Eugene LEVIN, Houghton MI, United States of America
Farit Nizametdinov, Karaganda, KSTU
Victor Dolgonosov, Karagand, KSTU
There is a large and growing societal need for scientists and engineers with
advanced training in the geospatial and geotechnical technologies. In particular,
there is a recognized need in different disciplines to gather, analyze and interpret
geographically referenced spatial information data. Powerful new research and
technological tools for addressing these problems require undergraduate and
graduate-level training in the geospatial sciences for their effective use. This
report focuses on educational aspects of Karaganda State Technological
University (KSTU) and Michigan Tech University collaboration. Michigan Tech
Geospatial Initiative has led to innovative ideas of collaborative with KSTU
development of geospatial educational components, research, and international
outreach. Much of the educational curriculum in new Integrated Geospatial
Technology graduate degree is comprised of a developed online component.
Coursework can be delivered worldwide in an effort to target and encourage
students around the world. It also can be useful for continuing education of
geospatial professionals worldwide. Collaboration developed may lead to
mutual responses in addressing United Nation initiatives related to geospatial
training and education. This paper describes the above mentioned activities in
more detail.
The heightened concern for the environment and the focus on sustainable
economic development greatly increase the demand for credible and accurate
geospatial data. Terabytes of geospatial data and metadata about the Earth are
routinely acquired using sophisticated technology such as global navigational
satellite systems (GNSS), aerial and satellite panchromatic and hyperspectral
remote sensors, high precision optical-electronic surveying instruments, laser
scanning systems, radars, and sonar. Geographic data helps scientists from
diverse disciplines including geology, volcanology, forestry, agriculture, social
sciences, demography, history, and political science to study the Earth and
phenomena induced by human activity. Characteristically, geospatial data and
technologies are used by scientists in other disciplines as enablers, to help them
succeed in their research. However, the acquisition and processing of such data
is an applied science and technology by itself. The roots of these technologies
and the analysis procedures they employ are embedded in the traditional fields
of surveying, geodetic science, photogrammetry, cartography, and mapping.
Enriched with new technological development in optics, electronics, computing,
and data networks, these traditional fields emerge in a new blend of applied
science integrated geospatial technologies (IGT).
Without a doubt the geospatial information enterprise is large and growing.
The various studies and reports are unanimous in that assessment. However, the
available estimates of the size of the enterprise vary due to the lack of a standard
industry definition [Ohio State 2002]. The photogrammetrist and geodesist
Duane Marble extensively probed the question “Who are we?”, i.e., who is to be
counted as a member of the geospatial workforce[Marble 2006]. He identified
three groups of workers whose primary concerns are knowledge generation and
integration, tool development and testing, and utilization of knowledge and
tools. As to the cost of goods, a survey of the American Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) estimated the revenues of the
remote sensing and geospatial information industry to be $2.4 billion for 2010,
and predicted growth to more than $6 billion by 2012 [Mondello et al. 2006] .
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in consultation
with the Geospatial Workforce Development Center at the University of
Southern Mississippi, estimated that the U.S. geospatial technology market
would generate $30 billion a year by 2005—$20 billion for remote sensing and
$10 billion for geographic information services [Gaudet et al 2003].[Longley et
al 2005] estimate that there are about four million GIS (geographic information
systems) users worldwide, working at about two million sites. Efforts to define
the geospatial workforce and to estimate the extent of the geospatial industry are
continuing. Summarizing these efforts is not the scope of this paper. We
recommend “googling” the information. One might start with the U.S.
Department of Labor’s homepage.
http://www.doleta.gov/BRG/Indprof/geospatial_profile.cfm) which presents an
informative industry profile on the high growth of geospatial technology.
Whatever the actual size and diversity of the geospatial information
workforce, it is clear that there is a great demand for individuals with a strong
geospatial background to support industry growth and consumer satisfaction.
Required is integrative and unified professional knowledge in the various areas
of quantitative geospatial techniques and technologies. An integrated approach
to geospatial education is presented to meet these educational and training
Developing countries are working hard in achieving better standard of life
for their citizens through embracing new technologies in different aspects of
sciences such as the peaceful use of aerospace sciences for natural resources
management. Geospatial science and technology has different applications in
developing countries such as; in environmental monitoring, disaster
management, management of natural resources, precision agriculture; surveying
and mapping; Earth sciences, air and land transportation; and precision timing.
For example, without a sound cadastral system, developing countries could not
assure the reliability of land titles. Without it, countries will find it impossible to
encourage sustainable investment towards the entrepreneurial use of land to
maximize economic benefits. Certainly preparation of the geospatial workforce
for these countries are of their vital national interest. It is obvious that cost
associated with geospatial science and technology specialist’s preparation may
become an obstacle. What is a possible solution for the problem stated? From
the authors point of view, one of the viable mechanisms is the United Nations
University program [UNU]. Institutions of the UNU contributes to the UNU
mission, which is "to contribute, through research and capacity building, to
efforts to resolve the pressing global problems that are the concern of the United
Nations, its Peoples and Member States". Example of the sucessful
iplementation of such a solution is cooperation between International Traininng
Center (ITC) [ITC] and the UNU which is directed at developing and carrying
out a joint programme on capacity building in disaster management and in land
administration, and at disseminating knowledge on these and directly related
issues. We believe that Michigan Tech and KSTU have the potential to build
collaboratively sucessful UNU academic programs in geospatial science and
technology. Specifically collaboration of the two schools can be fruitful in
resolution of a perceived contradiction between “Training” and “Education.” In
certain geospatial areas(GIS,Remote Sensing) it is important to provide students
with minimum “mouse-clicking” skills, also known as “buttonology.”
Buttonology is defined in Wikipedia as “basic training required to start using a
piece of software: what the components of the interface are, what they do, how
to accomplish basic tasks.” Geospatial education requires the study of
fundamental mathematical and physics principles and other phenomena and
processes which are implemented as “technology behind the buttons.”
Therefore, whereas buttonology will not be ignored entirely, every effort will be
made to use it to advance education. In this effort it is obviously rational
distribution of strengths where traditionally strong KSTU fundamental science
education can be combined with reputable training and Michigan Tech where
graduates are known as ”ready to work on the first day of hire”. We also believe
that summer internships in the Russian Federation and the United States may
give forthcoming UNU program students opportunity to experience different
eneterprenurship approaches. Specifically, for countries like Mongolia, another
adavantage of participation in such a program can be practicing in both Russian
and English languages. Bellow we will decribe our first steps towards this goal.
Geospatial education opportunities at Michigan Tech
Research-based, multidisciplinary graduate education will prepare students
to master the necessary technical, analytical, business, and interpersonal
competencies. The interdisciplinary graduate education promotes the adoption
of such key elements as spatial analysis, geographic modeling, and geodetic
accuracy considerations among the various disciplines that employ geospatial
technologies. Figure 1 gives a list of existing and forthcoming geospatial
degrees obtainable from Michigan Tech.
Figure 1. Structure of Michigan Tech degrees in Geospatial Science,
Technologies and Geoinformatics
Baccalaureate Level
The undergraduate programs in surveying, the natural sciences, electrical
and mechanical engineering, and computer science form a broad basis of the
structure. Clearly, surveying students are part of the graduate program input
stream, but not exclusively. Broadening this input stream is important to us, not
only as a way of increasing the number of students but also to foster the
multidisciplinary composition of the student body. The B.S. in Surveying
Engineering [Surveying] already exists at School of Technology. Also in
existence is a Geospatial Engineering Emphasis [Geospatial Emphasis] for the
B.S. in Engineering degree offered at College of Engineering. A minor in
Surveying Engineering for the B.S. in Civil Engineering degree is in the process
of being approved.
Master Level
The M.Sc. in Spatial Information Science offers a geospatial specialization
for students with a background in the natural sciences such as forestry, geology,
environmental studies and nature conservancy, and similar areas. GIS and
remote sensing coursework will be adapted with consideration of specific
environmental problems that are relevant to the background of these students.
Another degree, the M.Sc. in Geoinformatics, is intended for students with a
background in electrical, mechanical, computer, and other engineering sciences.
The expected areas of concentration are manned/unmanned robotic platforms
guidance, navigation and control, location-based services, and geospatial virtual
and augmented reality. Students will be able to learn about positioning sensors,
terrain 3D modeling, and visualization.
Both these interdisciplinary degrees include a tailored geospatial component
which provides non-geospatial students with an introduction to core geospatial
disciplines such as geodesy, photogrammetry, cartography, remote sensing, and
GIS. M.Sc. degree in Integrated Geospatial Technology [IGT] represents a
curriculum continuation for geospatial students primarily.
A total of 30 credit hours are required for each M.Sc. program. There are
three required courses totaling six credit hours for IGT program which forms the
introductory geospatial component. This component comprises the SU5010
(Geospatial Concepts, Technologies, and Data), FW 5810 (Research Methods in
Natural Resources), and SU5800 (Master's Graduate Seminar) courses. The
remainder of the curriculum, termed the Integrated Geospatial Technology
program, is designed as follows: (a) course-only option with 24 elective credits
hours, (b) project option with 18-22 credit hours of elective courses and 2-6
credits for a practicum and a report, and (c) research option with 14-18 credit
hours of elective courses and 6-10 credits for research.
The themes of the elective courses are geodesy, Geographic Information
Science, remote sensing, and geospatial metadata and cartography. The large
variety of available courses provides students with many choices when
designing their program of study. The following graduate courses are included
in Michigan Tech’s Geospatial curriculum:
Geodesy: The geodesy courses are designed to provide students with the
knowledge required to master accurate geospatial positioning based on rigorous
geodetic theory and focus on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The
courses include SU5020 (Data Analysis and Adjustments), SU5021 (Geodetic
Models), SU5022 (Positioning with GNSS), and SU5023 (Geospatial
Geographic Information Science: The courses in geographic information
science provide students with an introduction to the information science issues
associated with processing and displaying geographical data. The courses
include SU5003 (GIS Technology Fundamentals), SU5041 (Geospatial Data
Processing), and SU5043 (Topographic Analysis).
Remote Sensing: The courses in remote sensing provide a background in
wireless or noncontact methods of obtaining information related to geospatial
objects. The courses include SU5002 (Infrared Technology, Sensors, and
Applications), SU5004 (Introduction to Geospatial Image Processing), GE5930
(Synthetic Aperture Radar Fundamentals and Applications), FW5540
(Advanced Terrestrial Remote Sensing), FW5560 (Digital Image Processing: A
Remote Sensing Perspective), and FW5510 (Applied Terrestrial Laser
Geospatial Metadata and Cartography: This group of courses provides
the knowledge and background to understand the science of describing data and
visualization in different types of maps. The courses include SU5042 (Digital
Cartography), FW5550 (Geographic Information Systems for Resource
Management), and GE5250 (Advanced Computational Geosciences).
Graduate Certificate
The courses referred to above are also available to students seeking a
Graduate Certificate. Any combination of 15 credits, i.e., five courses, may be
selected, depending on the student’s technical area of interest. Example groups
of courses oriented towards particular areas of emphasis are as follows:
GNSS and GIS: SU5020; SU5021; SU5022; SU5003; FW5560
Surveying and GNSS: SU5010; SU5023; SU5003; SU4041; FW5560
GIS and 3D Visualization: SU5004 (FW5560), SU5010; SU5041;
SU5042; SU5043 (FW5510)
Remote Sensing and GIS: SU3540; SU5001; SU5002; SU5004
(FW5560), SU5010; SU5023; SU5930
Automated Cartography and GIS: SU3540; SU5001; SU5002; SU5004
(FW5560), SU5041; SU5043 (FW5510)
Manned & Unmanned Robotic Platforms (UAV/UGV) Guidance,
Navigation and Control (Geospatial Background): SU5004 (FW5560),
SU5010; SU5023; SU5041; SU5042
Interdisciplinary: SU5021; SU5023; SU5041; SU5042; SU5930
Ph.D Level
Our goal is to take graduate students with research experience to the next
level of geospatial science. It is clear that multiple interdisciplinary research
collaboration must be deepened to achieve that goal. Michigan Tech has already
successfully demonstrated its ability to put together interdisciplinary Ph.D.
programs that are housed within the Graduate School and allow faculty from
multiple disciplines to work together across traditional disciplinary boundaries
and departmental structures. To develop the new Ph.D. programs it is necessary
to: (1) bring together a group of colleagues from multiple disciplines (intra-
university and from outside the university); (2) build bridges between traditional
administrative units to enable scientists and students from multiple disciplines to
learn from one another; and (3) provide the framework of knowledge necessary
to develop interdisciplinary links among different disciplines. This seems to be a
reasonable roadmap to the future Ph.D. level geospatial degree.
Continuing Education –non degree seeking option
Michigan Tech’s current series of nine 1-credit hour GPS-GAP[GPS-GAP]
courses provide in-depth knowledge about the 3-dimensional geodetic model,
conformal mapping, geodetic-quality relative positioning, and precise point
positioning with GNSS. The course material is mathematical in nature and
algorithmically and geodetically correct and complete. Many computational
laboratories use actual data, such as pseudoranges and carrier phases, and
instructor-provided software which is available to students. This approach frees
learners from the constraints of commercial software and offers the possibility
of further experimentation and development.
Three 1-credit hour units are being developed which are based on the
original GPS-GAP series but deemphasize mathematical aspects in favor of
more sample computations, interpretation, and applications using Mathcad. This
new series is expected to become available in the spring of 2012 and is geared
toward individuals who seek general understanding of GPS-GAP principles, not
mathematical depth.
Using Skype or similar software for free Internet communication, free screen
sharing software, or even conferencing software makes for a truly unique,
location-independent learning environment which lends itself naturally to
individualized instruction. In this environment, students are able to view,
repeatedly, lectures, numerical solution implementations, and quiz questions,
and consult the instructor as needed. The quiz questions are a very important
part of the asynchronous, iterative learning strategy. The questions are presented
in a graphical format. This format makes it possible to create powerful
composites of equations, figures, text, and images as part of quiz questions.
There is a tight integration of the textbook GPS Satellite Surveying, the
PowerPoint presentations with audio, and the Mathcad solutions with audio. The
textbook and the course material were developed specifically with online
instruction in mind.
Following the iterative learning strategy: students first listen to the lecture
and the Mathcad implementation, perhaps even experiments with live Mathcad
solutions of their own, and then study the quiz questions. If the students do not
feel ready to take the quiz, they can listen to the lecture again, study the quiz
questions once more, and repeat this cycle until they are comfortable to take the
quiz. This iterative approach assures that students do not overlook the
mathematical detail and the finer points presented in the lecture, since the quiz
questions are a subtle reminder of what has been missed.
KSTU (Kazakhstan) and Michigan Tech University (Houghton, Michigan
USA) are working on agreement of academic cooperation. This academic
agreement assumes the following activities:
- exchange of scholars;
- facilitating joint research projects;
- creating joint research networks;
- co-sponsoring of/participation in workshops and/or conference days;
- facilitating joint preparation and publication of articles on topics of
mutual interest;
- exchange of students.
The collaborative efforts of Michigan Tech and KSTU in advancement and
globalization geospatial education are associated with geospatial research,
expanding collaborations with other geospatial programs recognized nationally
and internationally in terms of research and instruction, and aggressive
utilization of the latest Internet communication tools to build an educational
environment that is location-independent and enables individualized learning
opportunities. The KSTU and Michigan Tech programs makes every effort to
maintain open communication with professional groups, particularly the FIG,
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