Summary Akhmetova A.K. – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of department"Music education and
Conceptual approaches to improve the structure of the educational technology ofmusicteacher The article examines the conceptual approaches to improving the structure of the educational technology
ofmusicteacher. The most appropriate approaches to allocate such as: personal, axiological and activity. The personal
approach includes: orientation, personal experience, psychological state.
Axiological approach is concentrates the totality of pedagogical values accumulated prior experience, and included
in his creative laboratory.
The activity approach is the basis of solving the problems of improving the training of the future specialist.
Keywords: focus, attention, perception, thinking, memory, emotion, interest, ideal, belief, personal, axiological,
activity, individual potential, personal experience, creativity, model.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 180