Key words: nonverbal communication, linguaculture, proxemics, national conceptualization of space,
communicative distance, proxemic components; cultural identity of proxemic behavior.
With the further development of the globalization, the contact between people with different language and
cultural background is increasing. Intercultural communication is а necessary part of human communication.
However, people often pay too much attention to language itself, neglecting non-verbal communication. In
fact, the nonverbal component of each and every communication process is even more important than the
verbal dimension. Аlbert Mehrabian as quoted also by Edward T. Hall found that the total impact of а
message is about 7 percent verbal (words only) and 38 percent vocal (including tone of voice, inflection, and
other sounds) and 55 percent non-verbal. As can be seen from the figures, nonverbal communication plays a
major role in human communication, therefore at the present time the study of this area of linguistics is
particularly important in terms of the comparative description of national and cultural identity of a linguistic
When a representative of the one linguacultural community communicates with members of the another
linguacultural community, and when even speaks the language of the latter, he builds a conversation
according to his "own" models of behavior, uses "own" kinesics and proxemics system, relies on his "own"
cultural knowledge.
Linguaculture focuses on the system of cultural values that is existing in every contemporary society. It
studies a language as a product of human's creativity, a reflection of cultural values in ethnic communities,
but the main object is the image of the world, or "world image", which is specific for each linguistic
Therefore, the objects of comparative linguocultural studies are linguistic units, communication units
(speech and behavioral linguocultural units, communication distance, communication tactics and strategies,
etc.), axiological picture of the world of two or more languages studied in comparative aspect.
Among these objects we are interested in comparative studies of communication distance in Kazakh and
English linguacultures. Communication distance itself is the object of study of proxemics. The term
was first introduced by American scientist Edward T. Hаll in 1963 and was defined as the
interrelated observations and theories of man’s use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture [1, 12].
According to him cultural behavior is reflected in the use of space and distance at communication. Thus, to
study proxemics we should examine differences in separate linguacultures.
Currently, there is a considerable number of local linguistic studies, devoted to issues of non-verbal
communication. Our interest among them caused works of linguists like S.B. Beysembayeva and M.P.
Eshimov, which presented a detailed analysis of non-verbal and gestural lexicographical description of
semantics, also deserves attention the "Kazakh-Russian dictionary of facial expressions and gestures in the
Kazakh language" composed by B. Momynova and S.B. Beysembayeva.
It should also be noted, that the problem was investigated by many Kazakh scientists before, for example,
Ch. Valikhanov in his writings described the gesture "Kneeling" [2, 152]. M.M. Mukanov made an attempt
to define the gesture and non-verbal signs, he also described and classified 28 signs of nonverbal nature. S.S.
Tatubaev considered the gestures as an art component [3, 28]. In particular, proxemics were investigated by
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
such Kazakh scientists as A. Kazmagambetova, S. Beysembayeva, G. Suyunova, Zh. Omiralieva, M.P.
Eshimov and others.
Studies of Kazakhstani authors have focused on different aspects of proxemics in communication. Thus,
S. Beysembayeva and Zh. Omiralieva stresses that the nomadic way of life has played a major role in the
formation of proxemic components in the Kazakh language [4, 8]. Whereas, G. Suyunova considers the
specifics of the spatial orientation of the Kazakh and Russian cultures through the concept “steppe” [5, 284].
According to the results of Zh. Omiralieva’s studies, distance between the communicants during a speech
communication is determined by the nature of their relationship (formal/informal, intimate/ public) [6, 52].
The difference between the distance of communication across cultures is described by many writers.
Thus, Ch. Abdullayev, the author of a number of political detectives, in one of his works gives how a
psychologist in the video describes a man who is wanted by the police: "He is an Englishman, is well aware
of the manners adopted in Southern Europe. Pay attention to the moment, when someone from the tourists
asked him about something. He turns and retreats almost subconsciously, because residents of the UK and
Northern Europe talk to each other at arm's length, and the Italians and Spaniards talk much at a short
distance" [7, 74].
From the foreign linguists who have studied the problem of proxemics we can mention such scholars as
E. T. Hall, E. Kreydlin, J. Carol, A. Pease and many others.
Personal space can be variable according to personal experiences and cultural differences. For instance,
the cultural practices of the United States show considerable similarities to those in European regions, such
as Germany, Scandinavia, and the United Kingdom. Greetings tend to be the same in Europe and in the
USA, consisting of minimal body contact often followed by a simple handshake. The main cultural
difference in proxemics is that residents of the United States like to keep more open space between
themselves and their conversation partners (1.2 m) compared to (0.6–0.9 m) in Europe. On the other hand,
those living in hugely populated places likely to have lower expectations of personal space. Residents of
India or Japan tend to have a smaller personal space than communicants in the Mongolian steppe. Different
expectations of personal space can lead to difficulties in intercultural communication [8, 48].
To define each culture according to national-cultural features of peoples we need to learn such concepts
as mentality and national character. The mentality is understood as a category that reflects the internal
organization and differentiation of mentality, mindset and soul set of people.
National character is stable complex specific to the cultural values, attitudes and behavioral norms.
Hall states that different culture types maintain different standards of personal space. The Lewis Model of
Cultural Types, lists the variations in personal interactive qualities, indicating three poles:
linear-active cultures, which are characterized as cool and decisive (Germany, the UK, Norway, the
reactive cultures, characterized as accommodating and non-confrontational (China, Vietnam, Japan);
multi-active cultures, characterized as warm and impulsive (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Italy) [9, 73].
As can be seen from this classification, English linguaculture is related to linear-active culture. While
communication in the Kazakh linguaculture is characterized by quiet, peaceful communication. Kazakh
people live in harmony with nature and with the universe. They observe, reflect, symbolize everything as a
spectator of the surrounding world and the vast Kazakh steppes. Kazakh people used to be nomadic people
feeling like a part of nature, they often keep back, expressing their thoughts, feelings, intentions
symbolically. The nomadic way of life, the difficulties associated with it, lead to respect towards each other
and respect to the elderly, who have overcome all the hardships. All these reasons allow us to relate Kazakh
linguaculture to reactive type.
Furthermore, to highlight the features of ethnic consciousness we use the concept of mentality - an image,
a way of thinking of the person or social group, as well as his/their inherent spirituality and social and
biological conditioning; mindset, worldview. Mental features of different ethnic groups are determined by
their genetic characteristics. For example, the mentality of Kazakh nation is its openness, friendliness,
hospitality, etc. "Genetic features of the Kazakh people are the openness and kindness of the soul,
willingness to warm others, to share his possessions with the needy. To anyone he never had and did not
show hostility or feelings of superiority, has never served as a source of international conflicts" from
Nursultan Nazarbayev’s speech at the meeting of the Supreme Council of 9 July 1994.
There are some dominants of the national character, which are relatively stable for the majority of the
members of ethnic community. Thus, to the typical national traits characteristic to the British people we may
relate conservatism, restraint, politeness, good manners and hard work.
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
In English culture emotional restraint and self-control are the most important features of behavior that
cause the respect and sympathy of others, while the expressions of feelings, especially negative, are not
welcomed, and indicate lack of maturity and inexperience.
National style of communication is directly related to the category of courtesy, which is a nationally-
specific and determined by the culture of the people. A.V. Pavlovskaya in her book "England and the
Englishmen" wrote about the famous British restraint, an effort to hide emotions, face-saving as an important
feature of English national character, which distinguishes the British among other nations. British
understatement and reserve are characteristic category of courtesy. T.V. Larina also suggests that high self-
control, i.e., control of emotions peculiar to this linguaculture. On the results of research conducted by her,
the British are most proud of their courtesy and consideration for others and above all condemn temper,
intemperance. Representatives of different cultures confer such traits of British as coldness, excessive
restraint, indifference, arrogance and snobbery, and the well-known expression of “stiff upper lip” is often
used to indicate stiffness and arrogance of the English and usually these traits have negative connotations.
A.Vezhbitskaya’s studies emphasize the relationship of restrictions on the free expression of emotions in
compliance with the distance, the inadmissibility of physical contact, strict regulations of speech etiquette.
Whatever strong emotions are not running in soul, apparently no one should see it, people must keep calm,
do not lose self-control, to be polite, comply to generally accepted behavioral norms on a psychological
level. That means to displace or to hide their true feelings or to substitute one feeling to others.
The reserved nature of the British is emphasized by their respect towards personal space. It is highly
valued by them and keeping an acceptable distance is advised. In order to feel comfortable, they create a
kind of personal air bubble around them. During conversation they prefer to stand next to each other rather
than opposite.
Comparatively, observations show that many representatives of Kazakh people tend to have a desire to
advance in life, to reach heights and superior posts in society, to have recognition, respect and honor of
countrymen. Perhaps a major role in building such stereotypes played the long history of nomads, throughout
which rich people have enjoyed all the benefits of life only because of inherited wealth, while the laborer has
to work tirelessly. Also, the Kazakh culture is characterized by a sufficiently high degree of competition,
which brings it closer to the English culture. However, unlike Englishmen, during communication Kazakh
people prefer to see each other, observe emotions of partner, which means that they likely to stay opposite to
each other while having conversation.
Kazakh communicative distance is usually shorter than the distance of communication in other Western
nations. This is why the Europeans and the Americans are wondering why a person of another culture
encroaching on their personal space, being located too close to them during intercourse, while that man is
surprised why Europeans are so far away from him or her, as if trying to escape.
In our lines, people usually are very close to each other, so we do not have the right to keep at a distance,
as in English, which would exclude the hearing interlocutor smell.
In addition, communicative distance varies not only from one culture to another culture, from language to
language, but also depends on the nature of the communicative situation, from the social status of the
communicants. Being relatives, always characterized by a close communicative distance rather than being
superficial acquaintances.
Moreover, the choice of distance by communication partners are greatly influenced by their gender
identity: women's pairs' communicative space is smaller than men's; distance between women communicants
increases with age while between men communicants reduces; in stressful situations, the distance between
the communicants is less compared to conventional situations [10, 472].
There are cultural functions of proxemic behavior, in other words, a manifestation of cultural semantic
differences in national conceptualization of space. Thus, a Kazakh woman should not cross the horse rider's
way. There was a belief if a woman crossed the horse rider's way misfortune was expected.
Another one of the objects of proxemics is semiology, which investigates filling with cultural meanings
space areas, relevant to the person, in other words, the ratio of the spatial organization of the premises with
the features of social life of their inhabitants, as well as human behavior in confined spaces at home [10,
450]. The most distinct example of such may serve Chinese Feng shui culture, where everything in place is
arranged in accordance with rules. If to look at Kazakh linguaculture, the Kazakh yurt is the personification
of the material, spiritual traditions and attitudes in Kazakh culture. Yurt space is strictly subdivided into male
and female halves. The male half (left side) intended for storage of objects belonging to men: harness,
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
saddles, etc. The right side of the entrance is the female half. It is the location of housewares, dishes and
other women-owned objects of everyday life.
In modern days, most Kazakh people live in flats and houses, therefore this kind of division is not really
common. However, there is a still a concept “tor” which is used commonly in arranging guests in hierarchal
way according to the age and position at a party as well as in business meetings.
All in all, the spatial scope of communication is directly related to the interaction of communicants and is
closely bonded with the culture, the traditions of the peoples. The proxemic pattern of communication
sometimes is not recognized fully by communicants, but it is always present in communication and
determines the "script" of their behavior.
Communicants’ proxemic behavior depends on their characteristic spatial patterns of perceiving the world
and thus, filled with ethno-cultural information. Proxemic behavior is characterized by the general laws of
the spatial organization of the environment, as well as the verbal and nonverbal features of person’s
statements on his personal space. Comparative study of proxemics in Kazakh and English linguacultures
show that these linguacultures are not the same, and perception of space and distance among the members of
the cultures is different. First of all, we found out that Kazakh linguaculture is related to reactive culture,
which is known as accommodative and non-confrontational, while English culture is linear-active, which is
cool and decisive. These classification and further investigations on peculiarities of both linguacultures,
allow us to say, that for English linguaculture communication distance is bigger, than in Kazakh
linguaculture. Representatives of English linguaculture feel more comfortable talking to each other standing
next to each other, whereas communicants in Kazakh linguaculture prefer to stand opposite to each other.
For Kazakh linguaculture is common to arrange guests at meetings and parties. This shows national
conceptualization of space, which is characteristic only for this community of people. In English
linguaculture, knowing proxemics and keeping an appropriate distance is also very important, however, we
may say, that they keep less formality in conceptualization of space.
As can be deduced, realizing and recognizing these cultural and personal differences improves cross-
cultural understanding in communication, and helps to eliminate discomfort people may feel if the
interpersonal distance is too large ("stand-offish") or too small (intrusive).
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Бейсембаева С.Б. Невербальные компоненты коммуникации в казахском языке: автореф. дис.
… канд. филол. наук. – Алматы, 2002. – 26 с.
Суюнова Г.С. Лингвокультурологический аспект описания слова «степь» в русском казахском
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на рубеже веков». – Караганда: КарГу, 2001. – С. 282-288.
Омиралиева Ж.К. Национально-культурная специфика конвенциональных фразеологизмов с
соматизмами: дис. … канд. филол. наук. – Алматы, 1999. – 124 с.
Абдуллаев Ч. Ангел боли. Три четверти его души. – М.: Астрель, 2005. –74 с.
Мусаева К.С. Мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас біліктілігі шеттілдік білім берудегі маңызды
фактор ретінде// Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (10), 2015 ж –
Алматы: «Ұлағат» – 46-50 б.
Lewis, Richard D. When cultures collide : leading across cultures / Richard D. Lewis. – 3rd ed. –
London, 2005. – 126 p.
Крейдлин Г.Е. Невербальная семиотика: Язык тела и естественный язык. – М.: Новое
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Г. С. Немышева – әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық унивeрситeтінің 2-курс магистранты,
Қазақ және ағылшын проксемикалық мінез-құлықтарындағы ұқсастық пен
Мақалада проксемикалық амалдардың ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктері мен кеңістікті мәдени
мағыналармен толтыру, сондай-ақ, кеңістіктің ұлттық концепциялануының ерекшеліктеріне шолу
жасалады. Сонымен қатар, қазақ және ағылшын тілдік мәдениеттеріндегі коммуниканттардың
проксемикалық мінез-құлқының ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктерін айшықтайтын қазақстандық және
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
шетелдік ғалымдардың зерттеулерінен мысалдар келтіріледі. Әрбір лингвомәдениеттің өкілдеріне тән
өмір сүру мәдениеті, мінез-құлық моделі мен ұлттық қасиеттер мен олардың коммуниканттардың
проксемикалық мінез-құлқында көрініс табуын көрсететін мысалдар беріледі. Зерттеу жұмысында әр
түрлі мәдениетке тән ұлттық-мәдени сипаттардың ерекшеліктерінің: ұлттық мінез-құлық пен
менталитеттің коммуникативтік қашықтықты анықтау және кеңістіктің концептуалдануына тигізетін
әсері сипатталады. Қазақ және ағылшын лингвомәдениеттер арасындағы ұқсастықтар мен
айырмашылықтарды анықтау мақсатында зерттеу нәтижелеріне салыстырмалы және салғастырмалы
талдау жасалады.
Кілтті сөздер: бейвербалды қарым-қатынас, лингвомәдениет, проксемика, кеңістіктің ұлттық
концептіленуі, коммуникативтік қашықтық, проксемикалық компоненттер, проксемикалық мінез-
құлықтың ұлттық-мәдени ерекшелігі.
Г. С. Немышева – магистрант 2-го курса Казахского национального унивeрситeта имeни
Сходства и различия в казахском и английском проксемическом поведении
В статье рассматривается национально-культурная специфика проксемических компонентов,
наполнение культурными смыслами пространственных территорий, а также особенности
национальной концептуализации пространства. В статье приводятся примеры исследований
казахстанских и зарубежных ученых, отражающие национально-культурную специфику проксемного
поведения коммуникантов в казахской и английской лингвокультурах. Описываются образ жизни,
поведенческая модель, характерные черты, присущие представителям каждой лингвокультуры и
приводятся примеры их отражения в проксемическом поведении коммуникантов. Представлены
различные типы культур, влияние национально-культурных особенностей: национального характера
и менталитета на коммуникативную дистанцию и концептуализацию пространства. Осуществлен
сравнительный, а также сопоставительные анализы результатов исследования с целью выявления
сходств и различий между казахской и английской лингвокультурами.
Ключевые слова: невербальная коммуникация, лингвокультура, проксемика, национальная
концептуализация пространства, коммуникативная дистанция, проксемические компоненты,
национально-культурная специфика проксемного поведения.
УДК 81’34
Д.С. Оңласынова - әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық университетінің екінші курс
Бұл мақалада дауыс тонының жеке имиджді қалыптастыру барысында негізгі атқаратын қызметі мен
мәселелері қарастырылады. Жалпы дауыс тонына фонетика саласында айырықша көңіл бөлінгені
барлығымызға белгілі. Жалпы қазіргі қоғамда жазушы өз ойын, сезімін оқырмандарына пунктуация арқылы
жеткізе білсе, бұл жазушының дәрежесін оның үстемділігін көрсетеді. Бұл тұрғыда интонацияның айрықша
рөлі ойнап тұр. Алайда қарапайым өмірді алатын болсақ, адамдар арасында жақсы қарым-қатынасқа түсу,
сөйлеу шеберлігі, оны тыңдаушыға жеткізе білу өнері арқылы маңызды болып табылады. Бұл яғни тоналды
ерекшеліктердің дауыс тоны арқылы сипатталады. Дауыс, дыбыс, ырғақ, ритм, интонация, тонның бір–бірінен
айырмашылығы немесе ұқсастықтары тоналды ерекшеліктерді анықтауда негізгі түйін ретінде қарастырылады.
Осы тақырып бойынша зерттеушілердің әртүрлі көзқарастары, пікірлері алғашқы негіз ретінде алынады. Қазіргі
замандағы зерттеулерде дауыс тонының адам имиджіне айтарлықтай әсерінің болатындығын анықтау мәселесі
қаралады. Осы дауыс тонын анықтау барысында эксперименталды, компьютерлік ақпараттардың көмегімен
жүзеге асырылды. Арнайы компьютерлік бағдарламалар арқылы зерттеулердің жүргізілуі барысында ер
адамдардың дауыс тондары жуан (төмен), ал әйел адамдардың дауысы жіңішке (жоғары).
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