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moluch 342 ch2

№ 52 (342)
Декабрь 2020 г.
Сельское хозяйство
ment practices adopted during warehouse storage (e. g. regulation of 
temperature and relative humidity) can only build on the initial seed 
quality (FAO, 2018).
Some studies have analyzed the physiological performance of wheat 
seeds during storage, as a function of temperature, relative humidity 
and seed moisture content, as well as different packaging and storage 
condition (Strelec et al. 2010, Chattha et al. 2012, Petrenko 2014).
Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the germination ability 
of Chunt#1 wheat seeds variety, right after different storage condition.
Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the germi-
nation ability of wheat seed variety «Chunt#1» under various storage 
regimes at department of Agronomy, Parwan University, Parwan, 
Afghanistan during 20.Nov.2020. Chunt#1 wheat seeds variety 
were kept under three storage conditions (T1=warehouse storage, 
T2=Kando storage «Local grain storage system» and T3=plastic 
grain bag storage). The treatments were set in Completely Random-
ized Design (CRD) having four replications. Selected seeds of each 
treatment were placed in 30 cm
Petri dishes (100 seeds in each Petri 
dish) on double layer of Watman filter paper number one and kept 
at 8 days in normal temperature. The seeds were moistened when-
ever necessary. Evaluations occurred on the 3d day after sowing, by 
counting the number of normal seedlings (Brazil 2009). The germi-
nation speed index was also carried out simultaneously to the germi-
nation test, by counting the number of normal germinated seeds per 
day, from sowing to the 8th day (Maguire 1962).
The germination percent and germination speed of wheat seeds 
were recorded respectively from third to 8th days (Egli and Tekrony 
2005, Agarwal 1991), germination percentage determined through 
germinated seeds in the last day (Agarwal, 2003). The first germi-
nation count was performed with the germination test. Evaluations 
occurred on the 4th day after sowing, by counting the number of 
normal seedlings (Brazil 2009). The germination speed index was 
also carried out simultaneously to the germination test, by counting 
the number of normal germinated seeds per day, from sowing to the 
8th day (Maguire 1962).
Germination percentage (GP): calculating by using the equation:
− GP = A˚/A
− In which: A˚ = Number of germinated seeds. A = Total 
number seeds.
The data analysis is analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Excel 
program and SPSS software version 19. The LSD test use to deter-
mine if there will significant treatment effects (1% and 5%).

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