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Theme 8. Corruption offenses in the sphere of economic activity

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Theme 8. Corruption offenses in the sphere of economic activity
1. Criminal - legal characteristic of corruption crimes in the sphere of economic activity
2. The identity of the perpetrator (the perpetrator)
3. The object of corruption crimes in the sphere of economic activity
4. Types of penalties for corruption offenses in the sphere of economic activity

1. Criminal legal description of corruption crimes in the sphere of economic activity
Economic crime has always been the center of attention of government leaders and international organizations. Experts suggest that addressed the economic crimes and the Sixth Congress of the United Nations in terms of the analysis of abuse of economic power economic offenses and the seizure of political power. And the Seventh Congress of the resolutions carried economic crimes as particularly dangerous and demanded tougher to deal with them. *
In criminology it decided to allocate six signs of economic crime:
1) the commission in the course of professional activity;
2) within the framework and under the guise of legitimate economic activities;
* См.: Лунеев В.В. Преступность XX века: мировой криминологический анализ. – М.: Норма. – С.256.
3) have a selfish character;
4) have a continuing systematic development;
5) harm the economic interests of the state, private enterprise and citizens;
6) committed by legal and natural persons acting on behalf and in the interest of the enterprise *.

However, in the last 15-20 years to those featured experts add another sign: as a rule, these crimes are committed by corporations ** against the state of the economy, against other corporations, corporations against consumers.

For crimes in the sphere of economic activity is characterized by:

1) exclusive latency. The main reason VV Luneev indicates the absence of victims and others interested in detecting economic crime. Direct and indirect damages suffered state. The interests of citizens affected directly and indirectly. When committing bribery actual victims do not consider themselves as such, because they are of them had their own benefit. The state is helpless to control the whole range of economic encroachments ***;
2) increase the share of tax crimes in the total mass of economic offenses. According to Russian criminologists, the growth rate in one year compared
* См.: Дементьева Е.Е. Проблемы борьбы с экономической преступностью в зарубежных странах / Дис… к.ю.н. – М., 1996. – С. 30.
** Примечание: корпорация – 1) профессиональное или сословное объединение, союз; 2) официально зарегистрированная совокупность лиц, объединившихся для достижения какой-либо цели; 3) форма акционерного общества в ряде стран.
*** См.: Лунеев В.В. Преступность XX века: мировой криминологический анализ. – М.: Норма, 1997. – С.259.
with the previous year is three to six times, and in some years - to 7 times. At the same time 9 out of 10 offenders tax went from liability established by the law due to the same corruption;

3) a consistently high level of crime in the credit and banking relationships. Most of the thefts committed by organized crime. Widespread receive such crimes as export abroad of raw materials and finished goods, non-ferrous and rare earth metals, energy and other strategic resources; *

4) the use of public funds in order to benefit on the basis of rostovschi--operation. ** The mechanism of these actions is to use the head of the territorial body of the governance of public funds to finance its commercial activity, by for example, the detention of payment of wages, payment programs financed from the state budget. Activities of law enforcement agencies other than the fact of late payment of wages and "scroll" of budgetary funds in commercial structures has no future due to the fact that the banking legislation contains such provisions that facilitate the commission of the offense.
5) illegal business is not only rooted, but tends to grow. One izprichin consist of a number of states to


* См.: Там же, с. 259.
** Примечание: ростовщичество – предоставление денежных ссуд под очень высокий процент. Официально ростовщичества запрещено в РК. Однако фактическое ростовщичества усматривается в УК РК как незаконная банковская деятельность (ст.214)
refuse monopolies and their transfer to the private sector. For example, non-alcohol monopoly gave rise to an entire industry for the production of substitute (fake, counterfeit) of alcoholic beverages, the growth of import of contraband goods, increase the volume of domestic crimes committed on the grounds of drunkenness, death from poisoning by counterfeit alcohol, an increased incidence of counterfeiting* excise taxes, high taxes;
6) The growth of the shadow economy - a phenomenon the inevitable as a consequence of criminalization of virtually all areas and economic activities. According to Kazakh criminologists, if the share of shadow capital exceeds 20% of total GDP, the state economy is on the verge of its collapse. The most complex critical situation in the economy of Kazakhstan falls at the end of XX and the beginning of XXI century, when the share of the shadow economy reached 33% of the revenues of the national budget, which is about 10% in relation to GDP **.

In accordance with the list of corruption crimes set out in paragraph 29 of article 3 of the Criminal Code, for offenses considered in the economic sphere are acts covered:

- Article 215 (3), of the (second) of the Criminal Code - lzhepredprinimatelstvo;
* Примечание: акциз – косвенный налог на предметы или услуги массового спроса, включаемый в цену товара или в оплату за услуги.
** См.: Тузельбаев Н.О., Тузельбаев Е.О. Налоги и экономическая безопасность страны // Казахстан-2030: Проблемы совершенствования деятельности правоохранительных органов. – Алматы, 1999. – С.53-55.
- Article 216 (4), Part Two) of the Criminal Code - the commission of acts of the invoice without the actual performance of work, provision of services, the shipment of goods;
- Article 217 (3), the third part) of the Criminal Code - the creation and management of financial (invest- ment) pyramid;
- Article 218 (1), the third part) of the Criminal Code - legalization (laundering) of money and (or) other property derived from criminal activity;
- Article 234 (1), the third part) of the Criminal Code - economic smuggling;
- Article 249 (paragraph 2), Part Three) of the Criminal Code - raiding.
Criminological research shows that criminal elements and groups using the smallest possible in the legal system (legal gaps and contradictions, conflicting regulations, the duality of understanding and application) for illegal personal gain. They are used for a whole range of effects:
- Infiltration (implementation) their henchmen in government, law enforcement, regulatory authorities and commercial structures;
- Corruption, bribery of government, administration and the courts;
- An agreement with the leaders of the major industrial and commercial structures;
- Pressure by corrupt government officials, dissemination of false information;
- Buying stocks and shares, property rights and the seizure of property under various types of threats*.

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