Кафедра языковых дисциплин

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Post-reading exercises – 15 min

    1. Find the sentences with Complex Subject.

1.Patients with perforated ulcers are known to complain of …….. a) an acute pain in the stomach; b) a sharp pain in the substernal area radiating to the shoulder. 2. In old persons ulcers are complicated by haemorrhage which is due to ……. a) sclerotic changes in the stomach; b) an irregular diet in combination with a nervous overstrain. 3. According to corticovisceral theory the development of ulcer is associated with….. a) disturbances in the blood supply of the brain; b) the lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

    1. Complete the sentences with the text information.

1. The corticovisceral theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was a further development of….. 2. Male patients at the ages of 25 to 40 are known to suffer from ulcers more…….. 3. At the onset of the disease the patients with ulcer complain of pain which is……. 4. According to corticovisceral theory it has been proved that gastric and duodenal ulcer are due to…. 5.It is known that an irregular diet as well as emotional overstrain may…. 6. In young patients the course of ulcer may have no…. 7. The scientists consider that the lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems lead to…..

    1. Tick true or false statements (T) or (F).

a) Exacerbation of ulcer has been found in winter and summer.
b) Gastric and duodenal ulcers are found to develop more frequently in men than in women.
c) The European scientists proved the existence of an association between a lesion of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the development of ulcer.
d) In old persons ulcers are complicated by haemorrhage which is due to sclerotic changes in the stomach.
6. Find the nouns of the following adjectives from the clouds.

1) duodenal


2) irregular
3) emotional
4) corticovisceral

5) sharp


7. Put the words in a correct order and make a question.
a) What / complain/ of / do / you?
b) What /complaints/ have/ you/ do?
c) How / can / help/ I/ you?
d) What / the symptoms/ are/ gastric and duodenal ulcer/ of?
e) What / the causes/ are / of /the disease?
f) You /could/ me/ prescribe/ drugs/ some?

Writing– 5 min

    1. Put the following words in a correct order and make a sentence.

  1. Men/ to develop /in /gastric and duodenal ulcers/ frequently /than /more /in /are /women /found.

  2. The causes / the disease/ are /of/ diet/ emotional/ and/ overstrain/ irregular.

  3. Acute/ the stomach/ in/ is known/ characteristic/ to be/ pain/ ulcers/ of /perforated.

  4. In the majority/ ulcer/ is observed/ to develop/ in/ persons/ particularly/ of/ nervous/ cases.

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