THE ESSENCE AND MAIN DIRECTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL WORK IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF KAZAKHSTAN Abdramanova G.B. 1 , Zhandavletova R.B. 2 (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: Abdramanova 1 Abdramanova Gulmira Bostanovna - PhD, Senior Lecturer; 2 Zhandavletova Raihan Bulatovna - PhD, Academic Аssociate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY AND CHEMISTRY, KYZYLORDIN STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER KORKYT ATA, KYZYLORDА, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Abstract: the formation of personality of future specialist is the main task of the system of higher education that ensures the development and formation of a spiritually-moral citizen, an intellectual, a professional with a modern scientific worldview. Such values of upbringing as patriotism, unity of the people, tolerance, respect for the law, education, professionalism, health and sport are taken as a basis. In this article consider about the problems of upbringing and some basic directions of educational activity in universities of Kazakhstan. Keywords: the main directions of educational work in the university, spiritual and moral education, socio - political and legal, international, economic education, trilingual education. CУЩНОСТЬ И ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ В ВУЗАХ КАЗАХСТАНА Абдраманова Г.Б. 1 , Жандавлетова Р.Б. 2 (Республика Казахстан) 1 Абдраманова Гульмира Бостановна - кандидат биологических наук, старший преподаватель; 2 Жандавлетова Райхан Булатовна - кандидат биологических наук, академический доцент, кафедра биологии, географии и химии, Кызылординский государственный университет им. Коркыт Ата, г. Кызылорда, Республика Казахстан