A. Kaidar on the periodization of the history of the Uighur language Abstract.The article discusses the views of academician Abduali Kaydar on the periodization of the history of the development of the Uighur literary language. A. Kaydar, based on the works of domestic and foreign Turkologists, in the language of rich written monuments written in the ancient and old Uyghur languages, dialect materials, divides the development of the Uyghur language into three stages: 1) the ancient stage, consisting of two periods: the most ancient ( to the 5th century AD) and ancient (5th-13th centuries); 2) medieval, divided into two periods: early medieval (11-14 centuries) and late medieval (15-17 centuries); 3) the modern stage is divided into the new (17th-19th centuries) and the latest periods (20th century). A. Kaidar believes that there are enough historical and linguistic facts proving that there is a certain line of succession in the development of the language of the ancient, medieval and modern Uighurs. This opinion of the scientist is supported by such well-known Turkologists as E. R. Tenishev.
Keywords: A. Qaydar; Uigur; division into stages; written monuments; history of development.