Асан Нұрсейт Тексерген: Убаева Ж.Қ

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Асан Н.ИКТ 7 апта

Қазақстан Республикасының білім және ғылым министірлігі
Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік университеті

Орындаған: Асан Нұрсейт
Тексерген: Убаева Ж.Қ.

Тақырып: Comparative analysis of anti–virus means of Information protection.
Stage 2.

Information protection - measures to prevent the leakage of protected information, unauthorized and unauthorized access to protected information.

Protection of information from unforeseen impact - the impact of user errors on the protected information, hardware and software information systems, as well as natural phenomena or other effects not related to the change of information related to their operation. , as well as the activities of persons that result in the loss, damage or malfunction of the media.

A computer virus is a small, specially designed program that aims to replicate itself and embed copies of itself into computer programs. The main purpose of viruses is to take control of the computer and deprive the computer of the ability to function normally.

The virus can perform a variety of destructive actions: from very simple effects (for example, playing music) to very harmful effects for the user (from deleting data on the disk and damaging the computer).

The process of inserting a copy of a virus into other programs is called infection, and the object that contains the virus is called infected or infected.

There are several types of viruses. They

a sharp decrease in computer speed;

appearance of other information on the screen;
appearance of various video effects;
corruption of all file systems on the disk;
the operating system cannot find (see) the hard drive;
arbitrary change of length (size) of some files;
the computer does not start.
Many types of viruses are stored permanently in computer memory after running infected programs. In this case, the virus enters other programs before restarting the computer and performs various malicious actions on the computer.

There are viruses that try to maintain their activity after restarting the computer. In recent years, viruses have been created and distributed that do not disappear even after the computer has been shut down, but are activated when the computer is restarted.

Non-infected objects
Because a virus is a program, it can damage, but not infect, objects that do not contain the program and cannot be converted into a program.

Such objects include text files (command files and program text), documents of simple editors (Lexicon and Multi-Edit), graphic files in .BMP, .PCX, .GIF, .WMF formats, database information files and others.

Classification of computer viruses.
Several thousand virus programs are currently known. They can be classified by the following features:

methods of infection;

level of impact,
Features of algorithms.
Depending on the environment, viruses can be divided into network, file, downloader, file-uploader:

Network viruses spread through various computer networks.

File viruses are mainly included in ready-to-run modules, ie .com extensions, .exe, and sometimes .sys files. These viruses write their body at the beginning, middle, and end of the file and distort the text in the file so that they can be the first to take control. File viruses embedded in other extended files cannot be managed and lose their ability to spread.
Viruses-satellites. These create a file with a virus of the same name with a .exe extension for each file that the virus complains about.
Boot viruses infect the boot partition of the disk (Boot-sector) or the boot partition of the system disk (Master Boot Record). In most cases, the virus does not fit the entire boot record, so it writes only the head of the virus, the rest is stored in other parts of the disk. After activation, the resident is stored in memory.
File-loading viruses are viruses that combine the properties of file and download viruses. Such viruses infect both files and boot disks.
Documents created with the help of editors running in the MS DOS environment, due to the lack of programming elements, are damaged by the virus, but do not store the virus in the body, ie not infected, and therefore do not participate in the process of virus transmission. Applications running in the Windows environment use macros, small programs that perform various actions automatically. Viruses that enter these macros and not only damage the document, but also spread to other documents are called macroviruses.

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