B.T. Kuppaуeva. The Soviet leadership modelБайланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastB.T. Kuppaуeva. The Soviet leadership model
The point of view of the author is to ensure that the Soviet leadership had a type of deep Russian roots and was
a natural result of the development of the entire previous history of the Russian intelligentsia. Political leadership
established under Stalin in the 1930 s, is the logical result of the Bolshevik movement. There are no fundamental
differences, there is no logical inconsistency between Bolshevism and Stalinism, which politically and ideologically
represent the same thing.
Keywords: Soviet type of leadership, Khrushchev’s reforms, Bolshevism, Stalinism and the Brezhnev era.
Поступила в редакцию 15.01.2015.