Атты III халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жинағЫ


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6. Winning the game: When all players have finished the board, the person with the high number 
of Mendeleyev coins wins.
Feedbacks from students on these games has been positive. These games generated the 
following student comments.
• I felt that this activity gave me a chance to best identify what I needed to spend the most
time studying.
• I would like to do more of these type of activities during class because it is a best time to ask 
questions and we can interact in small groups.
• We didn‘t follow to the previous standard rules, but we still learned a lot from this game
2. Running dictation. This activity can be explained in following Figures 1,2,3,4,5 
Running dictation is a great way to activate a tired class.Dictation activities also promote the 
conscious learning of structures. Students performing dictation exercises are generally required 
to transcribe the text as accurately as possible, and follow up work usually involves various 
kinds of coretion activities which focus directly on form. Running dictation is an accomplished
task involving listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is easy to prepare and practice. There 
are some steps of doing running dictation. 
After all of groups have finished, each student of groups takes the original text and do 
correction about their working.
In the end of the lesson this activity can be used as a ticket to go outside.
Overall, students would enjoy more time to play the games, and more time for game play in 
general.They did find them helpful for reviewing different materials. 
3.Board game where students can learn school curriculum and even study for tests while 
playing. Fun with metal groups and nonmetal groups and discover the consequences. Tramp 
the noble gases and make ionic bonds and get to home position. It is can be unique way to 
study Chemistry 
Aim of the game is to get all the pieces in the home position,then first player which get home 
wins.The game begins with putting the pieces down in the respective places. Atomic size starts 
with each player throwing a die and placing the corresponding pieces into the start position.The 
player must call up the name of the element as the pieces move or they lose his or her trusty 
volunteer that can play tutoring center. The playing pieces of this game are taken from the 
First runner as to run and read 
the copy of the text on the wall. 
He has to remember what he has 
read. If he has remembered what 
he has read, he comes back to 
his group and tells to the writer 
about what he read. The writer 
must write it correctly;
The second takes turn 
to do the same activity 
that first runner has 
done before. The other 
runners also do it. 
Figure 2 
Figure 3 
Figure 5 
Figure 4 

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