Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university хабаршы «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы, Серия «Специальная педагогика»

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It is known that a person is formed by the social environment and the corresponding 
layer of society, the people and culture of this country. A person who speaks his native language is a product 
of his time, his people, society, and the like. So you should accept it, communicating with them, clearly 
demonstrate this and learn what is happening in his country, what are the similarities and differences 
between the culture of the native language and linguistic culture of the English language. 
Thus, the relative aspect of languages and cultures - native language and English-occupies an important 
place in linguistic and cultural competence. This is primarily a comparison at the lexical level, which can be 
considered a definition of reality, connotation, and national-cultural environment. 
Vocabulary, being directly related to the objects and phenomena of the material world and the history of 
society, serves not only the needs of linguistic communication, but also is a kind of form of consolidation 
and transmission of social cognitive experience from generation to generation. Therefore, the lexical system 
is determined primarily and most often by the categories of the material world and social factors. The main 
purpose of the vocabulary as the initial element of communication is the manifestation of realia, i.e. the 
diversity of the world and relations in which one and the same society lives. The word is a symbol of realism 
and unity of language. It represents something outside of the language and at the same time is associated 
with certain relationships with other elements of the language [2, 343]. 
For the efficient formation of linguistic skills developed and experimentally tested technology to 
conduct a comparative analysis of linguistic means in both languages, the use of linguistic concepts in 
adequate conditions of foreign language communication, interpretation of the linguistic and cultural 
concepts, comparisons and identify similar and different features of the lexical systems of English and native 
languages, including approaches, tasks and exercises, which include the following materials: 
1) the "warm-up" method, which involves "refreshing" students before starting to study any topic of the 
module and is carried out with the help of leading questions from the teacher or students in the group. For 
example. What interesting facts have you already learned about TPU scientists and research? 
2) "collecting hypotheses", aimed at developing the skills of probabilistic forecasting as a type of 
anticipation. The anticipation mechanism is implemented in cases where the teacher specifically organizes 
when students need to make several interrelated comments in order to predict events occurring in audio or 
printed text. The selected comments and statements are recorded on a blackboard or specially prepared 
poster, which leads to a discussion of the comments received to form a clear picture of the education and 
personal speech experience of the students. The teacher's instructions for reading and listening can be a 
motivation to complete the task. In order to enhance the linguistic and cultural knowledge of students in their 
native culture, the teacher can offer students special questions for discussion. 
3) "updating associations" involves the creation of associograms on the topic under study. Each group of 
students gets one concept. The job runs with the help of worksheets that schematically depict an empty 
sociogram with the concept. After completing associaram students each group present their Association, 
arguing them one way or another concept. This method not only helps students to activate the lexical 
material on the topic, but also helps to consistently and logically express thoughts and ideas in English. 
Working in a group allows you to initially select leaders from among the participants, as well as assistant 
leaders, and switch leaders from classes to classes, which allows each student to become an equal partner of 
foreign language communication. 
4) "Working with illustrations", mainly drawings and photographs, which not only arouse students 
'interest in learning English, but also introduce them to the socio-cultural realities of the country of the 
language being studied, contribute to the activation of students' speech experience, cause various associations 
on the issue under discussion, create prerequisites for a free conversation about what they have seen. In 
addition to pictures, questions help students express their opinions, arouse interest in the problem, and there 
is a free conversation in the group. 
5) "Working with titles" is very interesting for students, as students, relying on linguistic and cultural 
concepts, learn to independently guess the topic of communication, audio or printed text, to argue the 
proposed answer and the correctness of their assumption. 

ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Специальная педагогика», №1(64), 2021 г. 
6) "selection of equivalents" teaches students the skills and abilities of selecting the equivalents of 
English and Russian concepts, followed by their interpretation in English. This type of task provides students 
with the opportunity to choose, compare and establish similarities and differences between the lexical units 
of the English language and their native speakers. 
7) "interpretation of linguistic and cultural concepts in the English language". Such methods as 
definition, interpretation, synonyms, translation are traditional methods of semanticizing lexical units within 
the framework of the conceptual level. N.B. Merkish called these approaches "culturally neutral", since they 
allow us to reveal data about the lexical meaning of words-realities and background words, and cultural 
specificity is present on the lexical background of these units. Being traditional, the comprehension or 
interpretation of lexical units in English acts as an effective means of improving the cultural information 
accumulated by students in the process of studying the topic. For example, students are asked to divide into 
groups. Each group of students, based on the information, is assigned to interpret one of the linguistic and 
cultural concepts obtained as a result of reading an authentic text or watching a video containing specific 
facts of the culture of the English language. Students of other groups should understand the meaning of the 
linguistic and cultural concept and call it in English. 
8) "Maintaining the reader's protocol" is aimed at developing the ability to adequately perceive the 
meaning of a word in the process of reading an authentic text. After reading the text and completing the task, 
the students get a complete picture of the lexical background of this reality. 
9) "Creating a story on a topic using reference words on the cards"" This task is more effective if the use 
of words in the cards is due to the involvement of illustrative material. For example, before watching a video, 
students are asked to compose their story with words taken from the text, and thus anticipate the events of 
the listened text. 
10) "Creating and reproducing a dialogue using vocabulary with cultural characteristics" "Students must 
independently guess the meaning of certain words through the context. Creating and playing your own 
dialogues promotes the conscious and contextual use of words with certain cultural characteristics in 
conditions of adequate communication. 
11) "Explanation" reflects the background information of this lexical unit as a method of semanticizing a 
linguocultural concept, in which students guess the meaning of the studied concept. 
The purposeful and systematic application of this described methodological approach, a set of tasks and 
exercises in the English language, ultimately contributes to the consistent formation of a list of linguistic and 
cultural knowledge and skills that form linguistic and cultural competence [2, 345-346]. 

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