● Bring home the bacon – прокормить се
мью; добиться успеха, победить.
Meaning: to support a family by working; to
earn a living; to earn or win something of value; to
Both Richard and Stephanie got jobs to bring home the bacon for their children. Origin: There are two theories about where this
expression came from. One was from the contest
at early American country fairs of chasing after a
greased pig. If you caught it, you could take it home
as your prize. Another possibility is that it came from
a practice in the early 1300s. A baron willed that if
any married person in Dunmow, England, swore at
the church door that they had not had a single quar
rel for a whole year and a day, they would get free
side bacon to take home.
● Creature comforts – житейские / малень
кие радости.
Meaning: material things like good food and ac
commodation which make life pleasant.
I hate camping. I can’t do without my creature comforts. Origin: It has been a commonplace since the sev
enteenth century. In “Nicholas Nickleby”, Charles
Dickens played on the meaning of creature, that is
alcoholic spirits, to pun that Mr. Squeers, the sadis
tic schoolmaster, had been seeking forgetfulness in
creature comforts, which turned out to be brandy
and water.
● Mind over matter – сила воли. Meaning: the power of your mind is stronger
than the body.
Giving up smoking is just a question of mind over matter. Origin: Virgil, a Roman poet who was born in
70 BC, used this expression in his famous poem,
“The Aeneid”.
Mind means brain, thoughts, and
Matter means a physical object, and it
can also mean trouble or difficulty. Notice also that
mind and
matter both begin with
m , and alliteration
helps make a saying more popular (Шитова, 2011,
с.20, 32, 79) [3].
В современном английском языке больше
используется переносное значение слов, чем их
реальное значение. Большинство слов, составля
ющих идиомы, имеют именно переносное зна
чение. Многообразие идиоматических единиц
как по структуре, так и по оттенкам значения
и выразительности является основным аспек
том, обеспечивающим богатство возможностей
их стилистического употребления. Идиомы ис
пользуются практически во всех стилях лите
ратурного языка. Но наиболее широкое поле
использования этих единиц – это, конечно, ху
дожественный стиль. К примеру, выражающие
любовь, ненависть, сарказм, насмешку, смех,
грусть и другие идиоматические единицы, в ко
торых преобладают оттенки значения, довольно
распространенные в художественной литерату
ре. Речевые теги (