Kadenov Yerbolat
master of educational sciences, teacher of Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan, ekt_91@mail.ru
Toktassynova Asylzat
student of master degree, Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Summary: In this article considered differentiation of
a social environment development of modern youth. And
also analyzes the mechanisms of creation of the socially
developing environment.
Резюме: В этой статье рассматривается диффе-
ренциация социальной средыи развитие современной
молодежи. А также анализируется механизмы постро-
ение социально развивающей среды.
Түйін: Бұл мақалада әлеуметтік орта айыр-
машылығы мен оның жастардың тұлғалық дамуына
әсері туралы қарастырылады. Сондай-ақ дамушы әле-
уметтік ортаны құрудфы өзектендіретін технология-
лар механизмдері талданады.
Keywords: differentiation, youth, social environment,
social oasis, development.
Ключевые слова: дифференциация, молодежь, соци-
альная среда, социальный оазис, развитие.
Кілттік сөздер: дифференциация, жастар, әлеу-
меттік орта, әлеуметтік оазис, даму.
The problem of a ratio of a contribution of
environmental and gene factors to mental and personal
development of the person is accompanied by a
tendency of polarization and heterogeneity of the social
environment in the modern world. L. I. Antsyferova
notes direct link of the level of development of society
and degree of its heterogeneity. In our country in the
conditions of withdrawal pains of earlier developed
structures there is an updating of various relic relations,
up to "institutes of slavery" (L. I. Antsyferova, 1999).
B. Rierdon postulates sharp increase of tension in the
modern world which the author estimates as "hostility
explosion" between people (B. Rierdon), 2001).
Thereof interaction of the personality with the world
around causes a number of the difficulties leading to her
possible deformations and demands from the identity
of development "art of life" and formation of "ability
to overcoming deformations of the development" (L. I.
Antsyferova, 1999).
During training personal new growths are most
intensively formed and experience of interaction with
the environment against the background of rather high
psychological vulnerability of the child accustoms. In
this regard overcoming difficulties of society by creation
of the environment with the optimum "socially sparing"
her forms or, in other words, addition of the developed
social environments more improved - social oases is
important. Social oases are necessary for support to the
developing personalities and collective, to feeling of
reality humane, worthy social conditions of his activity
of the person, and also for stimulation of personal and
group development. Not without reason E. Fromm
considered replication of social oases the main means
of spiritual improvement of mankind (E. Fromm, 1994).
Addition of social school environments with
socially enriched (improved) environments, or social
oases, is expedient in connection with the following
current trends: the installation which has developed
in education on a priority of subject training to the
detriment of social that, according to a number of
scientists, conducts to deadlock option of development
of education, and also toughening of the relations in the
school environment. So, according to A. N. Mayorova,
over 40% of teenagers have stresses at school, 12% are
exposed to mental or physical violation, and their peer
acts as the most important source of danger to school
students (A. I. Mayrov, 1995). Psychological researches
reveal dangerous scales and depth of the crisis
phenomena in the sphere of socialization of children
and teenagers (S. V. Krivtsova, 1998). In this situation
the direction on development of the concept of a social
oasis, preparation of technologies of his creation and
ways of replication, and also definition of an adequate
way of accommodation in a social oasis through social
training is represented perspective.
The developing social environment (social oasis)
is the society different from the regular environment
higher on content and intensity characteristics of
joint activities and communication, emotionally and
intelligently saturated atmosphere of a cooperation and
creation. In such environment both interpersonal, and
intergroup mechanisms of successful self-development
of the personality and group are most fully staticized.
The training effect is provided first of all due to social
activity of pupils. Creation of the developing social
environment by means of special technologies as the
basic principle of social training provides also impressive
scale of impact. The quantity of at the same time trained
reaches 150-200 and more people. Technologies are
based on updating of the following mechanisms of
creation of the developing social environment:
• Forming of spiritual culture of youth society. Main
conditions of forming of motivation: joint experience
by young men of feeling of participation in the special
youth subculture combining romanticism and high
social activity; feeling of belonging to prestigious
public organization of the region; familiarizing with the
high vital purposes and values.
• Functional inclusion of teachers in joint activities.
The group of teachers acts in the form of the "group of
creators" acting according to the organizational order,
rituals and attributes accepted in this environment.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
• Inclusion of participants in a high-organized
community. Level of organization of the developing
social environment sharply contrasts with the regular
living environment. Organizational regulations,
structure, processes differ in the clearness and
orderliness. Collective actions are made in fast and
the approved temperate. High degree of inclusiveness
activities is characteristic.
• Democratic implementation of an organizational
order. Organizational regulations and structure are
represented on general meeting at the very beginning
of change not as "directives of a faculty meeting",
but as long-term traditions in which creation also
pupils participated. Thus, an opportunity and need of
participation of children in the continuing rule-making
is emphasized.
• General spatial organization of collective actions.
All-collective creations, sports meets, tenders, art
creativity, dances, choral songs and other group actions
are made in "visibility range" for each pupil. Children
perceive themselves and each other through a prism
of all-collective activity that stimulates maturing of an
authentic sociality in the personality.
• Social, spiritual and subject enrichment of
activities. High-substantial both in social, and in the
spiritual relation, various activities in the subject plan are
a backbone factor of the developing social environment,
determining its orientation and high-quality originality.
Pupils participate in group discussions on socially and
personally significant subjects prepare the dramatized
representations, compete in sports and intellectual
tenders, in song and dancing festivals. A specific place is
held by a labor activity: the help in recovery of historical
monuments, participation in ecological actions, the help
aged and to disabled people, work on self-service.
• Intensifications of intellectual, emotional and
behavioral components of joint activities. Collective
actions are made on verbal (a chant of mottoes,
greetings, singing of songs) and sensomotor (games,
marches, dances) levels. Actions take place in fast
speed. Time and material resources for their preparation
are rather limited. Publicity of representation of results
increases the responsibility and emotional return of
participants. The majority of actions take place in a
form of competitions. The emotional saturation, need to
force intellectual and creative efforts, high energy costs
- all this provides the maximum involvement of each
pupil in joint activities, eliminates danger of emergence
of empty youth "parties" and creates effect of "huge,
productive life".
Developed technologies are universal whenever
possible transfer and application in various
organizational working conditions with youth. A lever
adequate to specifics of a social oasis on the personality
is social training. Social training is a forming of
knowledge, skills of the constructive interaction with
people at the interpersonal and social levels directed
to achievement of the various, and socially significant
purposes. In the subject and methods it is one of types
of psychological assistance. To teach - means to begin
to help with a social sense the mature personality
capable to live successfully in society. A private task
of social training is training in communication as "the
organization of purposeful mastering the person means
and methods of communication with other people" (Yu.
A. Lunev, 2001). Socially trained person owns for art to
live in society, creating the social relations on the basis
of the unique personal potential.
According to our experimental hypothesis, the
periodic inclusion of teenagers and young men in social
oasis updates the zone of proximal development of the
individual and collective school. The organization of an
experiment was based on B. F Lomov's idea about what
psychological knowledge, in particular on assistance,
to use directly, by the principle of "short circuit" it is
inefficient - it is necessary to create on the basis of
this knowledge such conditions of activity for people,
such conduct of life within which the set psychological
qualities are created at the person (B. F. Lomov, 1984).
Tendencies of group and personal development in
a social oasis are revealed. After stay in the developing
social environment of group, as a rule, first of all
"stake" on the importance of moral properties of
the participants. Noticeable changes happen also in
structures of the social feelings experienced by the
individual and group: the emotional processes mediated
by social standards unlike the natural not mediated
emotions amplify, i.e. "social emotions" are staticized.
These emotions function as the fixed attitude towards
the standards of behavior accepted in this society. On
this basis such integrative property of group as readiness
to joint activities is created, and development of group
as subject of activities, communication and relations is
increased (L. I. Umansky, 1981; A. L. Zhuravlev, 2001).
There is a personal development of teenagers
and young men more intensively that is shown in:
revaluation of moral installations, the vital purposes,
opening in new rational opportunities as bases for
forming of the destiny; feeling of participation in social
creativity, motivation to creation of new; to installation
on success in activities; satisfactions with life (A. V.
Sharonov, 1996).
Conclusion. Taking into account restrictions on
selection and time of a research, it is possible to speak
about a high sociability of persons of early youth, about
their high social sensitivity to change of a conduct of
In structure of social installations the priority place is
taken by installation on active inclusion of the personality
in progressive socially valuable activities. These
data in a certain measure match K. A. Abulkhanova-
Slavskaya's conclusions about moral consciousness
as to the leading determinant in the Russian mentality
(K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, 1980) and provision
A.V. Brushlinsky about formation of the subject (A. V.
Brushlinsky, 2002). The experiment confirmed the fact
of preserving and even strengthening of the received
personal "boost" which is earlier elicited by us in the
next months (and even years), i.e. manifestation of
delayed effect of impact.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
Kadenov Yerbolat
master of educational sciences, teacher of Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan, ekt_91@mail.ru
Summary: This article focuses on the specifics of
the pedagogical component in the preparation of the
practical psychologist.
Резюме: В этой статье рассматривается
специфика педагогического компонента в подго-
товке практического психолога.
Түйін: Бұл мақалада практикалық психолог-
тарды дайындаудағы педагогикалық компонент-
тердің спецификасы қарастырылады.
Keywords:The psychologist in the field of
education, education for psychologists, future
educational psychologists, special courses, special
Ключевые слова: Психолог в сфере образова-
ния, педагогика для психологов, будущие психологи
образования, спецкурсы, спецпредметы
Кілттік сөздер: Білім саласындағы психолог,
психологтарға арналған педагогика, болашақ білім
беру психологтары, арнайы курс, арнайы пән.
At present, the development of psychological
science and practice in Kazakhstan aimed at stabilizing,
improving the quality of professional work of
psychologists. In this regard, it is evident that the most
rigorous, theoretically and practically sound scientific
and psychological study of the practical psychologist
in order to determine the complex knowledge, which
should be a basic training psychologist.
A significant part of the future psychologists to be
a professional activity in the field of education. The
specifics of the goals and the content of specific areas of
practical psychology educational activities determine
the range of expertise needed for its success. Among
this knowledge, occupy a special place pedagogical.
Their location and characteristics are determined
by the fact that they do not belong to the science of
psychology and at the same time closely linked with it.
Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, having similar
objectives, is used to achieve them various means and
Every adult man working in an educational
institution, designed to provide training and
education of the younger generation. Teacher, teacher,
psychologist, share the common objective - the
formation of the human person and creation of optimal
conditions for this - take specific functional niche in
the educational process, have specific goals, objectives
and methods. Activities of psychological service
in education is aimed at ensuring full personal and
intellectual development of children at a certain age
level, to provide an individual approach to each subject
of upbringing and education process, to harmonize the
environment in which the child is placed.
Psychologist of education content as a whole should
be determined by the content of education. Unity of
purpose teachers and psychologists - development and
formation of personality child - makes the connection
of psychological and pedagogical components in
achieving these goals. This suggests complementarity
means of pedagogical and psychological science and
In order to determine the pedagogical component
of the knowledge of the future psychologists, as
well as to study the characteristics of their training
in pedagogy analyzes some educational programs in
pedagogy (aimed at training future teachers and future
psychologists) as well as a number of textbooks and
manuals on pedagogy, published in the last 5 years.
Without going into detail on their content, we note
the general trend. Pedagogical knowledge presented
in the future psychologists for programs that are less
detail (which is natural) and integrity, in comparison
with programs for teachers. However, some aspects of
the teaching of science and practice, not represented in
the programs for psychologists (especially educational
systems management issues), are, in our opinion,
important for the formation of professional activity
psychologist. In addition, programs for teachers, unlike
the programs reviewed for psychologists, affected by
psychological knowledge are reflected in pedagogical
science and practice (problem of motivation of
educational activity, differentiation methods and
teaching aids, etc...). In our opinion, this knowledge is
important not only for teachers, but also education for
psychologists, psychologists for understanding future
relationships that exist between the two sciences.
Offered in the programs of knowledge are not
focused on those requirements that apply educational
psychology in the course of his professional activity.
Analysis of the content of textbooks and manuals
on pedagogy proposed in the training programs of
future psychologists, allows us to conclude that, in
general, they are similar in content. Features consist
in the fact that in each individual sections pedagogic
examined with varying degrees of depth. The biggest
differences are in the characterization of the issues
management of educational institutions. It should be
noted that the revision of textbooks and teaching aids
designed for future teachers. Textbooks in pedagogy,
specifically targeted at students of psychology, we
have not found. With regard to compliance with the
data requirements of teacher training textbooks of the
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
future psychologists of education, it can be assumed
that the integration of information presented therein,
along with a focus on the specifics of the professional
activity of the psychologist Education, will be most
adequately meet the needs of the future psychologists
of education.
To study the pedagogical component of
professional knowledge to assess the students of the
future psychologists conducted an empirical study,
which was attended by students of psychological
faculties of KazNU named after Al-Farabi and Kazakh
National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
Students were interviewed three times: before and
after the practice of education and after practice in
health, manufacturing and public administration. As
the methods of investigation used by us developed,
a questionnaire designed to assess students learning
content pedagogical knowledge, self-esteem level of
existing knowledge on pedagogy and determining
the significance of the pedagogical component in the
practical psychologist.
The analysis of the data obtained before passing
by future psychologists of practice in education
has shown that in general ideas of students of
pedagogical knowledge and features of their use by
the psychologist working in education have changed
insignificantly (the available changes are fragmentary,
concern only some blocks of pedagogics). At the same
time, students more realize importance of complex
and comprehensive study of pedagogical science.
However, because of activity in other spheres future
psychologists are inclined to underestimate the
importance of pedagogical knowledge for the practical
psychologist. The reason of it, in our opinion, - in
initially low level of pedagogical knowledge, in lack
of orientation of future psychologists when studying
the course "Pedagogy" towards use of the gained
knowledge in professional activity. Students, certainly,
apply pedagogical knowledge, however often do not
realize it, cannot differentiate knowledge from the
field of pedagogics, pedagogical psychology, age
psychology, a technique of teaching psychology, etc.
Students of psychological faculty have the
insufficient level of formation of knowledge in the field
of pedagogics that leads to lack of purposeful use of
pedagogical knowledge in activity of the psychologist.
One of the main reasons for insufficient formation of
this knowledge consists in features of pedagogical
training of students of psychological faculty (lack
of special textbooks on pedagogics, the programs
focused on features of future professional activity, in
some cases - teachers of pedagogics for psychological
Development of the special training programs and
textbooks on pedagogics focused on features of their
future professional activity, training of teachers of
pedagogics for psychological faculties is necessary for
improvement of quality of vocational training of future
psychologists of education. When developing training
programs and textbooks it is necessary to consider
features of professional activity of future expert in
this connection it is expedient to develop integrative
psychology and pedagogical subject matters, special
courses, special seminars. It is important to focus
future psychologists on conscious studying of subject
matters, in particular pedagogics, paying the attention
of students to features of use of psychological,
pedagogical and other knowledge in various branches
of professional activity, and also to existence of
intersubject communications (in particular, existing
between psychology and pedagogics), their realization
in practical activities.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
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