Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

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No. 9. Exercise 10. Listen to the five guidebook texts about English 
towns and say which of the towns:
1. is an important centre of automobile production;
2. has two parts that don’t look alike;
3. is a well-known resort;
4. has a lot of vegetation;
5. was founded for military purposes by the Romans.
a. From the first century AD to nowadays, people have been drawn to 
Bath to look for comfort, cure and cleansing in the hot water that rises 
at its heart. But it is not the only reason why visitors come to Bath. 
A lot of people think that this ancient city, founded by the Romans, is 
an architectural masterpiece – one of the most harmonious cities of the 
world. It is also a city taking us back deep into prehistory.
b. York is the capital of the north country. It lies at the junction 
of the rivers Ouse [u:z] and Foss where the Romans built their first 
fortification in AD 71 and named it Eboracum. The city is surrounded by 
medieval walls. The history of York is the history of England and every 
episode in its development reads like an adventure story.

c. To walk through Oxford is to walk through history. Nowhere else in 
England is so much history, so much tradition and such a wealth of fine 
architecture to be found in a comparatively small area. Modern Oxford 
is a paradox, trying to be very different places at once; it is on the one 
hand a busy industrial town, with its economy especially concerned with 
the manufacture of motor cars and its vision fixed on the future; at the 
same time it is one of the two leading university cities of the British 
Commonwealth, with its roots fixed in the past.
d. Walking around the city of Edinburgh is almost like visiting two 
different cities very close to each other. To walk around the heart of 
the Old Town and the New Town will take about an hour at a reasonable 
walking pace. If you want to see more, it will naturally take longer. How 
much longer will depend on whether you are content to admire buildings 
from the outside or whether you wish to see what delights they contain.
e. Modern Cambridge has been described as “perhaps the only true 
university town in England”. University and college buildings provide 
nearly all the outstanding architectural features. The city has a lot 
of commons and other open spaces, including the University Botanic 
Gardens and the Backs. The Backs are the landscaped lawns and gardens 
through which the River Cam winds behind the main line of colleges
and under a series of magnificent bridges of which the Bridge of Sighs, 
the stone bridge of Clare with thick stone balls on the parapets, and the 
so-called “Mathematical Bridge” are among the best known.

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