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This research is theory based. I apply Van Roy’s theoretical framework to explain the growth of corruption in Kazakhstan. My research is based on a secondary data. In Kazakhstan the data from the transition period on the public opinion, on the attitudes to corruption, on the practice of corruption, and on the clan cohesive networks is rare. Finding these data was a time-consuming challenge. Most of the data was generated by local think tanks and published in local paper journals or paper-based conference proceeds; only few were available on the Internet, which made it difficult to find the data. While sorting out the data, I used my professional judgment on the quality of the given research. I paid attention to the methods of data collection, and verified the names and the reputation of researchers and the research organizations. I also used for my study the quantitative research on corruption in Kazakhstan from the international sources. These research projects pursued different goals; the data was collected at different times from different groups of respondents. Therefore, I found it impossible to combine the data for mathematical modeling. The data topically describes micro-level situations rather then macro-level developments.
I relied on the secondary data to illustrate certain cultural and ethnographic perspectives and made logical connections to the current state of corruption in Kazakhstan. On the basis of these data I offered a theoretical explanation of the relationship between social effects and corruption. Researchers know well that countrywide statistical data on corruption do not exist because no government agency collects such data. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not publish the information on court decisions on corruption cases in Kazakhstan
(http://www.minjust.kz/ru). Therefore, researchers of corruption in Kazakhstan rely on the perceptions of corruption by local people, experts, and businesspersons. My conclusions are supported by the secondary data that describe the local perception of corruption in Kazakhstan, attitudes to market reforms, attitudes to corruption, and opinions about the cultural patterns.

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