Часть VI issn 2072-0297

Points A, B, C, D, E and F are used to represent

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Points A, B, C, D, E and F are used to represent 
things and the lines represent the similarities between 
them. Here we see that there are always some similarities 
between things. And the relationships among them 
present irregular three-dimensional reticulate structure
Different characteristics cause different similarity degrees 
between things. Usually things with certain similarity in dif-
ferent hierarchies or aspects are used to express each other. 
For example: fan-like ears, pillar-like legs, faucet-like nose, 
to guess an animal. Even the child knows that it's elephant. 
That's to express the elephant with fan, pillar and faucet. 
In Fig. 2, if we take A as elephant, B as fan, C as pillar, D as 
faucet, then their relationship is A=Bpx+Cpx+Dpx. PX rep-
resents the characteristic of certain hierarchies or aspects of 
things. CPI can be used not only to express things but also to 
express logics. CPI enables the computer to unfold all series 
of intelligent phenomenon. It's the fundament and spring of 
the complex intelligence.

«Молодой учёный» . № 2 (82)  . Январь, 2015 г.
What is the utilization of CPI? The above description may 
seem not so convenient for us to perceive the CPI utilization 
procedure. Now we'll explain by example. In order to make 
it easier to understand, we take just the NLU (Natural Lan-
guage Understanding) as example to explain the utilization 
of CPI.
For decades, in the field of NLU, people paid more atten-
tion to the imitation of the function of human brain and ig-
nored the real origins of human intelligence — all the in-
formation of the real world. About the NLU study, ever 
since before, it was usually confined to the analysis of lex-
icon, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. From transforma-
tional generative grammar to HNC (hierarchical network of 
concepts), from syntactic analysis to large corpora, they all 
study about how information was transmitted by language. 
Why language can express information. It's not because of 
information being transmitted by language, but language 
being the outcome of information interactions. So the break-
through point of NLU does not lie in the analysis of the lex-
icon, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, but lies in the re-
search of the regularity of information interaction. About the 
phenomenon of human obtaining information from language, 
it's more reasonable to say that information transmits lan-
guage than to say that language transmits information.
Now let's just take video and audio information as ex-
ample to explain how CPI was taken advantage of in the 
system of NLU.
The video and audio information process self-definition 
syncopate desperately after information acquisition base on 
computing. Syncopate is to divide information into system-
defined informosome so that to recalculate and establish 
the correlation degrees with more other informosome. After 
syncopation, different types of informosome process gem-
inal coupling. Geminal coupling is used to express the dif-
ferent correlation degrees among different types of informo-
some caused by the time similarity and information intensity. 
The GC (Geminal Coupling) informosome and video, audio 
informosome involve in integration and catenation all to-
gether. Integration is used to express the different corre-
lation degrees caused by the different time similarity and 
information intensity. Catenation is used to express the cor-
relation degrees that are not limited by time similarity. The 
results of integration and catenation are conducted storage. 
The informosome in storage participate in integration and 
catenation at the same time. Storage is an accumulation 
process of information. Information attenuated during the 
course of storage in order to show the different hierarchies 
or aspects of informosome. It's a progress of accelerating 

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