Часть VIII

Characteristics of the Main Types of Reading for Training at the Universities

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Characteristics of the Main Types of Reading for Training at the Universities

Ibrohimova Lobar Ishokovna, a teacher

Uzbekistan State World Languages University (Tashkent)


he content of learning to read includes linguistic, 

psychological and methodological components. Here we 

consider them in more detail.

The linguistic component is letters, words, phrases, 

sentences. Mastering the letter, students should be able 

to name it and the sound that it transmits. However, the 

minimum unit of learning to read is a word that allows you to 

master the technique of reading: dubbing a graphic image of 

a word according to the rules of reading or by memorizing the 

image of a word and associating this image with a meaning, 

that is, understand what is read.

Reading phrases teaches not only the articulation of a word, 

but also the placement of stresses according to the norms 

of the language. When reading sentences, the same thing 

happens, and the intonation design of sentences is also added.

The psychological component includes evolving skills and 

reading skills based on mastering actions and operations. 

Since reading has procedural and substantive plans, the skills 

and abilities formed during learning to read fall into two large 


1) technical reading skills;

2) skills and semantic information processing.

When teaching reading by the communicative method, it is 

important that the unity of the content and procedural plans be 

manifested, that is, the texts simultaneously served to develop 

the reading technique and were the source of information. It 

is necessary for the tasks intended for the development of the 

reading technique to give a more motivated character (for 

example, to read the text as if you were telling it yourself).

Skills of semantic processing of information constitute the 

essence of the reading itself. The ability to read means the 

ability to extract meaningful information, which means not 

only an understanding of what is expressed explicitly, that is, 

by the language means themselves, but also implicitly, that is, 

an understanding of information that lies outside the language 

constructs, implications, in other words, understanding the 

meaning. Such reading implies mastering the following skills:

—  anticipate the content of the text;

—  isolate the most important;

—  shorten the text by eliminating redundant information 

(pass the content of the paragraph 1–2 sentences);

—  to interpret, that is, to understand the subtext, the 

semantic content, to express their own attitude to the 


Methodological component — teaching students how 

to master reading in a foreign language, which leads to the 

formation of an individual reading style.

Learning reading as a type of speech activity begins at an 

advanced stage of learning. It is important for children to show 

that reading is also communication but mediated through the 

text. It is important to teach them the process of reading, to 

show that there is much in the text that helps to understand 

its content, the intention of the author.

Two important rules of reading: firstly, to read does not 

mean to translate and, secondly, to understand the text, it 

is not necessary to know every word. Below is a diagram of 

the «penetration» into a foreign language text, which clearly 

shows the correct chain of actions characteristic of a «mature» 

reader [1].

Reading is not a stable activity, either by result or in 

procedural terms. Thus, it always appears in one of its specific 

manifestations — the species.

The second task we consider the ability to work with 

a bilingual dictionary. This skill is generally an integral 

component of the culture of human cognitive activity. 

Unfortunately, many students are not trained in this: before 

picking up a dictionary, they write out unfamiliar words from 

the text in a column, then put aside the readable text, and start 

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