Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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Topical vocabulary
1. graduate оканчивать высшее учебное заведение
2. graduate выпускник, окончивший вуз
3. a graduate course of study, post-graduate courses курс занятий аспиранта
4. scholar учёный
5.to prove доказывать
6..embodiment воплощение
7.candidate кандидат
8. to present a graduation thesis защищать дипломную работу
9. to take the finals сдавать выпускные экзамены
10. lab facilities лабораторное оборудование
11. research workers научные работники
12. scientific research научное исследование
13. allowance, grant стипендия (пособие)
14. to carry on scientific research заниматься научной .работой
15. to make significant contributions вносить важный вклад
16. to receive credit получить зачёт
17. term - paper курсовая работа
18. high school diploma диплом о высшем образовании
19. to pass an exam сдать экзамен
20. to take entrance exams сдавать вступительные экзамены
21. optional subject факультативный предмет
22. sciences and humanities естественные и гуманитарные науки
23. term семестр
Ex.1.Suggest the Russian for the following word combinations.
the historic conception; graduates; he pointed to the role of peoples; without the history; the embodiment of that idea; to present a graduation thesis; he proved the meaning of the Eurasian region; the West and the East.; to communicate with the youth; he often supported the youth in their ambitions; in his honour. to give a great attention to; annually; great scientist; to take the finals; the decree of the President; to take into account; the international relationships of Kazakhstan; to participate in the world processes; to transform the ideas into a life; the head of the university; a leading capital university of classical type; first of all; world history; under the control of the President; two cloak-rooms; well-equipped labs; a great deal of research; technology and science; an undergraduate program; series of lectures;36 hours per week; to pass examinations; term; on completion; a higher school diploma.

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