Koichuev Aitek Alim-JasharovichБайланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastKoichuev Aitek Alim-Jasharovich
The historical aspect of the Islamic educational thought in the North Caucasus
The article attempts to present a brief history, periodization create and give a brief conceptual analysis of the
Islamic educational thought in the North Caucasus, in the context of problems of education of Muslim youth of the
North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. Identified and analyzed certain characteristics of the educational
doctrines of Islam, which have found expression in folk pedagogy, activities educators and teachers in different his-
torical periods. Study the history and content of the teaching of Islamic thought in the North Caucasus significantly
increases the pedagogical potential of educators working in Muslim ethno-cultural environment. It provides the
ability to align the educational impact undertaken by teachers in educational institutions with educational influence
exerted on the individual pupils family, ethnic and religious community, in today’s “Islamic Renaissance”. Further
study and use of the heritage of the Islamic educational thought at different levels of modern education, are able to
significantly optimize the educational work with the Muslim youth to contribute to its successful social adaptation in
a multicultural society.
Keywords: Islamic educational thought, a brief history, periodization, analysis.
Поступила в редакцию 08.01.2015.