Джангабулова А.К., к.ю.н., и.о
хорошо отразиться на ВВП, потому что это стимулирует финансирование и проектов, и производств
местных хозяйствующих субъектов.
«Энергия будущего», в рамках платформы «ЭКСПО-2017», послужит стратегически-приоритетным
ключом к притоку иностранных денежных средств для перехода нашей страны на путь экономического
«Предпринимательский кодекс Республики Казахстан» от 29 октября 2015 года, является одним
из важнейших шагов для создания благоприятных условий иностранным инвесторам на территории
Республики Казахстан. Данный кодекс предусматривает гарантии правовой защиты деятельности
инвесторов на территории республики (ст. 276), ряд инвестиционных преференций (ст.285; 286) а
также инвестиционные субсидии (ст. 291). [4] Длительное время переход нашей республики к «зеленой
экономике» был ограничен в силу недостаточности нормативно-правовой базы, на настоящий момент
этот вопрос решен и внедрение «чистых» технологий обеспечено необходимыми правозакрепительными
Переход на возобновляемые источники энергии, есть инновационное решение проблем безопасности
окружающей среды, устойчивого экономического развития и будущего благосостояния республики.
Последуя примерам лидеров в сфере применения альтернативных источников энергии, со временем
мы сумеем ввести механизмы удешевления. Инвестиционные стоимости проектов возобновляемых
источников энергии в Казахстане близки к максимальному уровню цен. Это связано с тем, что в стране
еще нет собственных производств и технологий, а имеющиеся отдельные образцы не конкурентоспособны
по сравнению с зарубежными аналогами.
Подводя итог о перспективах развития «зеленой экономики» в стране, нами сделан вывод о том,
что альтернативные (чистые) энергоносители в республике имеют высокий потенциал развития, и эта
тенденция развития наиболее актуальна на современном этапе экономического роста Казахстана.
Наше государство создает условия для привлечения как отечественных, так и зарубежных инвесторов,
что, несомненно, положительно отразится на дальнейшей инновационной экономической интеграции
Республики Казахстан. Значимые результаты мы сможем получить по проведении «ЭКСПО-2017», но на
сегодняшний день решение поставленных проблем можно достичь посредством следующих мер:
1. Активной информатизации общества, привлечении отечественных инвесторов и общества для
полноценного перехода республики к «Зеленой экономике»
2. Введение механизмов удешевления, снижения инвестиционной стоимости объектов
возобновляемой энергетики на государственном уровне.
3. Сооружение предприятий, создающих оборудование необходимое для конструкции объектов
возобновляемой энергетики. Это создаст новые рабочие места и повысит процент занятости населения,
что повлечет за собой рост ВВП, снизив при этом расходы на логистику технического оборудования из
стран дальнего зарубежья, в перспективе создаст условия для конкурентоспособности нашей страны на
мировом рынке возобновляемых источников энергии.
Исходя из вышеизложенного, можно сказать, что «зеленая экономика - это экономика будущего
благосостояния нашей республики».
1. Концепция «Стратегии устойчивой энергетики будущего Казахстана до 2050 года» от 30 мая 2013 года № 577/ Астана. 2013
2. Megan Darby. Renewable energy in numbers – REN21 report http://www.climatechangenews.com/2015/06/19/renewable-energy-in-
3. Абдибекова С.М. Правовое регулирование деятельности отдельных видов возобновляемых источников энергии. Сборник
научных работ участников Республиканского конкурса молодых ученых «УШ БИ». Астана, 2015- с.4
4. «Предпринимательский кодекс Республики Казахстан» от 29 октября 2015 года № 375-V (с изменениями и дополнениями от
14.01.2016 г.)
5. Комитет по Возобновляемым Источникам Энергии - Ваш надежный партнер //www.windenergy.kz/
6. Бухарбаев К.С. Возобновляемые источники энергии в Республике Казахстан // www.interelectro.ru.
7. Интерфакс Казахстан Девальвация тенге: плюсы и минусы
Currently, the concept of cost management adopted by specialists in the economy as a basic paradigm of
business development.
Given the vital need for local companies in gaining competitive advantage, the task of not only the odds-formal
acquaintance with the specifics of the application of modern concepts, but also more in-depth analysis.This is the
primary motivation.
All indicators used in the concept of cost management company, the most popular in the modern financial
management is indicator of EVA (Economic Value Added).
According to the concept of EVA value of the company - is its carrying amount, increased by the present value
of future EVA.
The concept of economic value added in recent years increasingly used in economic theory and mainly in the
practice of the company in various countries.The reason for this is that this figure combines ease of calculation
and the ability to determine the value of the company, as well as allow us to estimate the effectiveness of vat as
the company as a whole and the individual units. The significance of this issue is high, so it is widely recognized
in the scientific and practical studies.
Development of the concept were the doctrine of the possible cost and fixing a clear gap between accounting
and economic (business or management) profit.
Abandonment of traditional accounting indicators in the concept of value is simple: financial statements are
not always objectively expresses the current financial condition of the company and its financial ultaty sharp
Increasingly complex methodology of accounting scientists that allows management to significantly distort
information about the financial results their companies. A series of accounting scandals that occurred in a number
of countries, a clear confirmation. Kazakhstan accounting system is concerned distorted information.
That today includes traditional accounting charge compensation bridge through physical assets depreciation,
the availability of money in the accounts, payables and receivables.Valuation in this system as when we have
stocks, players, external markets, and so on. This does not work, because the cost have very large share of very
heavy intangible assets.This is the company’s brand, reputation of the company in the market, the credibility of
the companies, proven competence by top management staff. Accounting criteria are powerless in determining
the level of risk is always of interest to the investor and the owner of the capital. Accounting figures do not take
into account the market risk (the possibility of supply disruptions, sales volume or market prices), organizational
risks (risks recognition incompetence management, inefficient organizational structure), financial risks (downside
risks to solvency, liquidity, rent-effectiveness of the company). In addition, accounting indicators are focused on
the trend analysis (statements for the previous periods), while it is important to the owner, where the company is
moving. To look into the future and progressive ways. Accounting figures do not take into account the change in the
money stability over the time (discounting), inflation, various qualified performance parameters of the company.
The use of indicators of Economic Value Added (EVA). The authors defines the concept of B. Stewart
measure of economic value added as the difference between net operating profit after tax and cost of capital. EVA
allows to assess the real economic profit at the required rate of return that shareholders and lenders could get by
investing its assets in securities with the same level of risk.
There are two basic ways to calculate the indicator EVA:
The average Invested
EVA = operating profit - the cost of capital x capital (1),
after tax (WACC, (CAPITAL employed)
EVA = Rate of return- The weighted average x Invested capital (ROI) (2),
Example 1. It is necessary to calculate the index of EVA. Assume that the investments in production, and
sale of hot dogs in the street stalls make up $ 1,000. The rate of return of capital is 5%, while investments with
analogical risk can bring in 15% yield.
In this case,
EVA = (5% - 15%) x $ 1,000. = - $ 100.
Within the designated example, despite the fact that the accounting profit will be $ 50. (5% x $ 1 000.). There
is an alternative opportunity to earn $ 150. (15% x $ 1 000.), The negative-real values of EVA says that the
commission of the investment in the amount of $ 1 000 not appropriate.
Example 2. Consider a more complex situation when you need to decide on investments based on the index of
economic value added (EVA).
Bekzhankyzy Anel
3rd course, major – evaluation
Scientific adviser:
Doschanov A.E.
The company produces carbonated drinks. Capital invested at the valued date is $ 100 million. The structure of
invested capital: 50% - equity, 50% - borrowed. The cost of debt - 5%, cost of equity - 15%. Operator with diet-
profit companies - $11 million. dollars. So we have:
Rate of return on capital (ROI) = $ 11 million. / US $ 100 million. = 11%.
From here:
EVA = (ROI - WACC) x CAPITAL = (11% - 10%) x 1 = 100 (3),
The head of the company is facing the need to implement an investment of $25 million. Related to the
acquisition of new equipment. It is proposed the implementation of this investment in full due to the loan. Financial
calculations show that the cost-effectiveness investment is 6%.
Thus, the total amount of invested capital, taking into account the new investment will be $125 million (40%
equity, 60% debt). The magnitude of the expected operating margin was 11 ± 6% x 25 = 12.5, the rate of return on
the entire investment will amount to 12.5 / 125 = 10%, WACC will decrease and will be: 0,4 x 15 + 0,6 x 5% = 9%.
EVA = (ROI - WACC) x CAPITAL = (10% - 9%) x 125 = 1.25 (4)
The example shows that the actions of a leader in the implementation of long-term investments lead to an
increase in the value added economic bridge, which, in turn, causes an increase in shareholder value.
Valuation based on a measure of economic value added-term (EVA). With the help of the index of economic
value added can be calculated value of the company:
The cost of Previously added Current value added costs from The amount of current
Company = cost of capi + capital investment + value added costs from
new projects.
According to the formula the market value of the company may exceed or be less than the carrying value of net
assets in depends on the future profits of the enterprise.
Consider the following three options for building long-exponent value of EVA with the behavior of owners:
1. EVA = 0; WACC = ROI and the market value of the company is equal to the book value of net assets. In this
case, the owner of the winning market by investing in the enterprise is zero, so he still wins, continuing operations
in the same company or deposit funds store in bank deposits.
2. EVA> 0 means the increase in the market value of the company over the ballanced net asset value, which
encourages owners to investment in the company.
3. EVA <0 leads to a decrease in the market value of the company. In this case, the owners are losing invested
in venture capital due to the loss of alternative profitability.
1. EVA & Strategy II: Portfolio Management. Stern Stewart & Co Research, The Americas, 2001.
2. Уолш К. Ключевые показатели менеджмента. Как анализировать, сравнивать и контролировать данные, определяющие
стоимость компании: Пер. с англ. М.: Дело, 2000. – 360 c.
3. Коупленд Том, Коллер Тим, Муррин Джек. Стоимость компании: оценка и управление. 2-е изд. стер./ Пер. с англ. М.: ЗАО
«Олимп-Бизнес», 2010.
Current essay aims to research the main factors of poverty in Kazakhstan. Author tried to describe the already applied steps in solving the
problem and also suggested the other ways of improvement of the situation.
The modern economy of Kazakhstan is a qualitatively new stage of its development, however, this does not
lessen the severity of social problems, especially important is the problem of poverty. Poverty is multidimensional
phenomenon in this connection; there are many different approaches to estimating. Poverty is usually measured
by income or expenses, based on the assumption that the material standard of living largely determines their well-
being. The poor, in this case, are the people who have the standard of living below a certain point, the so-called
poverty line. There are two main approaches to the definition of the poverty line. The absolute approach is based
on the determination of the minimum physiological needs - for food, water, clothing and shelter, ie his basic needs.
The relative approach, on the contrary. Defines poverty in relation to generally accepted standards of living in a
particular society at a particular time, and includes not only the basic physiological needs.
The process of transition to a market economy in the country accompanied by events such as cardinal and
closure of a number of public companies and as a result of this - serious scale unemployment. Lack of work places
was one of the main causes of poverty in Kazakhstan. Particularly acute problem of unemployment exists in rural
areas. Many socio-economic indicators that show the level of life of Kazakhstan have undergone major changes,
despite the fact that the government pursued stabilization policy to mitigate the impact of the transition to the well-
being of people. Significantly increased unemployment and reduced real incomes, reduced life expectancy, etc. In
these circumstances, the problem of poverty in the country has become as urgent and relevant, as well as in other
developing countries. On the background of significant inflation acute problem which exacerbates social situation
of the poor in recent years, has become the outstanding payments of wages, pensions and social benefits.
Literature review
There is no single definition of poverty. UN refers to the poor “individuals, families and groups of persons
whose resources (material, cultural and social) are so limited that do not allow them to lead an acceptable way of
life” in their states. However, in socio-economic terms, this is quite a specific indicator of the state of society and the
state as a whole, which can be calculated on the basis of the data series. There are statistical methods for estimating
poverty. There are such things as human poverty index for developing and developed countries separately. In
Kazakhstan, the poverty index is proposed to calculate on the basis of indicators such as the proportion of the
population not surviving to age 60 not covered by training 16-year-old young people, people with consumption
below the poverty line and officially registered unemployed in the total number of economically active population.
Absolute approach to the definition of poverty is used by the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan
since 1993, carrying out assessment of cost of living and the amount of people in need. Cost of Living in Kazakhstan
is equal to the cost of the consumer basket consisting of 70% food and 30% of other goods and services (Today.kz,
2013). Given the economic conditions of the poverty line is usually determined as a percentage of the minimum
subsistence level. The government defines the poverty line, in general, and in the individual in each region.
The unemployment rate among young people aged 15-28 years in the republic is 5.9 percent with a total
unemployment rate of 5.2 percent. This is achieved thanks to the fact that the Head of State, the Government
pay very serious attention to the problems of youth employment (Alimbayeva, 2015). It is a disorder which that
disturbs society because it increases crime level within young people and it is bad for economy because long term
unemployment decreases the number of people who are ready to work. Mostly young people are choosing to stay in
education because of this downturn (Paul Bivand, Laura Gardiner, Danielle Whitehurst & Tony Wilson, 2011). The
state develops various methods for preparation of the young population for employment. These methods include,
social programs of employment, service of higher educational institutions after receiving the higher education and
other social programs. Over one million young people are unemployed, long-term youth unemployment is above
250,000 for the first time since 1994 and the number of young people not in full-time education or employment has
passed 1.4 million (Paul Bivand, Laura Gardiner, Danielle Whitehurst & Tony Wilson, 2011). One of the effective
tools which can be used to decrease rate of unemployment among youth is apprenticeships. From the economic
point of view expenses on professional practice are unprofitable for some countries (in particular the countries of
the third world) as are expensive and cannot pay off in the future.
According to Mustafayev N.I. (2011), overly sharp, very strong differentiation of the population according to
various criteria, primarily by income level, becomes an obstacle to the emerging middle class, because blurs its
social base, creating a situation where there is a lot of poor little rich and quite a bit of “average”[3]. This situation
is obvious - Kazakh society is extremely polarized, posing a threat to its political stability.
Leila Dudueva
2nd year student
“Finance, accounting and audit”
Scientific adviser:
R.K. Orazalina, senior lecturer
The Government also determined the main causes of poverty in Kazakhstan:
- Unemployment
- Low wages, pensions and social benefits
- The decline of the infrastructure that results in isolation of poor people living in remote areas
- Reducing the amount of free medical services
- Reducing the number of regular and vocational schools in rural areas
- Low efficiency of targeted social assistance provided by the state.
The review of the researches helped to identify the main negative consequences of poverty:
1. Contraction and relaxation of the gene pool of the nation: a reduction in life expectancy of the population,
the decline in the birth rate, the deterioration of the health status of the population, the growth of deviant behavior,
alcoholism and drug addiction.
2. The rise in crime, an increase in security threats personality.
3. The growing threat of social unrest, dissatisfaction with the standard of living, protests (monthly protests of
pensioners in Almaty, the seizure of vacant buildings homelessness, hunger strikes and self-immolation of shares).
Thus, the problem of poverty in Kazakhstan still exists and has the very big significance, and also it requires
urgent attention, threatening to undermine the foundations of the country’s security.
At the same time, the ex-minister of Labor Zhumagulov B.T., representing the Government – one of the
stakeholder of the problem, in May 2013 said that “The analysis shows that overall employment program has
a positive impact on the labor market. As a result, eighteen-month program provided employment to more than
150,000 people employed women has increased by 80,000 people, the number of self-employed decreased by
52,000 people”. According to him, for the half year increased by 6.2% the income of rural residents, the number
of recipients of social assistance decreased from 139.3 thousand to 97.3 thousand people, the level of poverty in
rural areas decreased by 3.4%. [7]Still one of the most vulnerable groups is the rural population, which do not
have the equal chances for the employment and social guarantees from the government, comparing to the urban
population. Despite the decline in poverty in urban and rural areas the gap between them increased from 1.1 times
to 2.7 [4]. Another problem is the low effectiveness of the governmental actions in reducing of the poverty in the
rural regions, because of the corruption. The corruption in the rural regions is more spread and has more chances
to development comparing to the urban regions. The local government thus should pay more attention on the
realization of the programs and implementation of the plans.
The existing governmental programs show the good results, at least we can see it in the different reports of the
local and central government, and also the independent organizations, like UN show that the level of poverty is
decreasing in our country, but nevertheless, the recent financial crisis showed that the situation is still emerging.
On the other hand, the data of state statistics on the number of unemployed obtained by calculation, are insufficient
in view of the fact that the Republic of Kazakhstan Statistics Agency does not conduct regular random population
surveys and other research activities that allow to analyze unemployment with rates of secondary, additional,
temporary employment, as well as hidden unemployment.So, the general recommendation for the local government
is to control the existing programs, because on the paper all the programs look good, and they take into account
different points, so the problem is in the implementation of the programs. The problem of corruption also plays its
role in this issue.
Weak governance hampers the fight against poverty and exacerbates inequality. In this case it is necessary
to distinguish two aspects - the official and unofficial payments. In the second case, the corruption has
disproportionately strong effect on the poorer part of the population: the proportion of bribes paid in the income
of poor households at over twice the proportion of affluent households. Businesses and households recognize that
corruption is detrimental to the standard of living and the uniformity of the distribution of income.
Given the limited capacity of regional budgets of social assistance is intended to cover low-income citizens
with incomes below the poverty line. Accordingly, the priority will be given to help the most vulnerable young
population, large families, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people who can not find work for a long time,
Another contributing factor is the failure of the population to adapt to new conditions and consumer psychology
of people, not eradicated during the years of the market economy. According to results of the national survey of
adults conducted by the Institute of Development of Kazakhstan, on the process of deepening social inequality
33% of respondents felt it necessary to return the communist model of state regulation of income at 24%, supported
the creation of the state of equal starting opportunities with no guarantee of equal results [4]. The differences in the
mass consciousness of the population, one of which adheres to the old values of command, and the other - the new
liberal, must be considered when modeling the internal policy.
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