5. Окраска кожных покровов Каждый признак оценивается в 0,1,2 балла

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Primary toilet of the newborn.
The toilet of the newborn is carried out immediately after the ligation of the umbilical cord. On on a sterile table under a source of radiant heat, the cheese-like lubricant is removed with a sterile gauze pad moistened with a sterile solution. oil, if the skin is heavily contaminated with blood or there was a long anhydrous period, then the child is bathed with a solution of potassium permanganate, the temperature is 37-38 degrees. For the prevention of gonoblenorrhea in the eyes of a newborn and genital
After the first application to the breast, girls are instilled with 20% r/r of sodium sulfacyl.
A bracelet is put on the hand with the name of the mother, body weight, gender, date of birth of the baby. Then the child is wrapped in sterile diapers and a blanket. A medallion is placed over the blanket with the same data as on the bracelet.
Within 2 hours the child is in the delivery room, then transferred to the department or ward. All data about the child are recorded in the history of the development of the child and special. journal, the history notes the state of the child upon admission to the children's department.
Every morning the child is weighed, the temperature is measured in the morning and in the evening. Toilet (washing) is carried out before each feeding.
The morning toilet of a newborn includes: washing the face, washing the eyes with saline, treating the umbilical residue with 70% alcohol, followed by cauterization with potassium permanganate. After the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical wound is treated with 3% H2O2, 70% alcohol and 5% potassium permanganate.
According to indications, the nasal passages and auditory passages are treated with flagella moistened with r / oil. In the presence of thrush, the oral cavity is treated with 20% p / rum of borax in glycerin.
With a joint stay, the care of the child on the first day is carried out by a nurse who teaches the mother everything necessary. Discharge of a newborn from the maternity hospital for 4-5 days with a good condition of the newborn. An exchange card is issued, information is transferred to the DP for the first patronage at home.
Care at home: room temperature 22-24 degrees C, wet cleaning 1-2 times a day, airing 3-4 times a day in the absence of a baby. Visits should be limited, parents should follow the rules of personal hygiene, special requirements for children's clothing and care items, their storage and washing. The ability of the mother to care for the child should be monitored.
Patronage to the newborn is carried out jointly with the local doctor in the first 2 days after discharge. Further weekly. We will talk in more detail about patronage at a lecture in the section of outpatient care for children and at a practical lesson.

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