Абстракт Цель исследования

Abstract Purpose of the research

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Тюркский период


Purpose of the research: To reveal the main theoretical and conceptual provisions in the study of the ancient history of Kazakhstan (the Turkic period), based on the study of specific historical material through a problematic approach, to consider the stages of the formation of the Turkic statehood in diachronous and synchronous sections.

Hypothesis: The history of the Turks is one of the key themes of world history, the lands united under the rule of the Turks represented a single socio-political, legislative and cultural space. A huge territory, on which various peoples were concentrated, formed a nomadic empire that influenced ethnic, political, social and cultural processes throughout Eurasia.

Research stages: The literature and data were collected, conclusions were drawn, the most important phenomena, tendencies, complex problems of modern Turkic studies were revealed in the light of the study of the history of Kazakhstan;

Methodology: The study used methods of data collection, storytelling, analysis, literary and theoretical analysis.

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