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Бұл әдіс менің ең сүйікті әдісім! The most pow-
erful one!
Бұл әдіспен жаттығу барысында
сіз, ағылшынша сұрақтарға дереу, кідірмей
ойыңызды жинақтап жауап беретін жағдайға
жетесіз. Ең бастысы (регулярность) жиі
жаттығып тұру керек. Бұл әдіспен жаттығу
үшін кез-келген әңгімені алсаңыз болады.
Сонымен қатар менің MS және POV әдістеріне
арналған керемет бағдарламаны алып
сонымен жаттықсаңыздар болады. Ондағы
әңгімелер қызықты әрі бір түрлі (fictional and
Неге? Өйткені адам ерекше нәрселерді
тез қағып алады.
Дәл қазір сіздерге қысқа әрі қызықты әңгімені
сұрақ қоя отырып айтамын. Ол қалай?
Сіздерге бір сөйлем беріледі. Артынша
сол сөйлемге бірнеше сұрақ қойылады. Сіз
ерінбей сол сұраққа ауызша дауыстап жауап
беруіңіз керек. Келістік пе? Осылайша сіз
грамматикалық конструклияларды ешқандай
ереже жаттамай ақ автоматтандырасыз.
Сізге бірінші қысқа мәтін беріледі, асытында
сөздік болады. Содан кейін мәтінге сұрақтар
беріледі, жауап ретінде 1мысал келтіріледі.
Now let
’s go to practice with a mini story. A mini
story is very simple. I give you information using
phrases and then I ask you questions. Let
’s get
Carlos never ate anything b u t sweets. He lived
just a stone
’s throw away from a bakery. There
was also an ice cream store one block from his
house. His mother used t o beg him t o eat vege-
tables b u t he would only eat sweets.
One day Carlos was out and about with his girl-
friend Marta. First they went t o a secondhand
store. Then they went t o a restaurant. Marta ate
a salad. Carlos ate seven pieces of cake and t w o
bowls of ice cream.
Later that day he started feeling under the
weather. He thought that there was something
going around so he went t o the doctor.
“Getting sick is a bummer”, he said”.
“You are sick because you only eat sweets”, said
the doctor.
Then the doctor told him that he must eat veg-
etables. So he started t o eat vegetables every
His b o d y g o t stronger and he never g o t sick
stone’s throw away – тас лақтырым ж е р
– бір көше
b e g
– өтіну
o u t and about
– ары бері қаңғыру
second hand store
– қолданыста болған
заттар дүкені
under the weather
– ауырып қалу
going around
– бірнәрсе болып жатыр
a bummer
– жаман
Төменде сөйлем және оған қатысты сұрақтар
берілген, жауап беріңіз
1. «Carlos never ate anything b u t sweets»
сөйлемге қатысты сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз:
Мысалы: Yes, he probably did. When you say
sweets you mean food that has a lot of sugar in
it like cake and candy and ice cream, things like
that, so when you ask did Carlos eat cake, we
can say yes, he probably did eat cake.
Yes, yes, he did. He lived just a
stone’s throw away.
When you say something is a
stone’s throw away,
that means that
it’s very close. A stone’s throw away
means very close to.
He lived just a
stone’s throw away from a
Yes, yes, it was. It was one block from his house,
which is the same thing as saying it was one street
from his house. A block is the same thing as a street
or a part of a street.
There was also an ice cream store one block
f r o m his house.
Мысалы: Yes, he probably did. When you say
sweets you mean food that has a lot of sugar in
it like cake and candy and ice cream, things like
that, so when you ask did Carlos eat cake, we
can say yes, he probably did eat cake.
Yes, yes, he did. He lived just a stone
’s throw away.
When you say something is a stone
’s throw away,
that means that it
’s very close. A stone’s throw away
means very close to.
He lived just a
stone’s throw away from a
Yes, yes, it was. It was one block from his house,
which is the same thing as saying it was one street
from his house. A block is the same thing as a street
or a part of a street.
There was also an ice cream store one block
f r o m his house.
Yes, she did. If you beg someone t o d o some-
thing that means you really want them t o d o
something so his mother used t o beg him t o eat
vegetables, which means she used t o ask him t o
eat vegetables because she really wanted him t o
eat vegetables. To beg someone means t o ask
them t o d o something that you really want them
t o do.
His mother used t o b e g him t o eat vegeta-
Yes, yes, he was. He was out and about wi th his girl-
friend, which is the same thing as saying he was going
place t o place wi th his girlfriend. When you are out
and about, that means you are going place t o place.
One day Carlos was o u t and about wi t h his
girlfriend Marta.
Then they went t o a restaurant.
First they went t o a secondhand store.
Marta ate a salad.
Carlos ate seven pieces o f cake and t w o
bowls o f ice cream.
Yes, he did. He felt under the weather, which is
the same thing as saying he felt sick. Feeling
under the weather means t o be sick.
10. Later that day he started feeling under the
11. He t h o u g h t that there was something going
12. So he went t o the doctor.
Yes, yes, that
’s correct. He said that getting sick
is a bummer, which is the same thing as saying
getting sick is something that is not good. A
bummer is something that is not good.
“Getting sick is a bummer”, he said”.
15. Then the d o c t o r t o l d him that he must eat
“You are sick because you only eat sweets”,
said the doctor.
16. So he started t o eat vegetables every day.
His b o d y g o t stronger and he never g o t
sick again.
Okay, so that brings us t o the end of our story,
which means we are now at the end of the mi-
ni-story lesson. Now, please tell the story all by
yourself. You d o not need t o memorize every
word, b u t you should use the idioms and vocab-
ulary words that we discussed. These are the
ones we discussed:
“sweet”, “beg”, “a stone’s
away”, “block”, “out and about”, “sec-
stores”, “feeling under the weather”,
“something going around”, and “bummer”. So
now please tell the story on your own.
Берілген цитатаның мағынасын түсініп,
инстаграмда бөлісіңіз.
“If you cannot do great things, do small things
in a great way.
-Napoleon Hill
Инстаграмда бөліскенде мені
парақшамды белгілеуді
ұмытпаңыз. Сізге кері байланыс беретін
боламын. Сәттілік!!!
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