Chassis-шасси structure-структура

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Unit 5 eng


Stas: Hi! Seen you for ages! How are you?

Vlad: Hi! I'm perfectly well! I am working at a repairing shop. Very interesting I can tell you.

S.: What are you doing there?

V.: Now, we are testing the frame. You see, the driver has got into trouble. Something is wrong with his car. He thinks it is the frame.

S.: Has the car a conventional frame or a unibody frame?

V.: Unibody frame.

S.: I think you have to do a lot of work as body parts strengthen the entire car.

V.: Sure. We are testing all parts in order to find out the damage.

S.: I think you will cope with the problem.


seen you for ages — не видел тебя сто лет;

perfectly well — прекрасно;

get into trouble — попасть в беду;

be wrong with — что-то не так;

sure — конечно (без сомнения);

find out the damage — отыскать повреждение;

соре with — справиться (с проблемой).


aligment - выравнивание

attach — прикреплять

conventional frame - общепринятая рама

extremely rigid — очень жесткая

fasten — скреплять, закреплять

firm structure — крепкая (прочная)


frame — рама

heavy steel — прочная сталь

integral frame — рама, выполненная  воедино

pad — подушка

provide — обеспечивать reinforce — укреплять, усиливать

rivert — заклепывать

rubber insulator — резиновая прокладка

strengthen — усиливать suspension system - система подвески

weld — сваривать

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