Қазақстан Республикасының Ғылым және Білім беру Министрлігі

Passive Voice (Indefinite tenses)

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Passive Voice (Indefinite tenses).

Present Indefinite Passive




The letter is written by

Is the letter written by

The letter is not

my mother

my mother?

written by my mother

Past Indefinite Passive

The letter was written

by my mother

Was the letter written

by my mother?

The letter was not by

my mother.

Future Indefinite Passive

The letter will be

written by mother

Will the letter written

by my mother?

The letter will not be

written by my mother.

Салыстырыңыз :

Active Voice. Passive Voice.

  1. Peter the First founded 1. Our city was founded our city in 1703 by Peter the First in 1703

  2. A lot of students study 2. Foreign languages are foreign languages at the studied by a lot of students University. at the University.

  3. I shall post the letter 3. The letter will be posted immediately immediately.

Exercises :

  1. Translate into Kazakh and define its tenses :

  1. The post is delivered every morning.

  2. He is often sent parcels.

  3. Coffee is imported from Brazil.

  4. Those paintings were sold for 500 pounds each.

  5. That is a good book. It was written by George Orwell.

  6. The letter will be sent tomorrow.

  7. The gob will be advertised in the morning paper tomorrow.

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences. Give two variants if possible.

Model :They often show us foreign films at the University. 1)We are often shown foreign films at the University.

2) Foreign films are often shown to us at the University.

  1. They publish newspapers here.

  2. They delive mail in the morning.

  3. They showed the scientists a new research centre.

  4. They paid him only part of the money.

  5. I think you will be asked to help them.

  6. The report will be typed in an hour.

  1. Ask general guestions:

  1. We are given a lot of work to do.(you)

  2. Footwear is sold in this shop.(textile)

  3. They are taught Spanish.(French)

  4. The letter was brought in the evening.(telegram)

  5. The key was lost some days ago.(book)

  6. Steve will be told about it.(mary)

  7. The article will be typed today (the letters).

IY. Ask special guestions:

  1. They are taught two foreign languages.(What foreign languages )

  2. This journal is not published in Moscow.(where)

  3. Mr.Brown was highly paid last month.(when)

  4. The library was closed yesterday.(what)

  5. The meeting will be held in room 20.(at what time)

  6. He will be paid a lot.(how much) Y.Translate into English :

  1. Мына кітаптар барлық дүкендерде сатылады.

  2. Қай уақытта кітапхана жабылады?

  3. Былтыр ол шетелге жіберілді.

  4. Қай жылы мына вокзал салынды?

  5. Біз концертке шақырылған жоқпыз.

  6. Мен жұмыс уақытында бітіріледі деп сенемін.

  7. Құжаттарға ертең қол қойылады.

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