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Сборник студ конф 22-23г

Zhussip N.N. 
Scientific adviser: Moiseeva E.V., Master of pedagogy "Kokshetau University named after 
Sh. Ualikhanov"  
The subject of the discipline "foreign language" is the types of speech activity (listening, 
pronunciation, reading, writing), the intercultural functions of the language being studied, the 
language system (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) are the objects of the discipline "foreign 
language" [1]. 
In my work, I would like to consider issues related to the use of technology for learning English. 
In particular, my goal is to answer the key question: "How can teachers use communication and 
learning technologies to learn English?". There are six main areas in English: reading, writing, 
listening, speech, vocabulary and grammar. We use each of these areas in English lessons, although 
students use all these skills and knowledge together, creating new meanings. To get an answer to a 
given topic, it is necessary to consider the field of learning English: spoken language. 
Speech is the act of constructing spoken language. It is the most common means of 
communication used to express ideas, thoughts and feelings. It is a form of speech production that 
involves the use of organs such as the tongue, lips, and jaw to create sounds that combine words and 

sentences. Speaking at school is important for the development of communication skills and the 
expression of ideas.
When teaching spoken language, teachers should use and adapt various methods and actions 
that are suitable for students to improve the components of their spoken English skills in terms of 
fluency, accuracy and clarity. 
There are many methods of teaching spoken language. Below are some methods of teaching 
speech that a teacher can implement: 
• Role-Playing 
One of the methods proposed for the development of oral speech skills is a game, that is, creating a 
dramatic situation in the classroom or a partial game of dialogue. 
The game is one of the actions that helps you perform dynamic, stimulating actions. This is because 
actual learning occurs when a student accidentally participates in activities that require him to use 
what he has learned. 
Problem-solving materials provide students with additional opportunities to work in pairs or small 
groups, exchange information and opinions on topics important to them. 
The discussion may consist of three to five students. If such teamwork is used regularly and begins 
with a thorough explanation of its essence, the class will soon perceive it as a natural action. 
• Song 
Using a song in an English class, especially in colloquial speech, can be both enjoyable and 
informative. The song usually gives listeners a peaceful and joyful mood. Songs can also be used as 
a useful aid in learning vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure and patterns.
Scientific and pedagogical thought focuses on the activation of innovative aspects of 
schoolchildren's activities through the use of information and communication technologies by 
teachers for the development of students' speaking in English. In all areas of education, the search is 
underway for ways to intensify and quickly modernize the training system, improve the quality of 
education using computer technology. 
Computer technologies are understood as processes that include a set of means and methods of 
collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information 
about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product). The purpose of these 
technologies in education is to strengthen the intellectual capabilities of students in the information 
society, as well as humanization, individualization, intensification of the learning process and 
improving the quality of education at all levels of the educational system. 
Personal computers have long been an everyday and common tool in human life, the widespread 
use of the Internet gives us the opportunity to use it effectively in the educational process. The forecast 
of the development of speaking English is based on the rapid progress in the computerization of 
In the educational process, a computer can be both an object of language learning and a means 
of teaching, upbringing, development and diagnostics of learning content assimilation. It can be 
argued that there are two directions in the use of computer technology in the learning process. In the 
first case, the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities leads to an awareness of the computer's 
capabilities, to the formation of skills for their use in solving various tasks. In the second case, 
computer technologies are a means of improving the efficiency of the organization of the educational 
process in English.
Based on all of the above, computer learning technology is understood as a system of general 
pedagogical, psychological, didactic, methodological procedures for interaction between teachers and 
trainees, taking into account technical and human resources aimed at designing and implementing the 
content, methods, forms and information means of teaching. Thus, it is proposed to consider computer 
learning technology as the main component of information technology training. 

The process of introducing computer technologies into the education system at the present stage 
of society's development is vividly dynamic. Modern technologies arising as a result of the general 
process of informatization of society are increasingly being used in the educational process when 
teaching various disciplines, in this article teaching English. 
Technology can stimulate students' play activities and immerse them in various scenarios. 
Modern technologies currently available in education: 

Communication lab 

Speech recognition software 


TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning) 


Quick Link Pen

Quicktionary [2]. 
We will look at how to use technology to help students improve pronunciation and fluency. 
British Council Learn English and Voice of America learning English.

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