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Даристер жинагы (1)

Financial pyramid - is to attract the money of the population, or organizations with payment of unreasonably high interest rates, which can not bear the contribution of funds to the real economy. This pyramid exists only through entry of new money. In the history of modern Russia acted pyramid schemes "Vlastiliny", "MMM", "Hopper", "Chara-Bank" and others. As you know, in 1997 the collapse of pyramid
* Примечание: инвестиции – это денежные средства, ценные бумаги, иное имущество, в том числе имущественные права, иные права, имеющие денежную оценку, вкладываемые в объекты предпринимательской и (или) иной деятельности в целях получения прибыли и (или достижения иного полезного эффекта.)
schemes in Albania led to unrest and a change of government*.

The act refers to corruption in the presence of at least one of the following:

1) a group of persons by prior conspiracy;

2) repeatedly;

3) a person using his official position;

4) involving money or other property on a large scale,

- If the acts are committed by a person authorized to perform public functions or an equivalent person or official, or person occupying a responsible public position if they involve the use of an official position (item 3), part three).
In accordance with Article 218 of the Criminal Code legalization (money laundering and (or) other assets from crime - is the involvement in legal circulation of money and (or) other property obtained by criminal means, through transactions in the form of the conversion or transfer of property, representing the proceeds of criminal and (or) administrative offenses, concealment or disguise its true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, property rights, or his belonging, knowing that such property is the proceeds of criminal and (or) administrative offenses, as well as the possession and use of the property or mediation in the legalization of money
and (or) other property obtained by criminal means,
*См.: Новейший словарь иностранных слов и выражений. – Минск, 2007. – С. 628.

if these acts were committed in significant amount.

Acts of corruption are recognized if they are committed by a person authorized to perform public functions or an equivalent to face him, or an official or person occupying a responsible public office, if they (the act) involves the use of timely official position of (1), the third part).
This article contains a note that the person voluntarily reported the impending legalization or perfect money and (or) property obtained by criminal means, exempt from criminal liability, if his actions do not contain structure of crimes related to the commission of acts of a group of persons by prior conspiracy; repeatedly; criminal group; on a large scale.

In accordance with Article 234 of the Criminal Code economic smuggling - is moving in a large amount through customs border of the Customs Union, goods or other items, including banned or restricted movement across the customs border of goods, items and values ​​for which special rules for moving through customs border, except those specified in Article 286 of the Criminal Code, committed besides or with concealment from customs control or with the fraudulent use of documents or means of customs identification, or associated with non-declaration or false declaration.

Acts of corruption are recognized if they are

committed by a person authorized to perform public functions or an equivalent person or official, or person occupying a responsible public position if they involve the use of an official position (point 1), part three) .

Subject to the provisions of Article 286 of the Criminal Code to economic concerns are not smuggling smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors, potent, poisonous, toxic radioactive substances, radioactive waste or nuclear materials, explosives, weapons, military equipment, explosives, firearms weapons or ammunition, nuclear, chemical, biological or other mass destruction weapons, materials, equipment or components that can be used to create weapons of mass destruction.
In accordance with Article 249 of the Criminal Code Reynolds derstvom recognized the illegal acquisition of ownership of a share in a legal entity, as well as property and securities legal entity or establishment of control over the entity as a result of deliberate distortion of the voting results or impeding the free exercise of the right in the decision by making the supreme body in the minutes of the meeting, the meeting, in an extract from them of deliberately false information about the number of voters, the quorum and the voting results or the preparation of deliberately false counting of votes or accounting of ballots blocking or restricting access of actual shareholder, member, member of the governing body or member executive body to a vote, under-reporting of the meeting, the meeting of a

communication of false information about the time and place of the meeting, the meeting, voting on behalf of a shareholder, member or member of the governing body of obviously false power of attorney, by violating the restrictions or denial of the right of pre-emption securities, as well as deliberate obstruction of the implementation of the right of pre-emption of securities or other illegal methods caused significant damage to the rights or legitimate interests of citizens or organizations or legally protected interests of society or the state.

The term "raid" comes from the English raider - robber, ie a free hunter.
Raiding recognized corruption if criminal acts are committed by a person authorized to perform public functions or an equivalent person or a person occupying a responsible public position if they involve the use of an official position (paragraph 2), Part Three).

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