Бүгінгі таңда тіл білімінде әр түрлі тілдердің грамматикалық құрылымының салыстырмалы-типологиялық зерттеулеріне көп көңіл бөл

Кейіпкерлердің бір-біріне қатысты субьективті модальділігі

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Кейіпкерлердің бір-біріне қатысты субьективті модальділігі
According to her she was met at the door by a “silly-looking, white-faced woman”, who didn’t even offer to invite her in when she announced her name, but stood there ‘looking just as guilty as a person possibly could.” [101,196].
Авторлық кейіпкерлерге қатысты субьективті модальділігі
They stood before each other now, Lester pale and rather flaccid. Robert clear, wax-like, well-knit, and shrewd, and one could see the difference time had already made. Robert wasthe clean, decisive man. Lester the man of doubts. Robert was the spirit of business energy and integrity embodied, Lester the spirit of commercial self-sufficiency, looking at life with an uncertain eye [101,200].
Тілек, қалау және ниет-пиғыл
If only she had had more courage! If she didn’t always have this haunting sense of fear! If she could only make up her mind to do the right thing! Lesterwould never marry her. Why should he? She loved him, but she could leave him, and it would be better for him. Probably her father would live with her if she went back to Cleverland. He would honour her for at last taking a decent stand [101,203].
Would he come with her? Not here certainly. If she were married, yes, probably. If she were alone-probably. Yet if she didn’t get some work which paid well they would have a difficult time. It was the same old problem. What could she do? Nevertheless, she decided to act. If she could get five or six dollars a week they could live. The hundred and fifteen dollars which Gerhard had saved would tide them over the worst difficulties perhaps. [101,207].
Please forgive me, Lester, please; and don’t think of me any more. I will get along. But I love you-oh yes, I do-and I will never be grateful enough for all you have done for me. I wish you all the luck that can come to you. Please forgive me, Lester. I love you, yes, I do. I love you. [101,209].

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