Х. ДосмҰхамедов

Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1—8)

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умк ин.яз A1-A2 -казахша ЖАУРОВА А.Б.

1. Complete each sentence (A—H) with one of the endings (1—8):
A. British speakers often say that your home is
B. The state of a person's home can
C. A house doesn't only ensure privacy or give a sense of stability and security, but it is also
D. Most people don't like blocks of flats, because they
E. In the United Kingdom, canal narrowboats are used as homes and also as
F. A travel trailer is much more comfortable than a tent and it gives travellers the opportunity
G. Travel trailers are especially popular in
H. For every person his house is

1. not to spend their money on a motel or hotel.

2. don't suit British attitudes and don't give people enough privacy.
3. a small Universe, a sacred place where love, friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign.
4. physiologically influence his or her behavior, emotions, and mental health.
5. North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
6. the place where you belong and feel comfortable.
7. a status symbol.
8. mobile, rented, holiday accommodation.
Лексические упражнения по теме “Flat”

Exercise 1

Match the parts of the room with their names:
power point
light switch
wall floor

Exercise 2

Match the beginnings of the sentences with the appropriate endings:

1. You relax and watch TV
2. You cook
3. You eat your dinner
4. You sleep
5. You have a shower
6. You put up guests

a. in the bathroom

b. in your bedroom
c. in the living room / lounge
d. in the dining room
e. in the spare room
f. in the kitchen

V. Human and his health
Human and Health
The most important thing in every person's life is to be healthy. Health is a large and multifaceted side of human life. It is clear that among all the issues related to the aspects of human life, the issue of health should always come first. All other aspects of life lose their significance if the physical health of a person is threatened. But in practice, this is not always the case, and very often people can harm their health, even knowing that they are doing it to their own detriment. There are a few simple tips that will help a person stay healthy. There are a number of specific recommendations that will help to stay healthy, people will only need to adhere to them.
Undoubtedly, it is important for every person to remain in good health. First, you need to remember that a rational, healthy diet plays a significant role in this matter. Every day food supports our bodies. Thus, it is very important for health to give the body everything it needs during meals. Natural vitamins can be a good solution. Fresh herbs and uncontaminated vegetables are full of quality vitamins. Therefore, you need to include them in your diet every day. They are useful for both adults and children. If a person neglects this advice, then his body will be weak, the person will be prone to various diseases.
The second thing a person needs to do to maintain health is to go in for sports. It doesn't have to be a professional sport; a person just needs to spend more time on the street and lead an active lifestyle. It helps a lot to keep our human body strong, healthy and fresh. If a person does not play sports, he runs the risk of acquiring diseases such as obesity. This disease is very harmful to health. Also, playing sports strengthens the character of a person, his willpower, his patience. It’s not for nothing that they say “a healthy mind in a healthy body”
Certainly, each of us should be aware of the importance of this issue. Indeed, human health is easily undermined, and in the future, it becomes very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to restore. So it would be wise for every person to take care of their health today. People have free will to make choices. Make a health choice. When a person has health, he has the strength and ability to improve himself in other areas of life, and this is very important!

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