Ilyassova Zibagul Suleymenovna, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National UniversityБайланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastIlyassova Zibagul Suleymenovna, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Astana city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Sources about Turks in the “Book of stories about countries” (“Kitab Akhbar al-buldan”) by Ibn al-Faqih
The article presents valuable materials by the Arab geographer Ibn al-Fakih “Book of stories about countries”
of the Turkic tribes (Karluk, Kimaks, Kipchaks, Oguz, Toguz-Oguz and others), their states, cities, trade routes, lo-
cation, economy and culture.
The article analyzes the most valuable sources for the history of Kazakhstan of the medieval period - historical
and geographical sources, which characterize the tribes and nations who inhabited our land.
The sources used by Ibn al-Faqih are determined, the article shows the value of the source through a historical
and comparative analysis.
Keywords: Arab caliphate, Arabic geographer,
historical and geographical sources,
Turkic tribes, Muslim
Редакцияға 04.02.2015 қабылданды.
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