Түйін сөздер: студент, кəсіби білім, оқу үдерісі, бақылау, бағалау.
Summary Orazov Sh.B. - d.p.n., professor the International Kazakh-Turkish university him Kh.a. Yasavi
The importance of professional advancement of students in the process of self-preparation The efficiency of preparation of the students of pedagogical higher educational institutions to optimum purposeful
pedagogical activity at school and realization of professional self-education at a creative level, depends on, as far as the
opportunities of each educational discipline were full used, from the point of view of its contribution in mastering by
the future teacher by knowledge and ways of interaction with object of professional activity, in formation both
development gnostic abilities and skills, future subjects of pedagogical work.
Training of university students will proceed successfully if they have the willingness to work on in a development
for the future professional activity. The most important task of modern education of youth development specialists
considered independent. Without complete independence of the youth will not be able to work out of themselves good
Student age characterized by the fact that by the time a man reaches a certain social maturity and preparing itself to
new social rolls in the society. This age period - decisive in the formation of man as a person. It was completed during
the formation of the individual strings representations, and if not all of them. That much of their grouped into one
network, extensive enough to give a decisive preponderance of one or the other direction in the image of the human
mind and its nature.