Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған Қазіргі заманғы математика

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Ключевые слова
: "информация", "смартфон", "физика". 
Methodological bases for the use of new information technologies in the study of 
physics in secondary school 
Modern society has entered the information age. Currently, every school has computers, 
where students are introduced to new information technologies in physics classes, during which 

Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика: 
проблемалары және қолданыстары» III халықаралық Тайманов оқуларының 
материалдар жинағы, 25 қараша, 2022 жыл 
students acquire basic knowledge and skills in working with new information technologies, as 
well as familiarize themselves with and work with educational programs. Recent advances in 
physics have led to the creation of new ubiquitous communication tools. This has led to the fact 
that mastering information technology has become a socially necessary skill and is reflected in 
the content of physics and computer science. The relationship between physics and computer 
science is reflected in the connection between their ideas and cognitive methods. Connections 
are visible in learning, but they are one-way. In a high school physics course, students study not 
only some of the problems that consider the physical principles of the device and operation of 
new information technologies, but also study concepts common to physics and computer science. 
Information can be provided in various forms: digital, graphic, musical, audio, text, etc. From the 
subject content of information, its main qualities - reliability and completeness, value and 
relevance, clarity and comprehensibility emerge. Understanding the concept of information is an 
important component of human information culture. Forming an informative image of the world 
in the minds of students is one of the important tasks of school physics and computer science 
courses. Informatization of the modern society has led to an increase in the number of people 
employed in the information field, as a result of which the requirements for the general education 
level of school graduates have increased. The process of providing the educational sphere with 
the theory and practice of development and use of new information technologies aimed at 
realizing the psychological and pedagogical goals of education and training is defined as the 
informatization of education. 

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