Түйін сөздер: пенитенциарлық педагогика, түзеу мекемесіндегі педагогикалық үдеріс, түзеу мекемесіндегі
тəрбие объекті, тəрбиеші тұлғасы жəне қызметкерлер ұжымы, түзеу мекемесіндегі педагогикалық үдеріс заңды-
Summary Ilina Tatiana – Candidate of Psychology, Kostanay Academy of the IAM of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Pedagogical process and the specific of its organization in the correctional institution The article considers the specificity of organization the pedagogical process in the penal institutions. It pays atten-
tion to on the base of pedagogical process of the correctional institution has the necessity of compliance the pedagogical
principles and methods of organization the pedagogical process within the compulsory compliance of the legal acts. The
author gives the characteristic of components, which characterize the specific particularities of pedagogical process in
the penal institutions.
Keywords: penitentiary pedagogy, pedagogical process of the correctional institutions, object of education in the
correctional institutions, personality of teacher and the staff, regularities of pedagogical process in the correctional insti-
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 42