien-
tific discourse has minor, namely: emotional and expressive features. 
One could argue that scientific discourse is a discourse that satisfy three basic requirements: the study 
of the surrounding world should be its issue, the status of its members should be equal and a creative dia-
logue in the broadest sense of the word should be the method of its implementation [21]. Just these features 
make it possible to identify the scientific discourse among the overall system and distinguish it from other 
types of discourse. 
Thus the scientific discourse can be defined as institutionally caused communicative process having a 
spectrum of specific functions, all of which meanwhile are subject to the implementation of the basic func-
tion of a pragmatic scientific discourse — to inform the recipient. 
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Integrated models of scientific… 
Серия «Филология». № 2(78)/2015 
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Г.Ю.Аманбаева, Ə.Т.Төлеубекова  

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