Бұл Қмж ust kz сайтында жасалынған. «Ustaz tilegi» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының сайтынының Қмж бөлімінде кез-келген пән, кез-келген сынып бойынша Қмж және презентацияны жүктеп ала аласыз. Ол үшін сілтеме арқылы өтіңіз

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1   ...   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   ...   125
Aim: make them involved to the theme
To develop Ss critical thinking skills and speaking skills
Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Ss to work with text.

Ss work as a team.
Discuss and change three things in the story.
Discuss Matt’s story from Ss point of view.
Present to the class new endings of the story

-work with text
-make a list
-share point of view
Total: 1point

Student’s book Poster

8 min.

T gives exercises 4 on page 81. “Headlines” task.
T asks Ss to complete the newspaper headlines.
T gives suitable verbs and gives the definition of the words.
Aim: to work with information.
To develop Ss speaking skills and writing skills Differentiation: «Verbal support» method is used to help Ss use new words in the sentences.

Ss look through the given words and definitions.
Choose suitable one and complete the headlines
Present their answer to the class.

-work with vocabulary
-complete the headline
Total: 1point

Student’s book

5 min

T asks students to look at exercise 7 and 8 on page 81
T gives the task to listen and put the pictures in order.
T gives the listening task again and Ss tasks is to write a story according to the notes in exercise 8.

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   ...   125

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