Ключевые слова: Акмолинский область, политика, целина, личность, судьба.
Arailym Mussagaliyeva Sabitovna
, Yeshim Yelnur Omaruly
doctor of historical sciences, professor Eurasian national university named after L.N. Gumilev
Eurasian national university named after L.N. Gumilev, аpplicant
It is article that at all times official recognition of the state is gained by merits of those people which all con-
scious life serve the people faithfully. It is noted that Zh.A.Tashenоv, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic which resolutely opposed N.S.Khrushchev’s proposal to tear away the Northern Ka-
zakh lands, having subordinated Tselinniy edge directly the Center, was one of victims manifestations of subjectivity
and voluntarism — the state policy condemned by time and history. Life, labor and state activity of Zh.A.Tashenоv,
who thanks to exclusive working capacity, organizing talent and high responsibility quickly rose through the ranks
are comprehensively investigated. The wish is shown that in the future the unprecedented act of Zh.A.Tashenоv, who
infinitely loved his land, his native country, has to find reflection in younger generation education.
Key words: Akmolinsky region, polotic, fate,virgin soil, personality.
Редакцияға 11.02.2015 қабылданды.