Ключевые слова: идентификация, профессиональная идентификация, внешние факторы,
внутренние факторы, образовательная среда, профессиональное обучение, профессиональное воспитание и общени EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROFESSIONAL IDENTIFICATION OF THE FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHER S.B. Ibraev PhD student of the chair of social pedagogy and self-cognition
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Astana, Kazakhstan
The article reveals the main factors influencing the development of professional identification of future
social teachers in the period of study at the university. These include: educational environment, society, vocational
education and professional education. The educational environment is considered as one of the integral and
important factors in the training of social educators. Society is considered from the point of view of the process of
inclusion of the future social teacher in it and integration through the nearest social environment into society as a
whole. Based on the general pedagogical ideas of educators and psychologists about the specifics and the
relationship of the processes of training and education in a single educational process, the author gives their brief
Key words: Identification, professional identification, external factors, internal factors, educational environment, vocational training, professional education and communication