FL-14 Topic 11. Implementation of the
Soviet model of state building
1.Яровая Анастасия
2.Темирханова Зарина
3.Абу Аружан
Topic 10: Kazakhstan in the years of civil and political confrontation.
Байманова Алима,
Гани Кымбат,
Алпысова Айжан,
Оразбек Жайна
Topic 13. Declaration of Independence of Kazakhstan 1. The first national elections of the President of Kazakhstan.
2. Definition of the state strategy for the development of independent
Strengthening the
process of democratization of society.
3 National referendum, adoption of the current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. Development of parliamentary in Kazakhstan.
Елеусинова Аружан, Байдаулетова Даяна, Алданазаркызы Айдана, Жаксыбай Айдана
Topic 8: Kazakhstan in the context of Russian policy:administrative reforms
Самбаева Айгерим,
Саматова Назерке,
Калдыораз Амина
Topic Topic 12. Contradictions and consequences of Soviet reforms in Kazakhstan in the second half of the twentieth century
Байжуманова Азиза
Ахметжанова Айкерім
Жолдасбек Ұлпан
Ример Валерия
Topic 9. People's liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against colonialism.
The participation of the Kazakhs in the uprising of E. Pugachev. Болат Ақбота
Елеусіз Аружан
Жандос Ақмарал
Мұқанбай Дильназ
Topic 9. The alash movement and the idea of national state Жумабаева Алия