«Молодой учёный»
. № 2 (82)
. Январь, 2015 г.
лодая женщина прорисована мягкими линиями, но эмоци-
онально, она обладает гармоничной красотой, тайной, во-
площая в себе идеал [6, с. 36].
В период 1925–1945 гг. живопись обогатилась успеш-
ными работами выпускников Колледжа изобразительных
искусств Индокитая Гэоргэц Хань, Нгуэнг Ван Ту, Лыонг
Щуанг Зи и др. Основными объектами изображения
для художников стали молодые женщины и дети,
явились для них восхвалением красоты человеческой
способом передачи культурных ценностей.
1. Во Ван Лак, Изображения — символы в произведениях народной графики Донг Хо во Вьетнаме // Перспек-
тивы науки, Тамбов, 2013. № 3 [42] 2013. с. 59–55.
2. Во Ван Лак, Изображения — символы в произведениях народной графики Ханг Чонг во Вьетнаме // Гло-
бальный научный потенциал, С, 2013. № 6 [27] 2013. с. 38–43.
3. Во Ван Лак, Cкульптура в гробницах в нагорьях Вьетнама// Молодой ученый (№ 18 (77), ноябрь 1 2014 г.
с. 763–765.
4. Во Ван Лак, Влияние французского искусства на традиционную живопись Вьетнама в период 1925–1945 гг.//
Молодой ученый (№ 1 (81), январь — 1 2015 г.
5. Нгуен, В. Ч. Искусство. Комментарии / В. Ч. Нгуен. — Ханой: Изобразительное искусство, 2000.
6. Нгуен, З. К. Сущность восточной философии / З. К. Нгуен. — Хошимин: Издательство Хошимина, 1999.
7. Нгуен, Х. Искусство Вьетнама XX века / Х. Нгуен. — Ханой: Знание, 2011.
“Young Scientist”
. #2 (82)
. January 2015
Synonyms of «to look» in English, Uzbek and Russian
Амирова Зохида Ориповна, преподаватель
Каршинский государственный университет (Узбекистан)
hen talking about synonyms of the word 'to look' in
English, Uzbek and Russian we should first look at how
differ definitions of this verb in these languages, because in
English and Russian the meaning of the verb is wider and in
Uzbek — narrower.
If the basic meaning 'to direct your eyes in order to see'
coincide in all three languages «qaramoq (biror kimga
yoki biror nimaga), «направлять взгляд, чтобы увидеть
кого-либо, что-нибудь, глядеть», then derivative meanings
do not. They coincide only in two languages or do not coin-
cide at all. And again structure of dictionaries differs — in
Uzbek dictionary meanings are very generalised — there are
mentioned 4 to 5, but in English dictionaries are from 6 to
12 meanings.
For example, in English one of derivative meanings of this
verb in English is «to
hope for, want or actively plan a course
of action, or to hope someone will act in the way mentioned»
which it does not have at all in Uzbek or Russian. 'To look'
meaning 'to show in appearance, to seem or appear to be
from facts or information' coincides with Russian «смотреть»
meaning «иметь какой-нибудь вид», but in Russian it is used
more in colloquial language. Compare English
to look well
and Russian
смотреть молодцом. In Russian «to look»
meaning «иметь попечение, заботиться» —
за детьми — does not have equivalent meaning in English
«to look» and Uzbek «qaramoq».
There is a difference of structure of languages. Important
is the fact that
English is analytical language, Uzbek and
Russian is syntactical.
In Russian, as in syntactical language, meaning of the
word is often altered by using prefixes and suffixes:
Смотреть — посмотреть, высмотреть, присмо-
треть, просмотреть, досмотреть, подсмотреть,
In English, as in analytical language, —
by using post-
To look — to look after, to look at, to look down on, to
look for, to look into, to look out, to look up to, etc.
Should we consider these combinations as independent
word combination or just derivative? In some dictionaries
they are included in definition of 'to look' and in some they
are examined separately.
In Russian dictionary as one of the meaning is mentioned
parenthesis (вводное слово) —
Ты, смотрю, совсем
In our opinion, the differences of the meanings are re-
flected also in synonyms of this verb in different languages.
However, synonym lines basically
consist of the verbs ex-
pressing different ways of looking in the first meaning of this
verb. But if we take synonyms of the verb 'to look' in Eng-
lish and translate them into Uzbek and Russian we will see
that not all those translated words will be from the synonym
line of this verb in that language (partially due to difference
of meanings).
Mainly synonyms are expressing the ways of looking —
very attentively —
to eye, to scrutinise, boqmoq, всматри-
ваться; firmly —
to stare, to gaze, tikilmoq, смотреть
в упор, не отрывать глаз; furtively —
to peek to peep,
mo'ralamoq (mo'ralab qaramoq), взглядывать, погля-
дывать; with anger —
сверлить глазами; with love —
ogle etc.
Synonyms are expressed not only
in one word but also in
word-combinations. In English dictionary there are
to have
a look, to pay attention, to skim through, to take note of
view and informal
to cast your eye and even slang
to take
a dekko. In Uzbek, there are
butun vujudi bilan tikilmoq,
ko'zini ola-kula qilib qaramoq, ko'zini uzmasdan qar-
amoq. In Russian there are too
a lot of word-combinations
with the word 'eyes', «глаза», especially in colloquial lan-
guage and slang.
Не спускать глаз, не отводить глаз,
смотреть во все глаза, сверлить глазами, таращить
глаза, брать глаза в руки, разувать глаза.
The synonym line of 'to look' in Uzbek synonym language
mainly consist of colloquial, common language and dialectal
words. Several of them or their forms could be considered as
Russian synonym dictionaries also provide colloquial and
common language word in line with literary as synonyms. I
would regard some of them obsolete too, as
низать глазами, вызариться, запускать глаза. But