Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

a) A – Civic Centre; B – The Kaufmann House b)

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A – Civic Centre; B – The Kaufmann House b) 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 
4. c; 5. a; 6. b
Exercise 10. 
1. Oxford; 2. Edinburgh; 3. Bath; 4. Cambridge; 
5. York; B. A – c; B – d; C – b; D – e; E – a
Exercise 12. 
1. F; 2. D; 3. E; 4. A; 5. B; 6. C
Exercise 14. 
1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a; 9. c; 10. c
Exercise 15. 
1. to be aware; 2. contribution; 3. a handful; 
4. pursuit; 5. unconventional working methods; 6. to collaborate; 
7. to lack experience; 8. a crash course; 9. a manuscript; 10. figurative 
arts; 11. initial sketch; 12. hybrid; 13. austere habits; 14. draft letters; 
15. the ancients; 16. consternation; 17. contemporaries; 18. divine
Exercise 17. 
Exercise 18. 
1. poached egg; 2. labour-saving trick; 3. fairly amia-
ble; 4. terrific ordeal; 5. broad Haliford voices; 6. rattle away; 
7. disagreeable; 8. they had been bossed; 9. to take easy; 10. sympathy 
for customers; 11. mounds of eggs; 12. flop into a chair; 13. promptly; 
14. to contrive to linger on; 15. wilderness; 16. to make head or tail of 
sth; 17. fresh and crisp; 18. lace curtains

Exercise 24. 
1. for; 2. about; 3. to; 4. out; 5. of; 6. with; 7. on; 8. on; 9. –; 
10. on/away; 11. for; 12. out, with; 13. into
Exercise 25. 
1. She seems to be getting rather vague... 2. Rachel flopped on to the 
sofa. 3. I want to spare Frances the embarrassment of... 4. Sylvia was 
very sympathetic to me. 5. The feeling of shame lingered on and Roy... 
6. I know that Alex has sympathy with our plan (is sympathetic to our 
plan). 7. Bake the potatoes... till they are crisp. 8. It was so gloomy in 
the room. 9. What you say is nonsense. 10. She is fond of gossiping 
about her friends. 11. I like Florence. She is an amiable person. 12. ...I 
could hear the dishes rattle. 13. The situation was quite an ordeal.
Exercise 26. 
1. gossip (n) – слухи, сплетни; 2. spare (adj) – лишний, запасной; 
3. gloom – мрак, уныние; 4. rattle (n) – дребезжание, громыхание, 
погремушка; 5. sympathize (v) – сочувствовать; 6. amiability (n) – 
дружелюбие; 7. crisps (n) – чипсы; 8. flop (n) – провал
Exercise 27. 
1. Spare me the necessity of going there. 2. I sympathize deeply with 
his family. 3. I can’t stand this old gossip. 4. I’ve met Jane only once 
but she seems amiable enough. 5. Alice flopped into a chair and burst 
out laughing. 6. She was in gloom because not even a postcard had ar-
rived from Ricky. 7. She is eating potato crisps again! They have always 
been her favourite food. 8. Without lingering a minute she started for 
the railway station. 9. What an ordeal it is! 10. The car rattled over the 
stones. 11. Her words full of sympathy (sympathetic words) produced 
a proper impression on me. 12. He was rather vague about his plans. 
13. He was talking nonsense during our meeting, which surprised eve-
rybody a lot. 14. I sympathize with (have sympathy for/’m sympathetic 
to) Mrs Crystal, she has lost her family in a car accident.
Exercise 29. 
1. creep; 2. stagger; 3. march; 4. shuffle; 
5. swagger; 6. wander; 7. trudge; 8. stroll; 9. stride
Exercise 30. 
1. march; 2. trudged; 3. swaggered; 4. wander; 5. staggered; 
6. shuffled; 7. strolled; 8. creeping; 9. strode

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