Bazarbekova Dumangul
Zhezkazgan University O.A.Baykonurova
Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan
Аталмыш жұмыс мұғалімнің және оқушылардың индивидуалнық жолымен когнитивті тәлім-
тәрбиенің оқыту мәселесін зерттеуге арналған. Мақалада когнитивті стилдер даралықтың стиль, субъекттің
танымдық белсенділіктің стилі және мақсаттың табысының үйлесімді тәсіл ретінде қарастырады. Сондай-ақ,
мақалада тұлғаның когнитивті біліктілігі оның қолданған сөздері, ақпараттың талғап-талдап түсіндіруінің
ерекшеліктерінде білінеді.
The present work is devoted to the study of the cognitive paradigm of learning, and in particular the
development of the problem individually-oriented trajectory interaction between teacher and students. The article
examines cognitive style as a style of individuality, as the preferred method of the subject of cognitive activity,
which is the best means of achieving educational goals in teaching. It is noted that the cognitive competence of the
person, appearing in a wide range of individual tools used, the methods of processing and interpretation of
information, provides the flexibility of mental activity.
Настоящая работа посвящена исследованию когнитивной парадигмы обучения, а в частности
разработкой проблемы индивидуально-ориентированной траектории взаимодействия учителя и учащихся. В
статье когнитивный стиль рассматривает как стиль индивидуальности, как предпочитаемый субъектом
способ познавательной активности, что является оптимальным средством достижения образовательных
целей при обучении. Отмечается, что когнитивная компетентность личности, проявляясь в широком
диапазоне используемых индивидом средств, способов переработки и интерпретации информации,
обеспечивает гибкость мыслительной деятельности.
Relevance of this study was determined by the need to integrate scientific knowledge
related to the process of cognition, receiving and processing information.
Psychology cognitive styles formed at the intersection of cognitive psychology and
personality psychology. Furthermore, stylistic studies were originally associated with the
installation to explain personality and predict its behavior through the study of individual
peculiar ways of organizing cognitive activity.
Cognitive styles process knowledge to objectively represent the core of successful
mastery of a particular area of knowledge. Account of the special cognitive styles of students in
the process of mastering their second language inevitably involves (among other factors) the use
of individualized methods, techniques and technology of training. At the same time, it is crucial
to take into account such factors as the uniqueness of the individual student. Thus, the
importance acquires personal-oriented approach to learning. One of the main points of this
approach are the focus on the personal development of students as an active subject of learning
activities and comprehensive training it to a continuous process of education.
Each student has own vector of development, and it is necessary to take into account the
psychological factor of perception of the varying information. The teacher should pay attention
to the child's cognitive style, to respect to its features and build comfortable learning process for
the student. Thus, the learning process is individualized, in agreement with the line of the mental
development of each individual child and revealing its cognitive features.
Cognitive style of each person is stable individual characteristics of cognitive processes,
ways of perceiving, thinking and acting. It features the cognitive styles of the students due to the
success of the training. Teacher, as any student who has his own cognitive style and according
with it teaches teaching of using those or other methods and forms. Exercising personal approach
to teaching, it is necessary to take into account the identity or possible dissonance of cognitive
styles of each child and teacher.
Technology of individualization on the basis of the cognitive style of the student (and
teacher) is designed to provide maximum psychological comfort for students in the learning
process and ultimately lead to the fulfillment of each child.
Technology of individualization of learning by taking into account the cognitive style is
developed M.N. Berulava and G.A. Berulava [1, 21]. Humanization of education involves the
creation of such conditions of teaching, which would provide the maximum psychological
comfort for students, and better conditions, in their opinion, created at individualization of
learning, through which students can work at their genetically predetermined rhythm. In this
regard, appropriate accounting cognitive styles of learners.
After all, everyone learns in their own world around us, in their own processes and
interprets the information available to him, and this is reflected on the concept of cognitive style.
The researchers, cognitive style refers to a way of perceiving the world, the information
that comes from outside the brain schoolboy, create their own image of the world. «Cognitive
styles - is individually unique ways of processing information about their environment in the
form of individual differences in perception, analysis, structuring and evaluation of what is
M.N. Berulava and G.A. Berulava identified integrative cognitive style «differentially
integral», representing these individual characteristics of the process of understanding.
Classification includes six cognitive types:
• Integrated theoretical - meaning imposes situation implemented to the subject in a
single concept, while the situation is perceived in statics;
• Integral-activity is assessing as a single semantic image, the situation is perceived in
• Integral-emotional is the generalized assessment of the situation contains emotionally
• Differential-theoretical is criteria stable situation is perceived in a static, while the
subject differentiates it into a plurality of objects;
• Differential-activity is the situation and the objects of its mediating, considered
fragmented and in action;
• Differential-emotional is the emotional intensity of the situation given by the
introduction of the story, or the basics of using a series of emotive concepts [1, 35].
Depending on the dominant pole at the student's cognitive style is developed the
following individual training technology [2, 92].
1. Education students with an integrated-theoretical style in understanding involves
technology, built on the principle of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, from the general to
specific. Students with this cognitive style perceive better the material offered in the logical-
formalized, generalized form. Accordingly, they learn easier disciplines of physic- mathematical
cycle. The system of thinking of students with an integral-theoretical style is formed easier: they
are focused on a holistic perception of the object of cognition, actualization multiple links and
contexts, integrative way the image of the objective world. For these students characterized the
need to go beyond narrow objective perception of the world. Their training is advantageously
carried out in the framework of integrative training disciplines with the production problems of
complex nature, involving reliance on generic «image of the world», inter subject theoretical
2. For students with differential-theoretical style co-educational content offered in such a
way that the objects and phenomena of the world are studied on the basis of the movement from
the particular to the general, from the concrete to the abstract. Thinking largely is focused on
social deterministic patterns. The technology training these students involves the study of
individual disciplines, as it is based on a stepwise, sequential knowledge.
3. For learners with integrated-activity style the greatest suitable learning technology,
providing movement in training material from the general to the particular, from the law to the
forms of its manifestation. However, it requires a greater reliance on their cognitive activity.
Training material is not static, and in the dynamics of existence and development as the objects
of the material world and of scientific knowledge.
4. The education of students with differential-activity style based on their own activity.
Productive in this regard of learning games, discussions, work in pairs, individual work. Stir in
the training material carried out from fragments to the whole from the elements to the system,
from specific examples and samples to self-identify common. Development of ways of thinking
is based on the requirements of algorithmic and heuristic type. Students with this style of
understanding better biology, geography, history.
5. For students with an integrated-emotional style of understanding suitable training
technology, suggesting movement in tutorial from the general to the particular, from the whole to
its parts. At the same time it is necessary to form of presentation of educational material was
emotionally intense. The formation of scientific concepts involves direct or indirect sensual
correlate. The starting position of abstract theory advisably to associated with real objects and
phenomena. Solution of logical tasks based on the construction models shaped, allowing the use
of sense-perception.
6. The education of students with the differential emotional cognitive style of
understanding the most effectively in the direction from the concrete to the abstract, from the
particular to the general, from fragments to the whole. This requires correlation of educational
material with the socio-cultural experiences of students, giving assignments emotional story
basics. These students learn the most productive literature, artistic discipline cycle, in which the
subject is not the object, and the attitude.
The majority of student-centered learning technologies aimed at the development of the
universal abilities of pupils. From graduates of the modern school is required the ability to solve
problems caused by the dynamics of the development of our society. To be successful in adult
life, they must be ready to take responsibility, to make a choice from a number of proposed
alternatives, to plan their activities, to be flexible in the face of rapid changes. Graduate, in fact,
should have a set of core competencies, such as self-determination, making decision, goal-
setting, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to work in a team, to assess, etc.
In fact, any teacher faced with the problem of the individual differentiated instruction and
"promiscuity" of the class. Schoolchildren are different in the degree of motivation to learn,
characters, education, educational opportunities, cognitive styles. Unfortunately, in the modern
school the individual characteristics of cognitive functioning of students in learning activities
virtually ignored.
Practice shows that the real teacher can allow no more than 2-3 styles of students.
Therefore it is convenient to use two features: a derivation of the parameters «field dependence /
field independence» and the type of response to the parameters «impulsivity / reflexivity». Their
combination allows you to select four groups of students: impulsive field dependence, impulsive
field independence, reflective field dependence, reflexive field independence. And this division
so objectively corresponds to the already established relationships in the classroom learning that
most guys form groups according to their cognitive styles.
The researchers highlighted the following features groups of students [3, 85]. Field
dependence / field independence is a bipolar dimension, reflecting the characteristic styles of
intellectual functioning. Field independence individual has a strong sense of awareness of
themselves as different from the other. Such person makes a clear distinction between
themselves, their needs and values and the needs and values of others. Field independence
people were relatively impartial and objective in their assessments and judgments. They are
more inclined to analyze their environment, rather than engage with them. Field dependence
individuals, on the contrary, interact with others in their environment and tend to develop in his
sensitivity to what others think and feel. Thus, in the process of interaction with others, they
form their bank of information and skills, which in turn allows them to cope with their problems
at the same or even higher level than that of field independence of individuals.
Impulsivity / reflexivity it is also the individual characteristics of bipolar tendency to
make decisions, especially evident in the multiple-choice situation. Impulsive students make
decisions quickly hypothesize leading subjective value while for them is to focus on the rapid
success. But they make many mistakes. Reflective students make decisions slowly, carefully
analyzing the situation, checking their own hypotheses, so allow a little error. Leading the
subjective value for them is a concern for a possible error.
Impulsive field dependence students usually easier to learn course material, expounded
deductively, difficult highlight important details, they harder on the transfer of knowledge and
skills, significantly increasing the number of errors in the performance of educational tasks of
high difficulty level, so these students for a successful self-study is better to offer a task to play
understanding and application of educational material (perform practical work on the
instructions, to solve the problem on the model, to explain the fact, familiar from similar
situations, to group objects, due to given attributes), the tasks to analyze, search and disclosure of
cause-and-effect relationships, they can do with the help of a trained counselor or teacher-
Impulsive field independence students have the analytical perception, prefer inductive
logic of presentation, capable of delivering a significant, important details, they easier on the
transfer of knowledge and skills in known and new learning situations, which allows greater
involvement of individual work using the algorithm only partially, so that they can determine
and to share concepts, summarize or exclude the notion of a series of similar meaning, well
enough to perform tasks on the understanding of the text. But because of their impulsivity such
students still make mistakes, the number of which increases with increasing task complexity.
Common to these students is a clear need for the organization of their study time, systematic
using of questions and tasks requiring concentration of their attentions and will, using one-step
questions and exercises at the heuristic learning, control in oral and written form with a fixed
execution time.
Reflective field dependence students are usually able to adequately assess the learning
situation, although it is difficult or even not able to identify significant details, features, find it
difficult to transfer knowledge, but deductive and inductive logic of presentation is perceived
them equivalent, and reflexivity provides a greater depth of understanding, comprehension of
studied questions. These students do an excellent job with the tasks of reproduction,
understanding and application of Learning, partly help teachers will need to define the essence of
the studied phenomenon, the essential features of the studied object, highlight the main points
and the connections between them. Thus it is possible to offer the jobs that involve any number
and sequence (linear, branched, network structure) of actions, the main thing is systematically to
combine reproductive and problem-search methods of training, and job control is not limited in
time, providing the student an opportunity to give their own detailed response (in assignments
open type).
Reflective field independence, students are able to release the essential features, details,
to differentiate them from the non-essential, their perception is analytic for them more adequate
inductive logic of presentation, the transfer of knowledge and skills in known and new learning
situations occur without significant difficulties for them. These students can and should be
offered to the questions and tasks that involve a deep understanding, comprehension,
determination of cause-and-effect, intra-subject communications on knowledge and methods of
activity, they are able to identify the main material in the study, an analysis, deductive study and
subsequent conclusions, and perform any number of sequence of learning activities; most
importantly to give them as much freedom and independence, applying problem-search and
inductive learning methods. It is also desirable for these students not to limit the execution of
tasks of control. Especially well they perform test tasks gated with a choice of the correct
When organizing a class of students in the selection of important groups in the classroom
mastering new material, combined classes, dominated by the search processes, perception,
processing, interpretation and assimilation of new learning information that members of the
different cognitive styles occur in different ways, it is better to form a homogeneous groups
(with a predominance of one cognitive style). In this case, in the group is formed a comfortable
working environment in accordance with their individual cognitive strategies. On the lessons
generalizations of repetition, the application of knowledge and skills is preferable to the
formation of heterogeneous groups as communication students with different cognitive strategies
(in the methods of coding and processing of information, methods of solving learning tasks,
methods of control) provides the solution of the whole group learning activities, the success of
Thus, cognitive style is relatively stable procedural peculiarities of cognitive activity that
characterize the uniqueness of ways obtain and information processing, cognitive strategies used
actors, as well as means of reproduction of information and control methods. So, cognitive styles
characterize the typical features of intellectual activity. They are understood as a form of
intellectual activity higher orders of magnitude compared with the traditionally described
features cognitive processes.
Cognitive styles are among the basic characteristics of personality, as evidenced by their
close relationship with age, sex, characteristics of the functioning of the nervous system. Thus,
cognitive styles vary with age, with different styles show different age dynamics. At preschool
age, children tend to field dependence, then there is a growth field independence (its peak in
adolescence and early adulthood), followed by a gradual increase in field dependence to old age.
Similarly to old age there is a gradual increase in the rigidity of cognitive control. On the other
hand, the reflectivity increases with age. In addition, older people use as broad categories, as
representatives of the student's age.
The researchers noted that relating to gender, the girls and women compared with men
and boys are more field dependence. Apparently, the more pronounced field dependence of
women is explained as biological (specialization of women and men in their biological functions
determines their conservative or exploratory behavior), and social (education of girls and the
type of expectations regarding normative behavior of women is clearly contribute to the
formation of field dependence behaviors) determinants [4, 12].
Thus, taking place in the social life changes require the development of new methods of
education, the use of student-centered, activity-related educational technologies, with the
requisite skills of independent information retrieval, forming the student a versatile skill set and
solve the problem for resolving problems in life.
Thus, cognitive style should be attributed to procedural characteristics of cognitive
activity, as it is a subsystem of individual style that reflects his Gnostic components - methods of
receiving and processing information, which are manifested in the individual specifics of the
organization of cognitive processes, affecting all levels of the mental hierarchy, including
personality traits.
Cognitive styles are characterized as determinants of individual differences. Cognitive
style approaches to learning languages allows implementing the principles of individualization
and differentiation of learning by taking into account the individual cognitive abilities of each
student within a single educational space.
It is obvious that cognitive style is one of the aspects that make the teacher can create
educational methodological complex, considering the individual characteristics of cognitive
activity of students, under the cognitive process based approach method for sequential
processing of information, taking into account the full involvement in cognitive process of the
student's personality, his mental capabilities (opinions, attitudes, judgments, perceptions,
knowledge, etc.).
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