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Қабылдаған:Джамалова Саида
Орындаған:Амалбек А

2022-2023 оқу жылы

What Is The Importance Of Family In Modern Society?

With advancements in technology, changing cultural norms, new priorities, and new forms of communication fueled by the internet, you may wonder how family holds up in a modern and ever-changing society. The concept of a family could continue to be essential for people from all walks of life, despite changing beliefs or customs. Research demonstrates the importance of family for numerous areas of well-being. No matter how much life changes and the concept of family evolves, it may continue to benefit human health and wellness.The Importance Of Family In Educating ChildrenOne way many parents contribute to society is by educating their children. Parents and caregivers often begin teaching children at a very young age. They may help them learn to walk and teach them new words as they develop their vocabulary and language skills. They also may teach them manners and take advantage of learning opportunities in everyday life. Many parents are equipped when it comes to helping their children learn after they go to school. They can encourage scholarship opportunities, ethical behavior, and social skills that can benefit children through adolescence and into adulthood.All Families May Struggle Sometimes At TimesEven though families can have benefits, they may face challenges at times. You might need support to get through difficult times, and you are not alone. When it comes to overcoming the challenges of family life, you might find support in your friends. You can also seek the help of a professional with training and experience in family dynamics.

Budget of young famiiy
A family budget is a financial plan based on the calculation of family income and expenses.The correct creation and implementation of a financial plan is directly related to family members. Experts say that creating a family financial plan depends on the type of budget you choose, that is, it is better to determine the type of budget first. It includes the following 3 categories: 1. Joint family budget;2. Separate family budget;3. Mixed family budget. A joint family budget means that spouses collect their incomes together and spend the funds in a planned manner for all family expenses and personal expenses. Many families use this method.In a separate family budget, each family member owns his own income. Such families are common in western countries. Since they don't want to be financially dependent on each other, they pay for family expenses individually, and make joint decisions only on expenses that require a lot of money.
Tupes of housing
Types of houses .One type of house is a duplex. This is a house that has two floors built under the same roof. One person lives on the upper floor while the other lives on the ground floor.There are also cottages that are usually small in nature. They are usually found in the country side. They have walls made of brick or stone and have thatched roofs.Condominiums or condos are apartments that are individually owned. This is where an entire apartment is owned by a single person or a group of people. They can then rent them out to other people.Castles are also types of houses that are mostly used by kings and queens. Their walls are made of thick stone and have very high ceilings.Bungalows are types of one story houses. They are small in nature and usually have large verandas on the back or front.Apartment is the type of house that you rent. It is found inside a large building consisting of other several apartments rented by other people.There are also people who live in caravans/trailers. This is a type of vehicle that is attached to a truck or car that pulls it.Huts are also houses mostly found among traditional people. It is a one story house made out of mud and thatched roofs.Some people also live in They are mostly found in extremely cold areas. This type of house is constructed with snow or ice and it is round in shape.Flats are houses that are similar to apartments. The word flat is mostly used by the British people.Farmhouses are houses that are built on farms in rural areas. They are usually simple one story houses.Other people also live in They are types of boats that are made to be houses where people live in. they resemble a floating building.There are also hotels or lodges. These are the types of houses that you pay money to sleep in for a short period of time.Another type of house is the This is found in oceans and they have a light that notifies large boats when they are close to the land.Log cabins are types of houses that are mostly found in forested areas. They are constructed using logs or wood.A mansion is a type of expensive and huge house. These types of houses are mostly lived in by famous and wealthy people.A shack is a type of house that resembles a hut. It is made using cheap materials and is usually not well built.A teepee is a type of house that Native Americans used to live in. This type of house is constructed using animal skins and sticks.A townhouse is the type of house that is usually found in the city. They are narrow and tall building s with little or no garden.A tent is a temporary form of housing. It is made from fabric and is usually used when camping.
Modern design
The evolution of architectural designs originated from the simple ancient ideas to the present complex technical and advanced forms. This growth has been facilitated by the increase in research and innovation that has been on the rise since the 18th century. The inventions have resulted into sophisticated designs of modern structures that have made the world a much more beautiful place. Thus, modern structures are characterized by skyscrapers and other designs referred to as the impossible structures. Some of the modern designs are created to withstand the natural disasters that come as a result of complex weather patterns that occur in some parts of the world. Thus, Dubai is one of the cities in the world that display the most sophisticated building designs of modern times. These structures are made to attract tourist from different parts of the globe to help in expanding the economy of the region. Some of the attractive structures in this region include the Dubai Hotel that has been built in the sea to increase its superiority. The modern designs are the result of the contribution of various personalities who have shown interest over the years in making the world a beautiful place. The extensive research by these people created a sense of progression in the field of architectural science. The paper discusses the pioneers of modern design theory; it specifically focuses on the theories of Patrick Geddes and Hector Guimard, their historical background, and the contribution they have made towards the growth of architectural science.
Vacation planning
Summer vacation is the most interesting period of the year since there is no school, no need to wake up early and no studies. After working hard for the whole year we eagerly await summer vacations. It is a sigh of relief when we are done with our final exams. This summer I plan to engage myself in activities that will relax my mind and body. I am really planning to wake up late every morning first of all.I am going to engage myself in Yoga as I am a fitness freak and Yoga strengthens your mind and body and sets you up for wellness. I love the whole concept of Yoga. It’s more than just physical exercise, it has spiritual and meditative core. Another activity that I am planning to engage in is ballet dance. I would love to practice classical ballet this summer.It requires a special training and summer vacation is the best period for engaging in something I love. This year I won’t be going for any trip. I and my siblings are only planning to get more creative and fit for a more productive and fun year ahead. We are all quite excited about the summer vacations and have chosen our activities as per our choice.
We invite you to an exciting journey
hello friends. My name is Nargiza. I invite you to travel to Ashchysay, where I was born and raised. Because the nature, beauty, and history of this place are unique. It is enough for comfort and historical excavations. My friend, I invite you to travel to this place. Achisay (kaz. Ashchysay) is a village (formerly an urban-type settlement) in the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan. It is subordinated to the city administration of Kentau. The administrative center and the only settlement of the Achisai rural district. It is located about 30 km east of the city of Kentau

Spirtual renaissance

Despite an apparent general spiritual impoverishment and disregard for highest values there is, paradoxically, a new spirituality emerging from this secularization. There is a spiritual impulse acting in all spheres of life as people become aware of a holistic vision that is personal yet transcends the individual and there seems to be a general participation in the externalization of essential spirituality. The search to experience higher states of consciousness is combined with a commitment to work together so that the resulting perceptions may be manifest in human affairs. Inspiration is sought from all cultures and times, the heroes of each revealing some aspect of corporate inner destiny. The theme of unity and global cooperation is arising from numerous directions, indicating that the corporate soul or divine presence is at work in the world. Self-interest is being sacrificed and concern is emerging for the improvement of all life in a spiritual renaissance.
An example of this concern is the increasing prevalence of the empathetic approach as opposed to the objective, reductionist approach in study. Progress is based on intuitive understanding and a recognition of the causal nature of consciousness. There is a desire to explore inner as well as outer space.
Rather than participation in intense private devotions or "escapist" religious life, this new spirituality looks to secular as well as religious institutions and relates to everyday life. It is a dynamic process of transformation integral to human development and permeating all human activity. Its practice demands the use of the imagination as a source of insight. In the contemporary cross-cultural environment, this spirituality implies a pluralistic perspective in time as well as space.

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