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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

communication - establishing the process of interpersonal interaction with peers; 
cultural enrichment - the development of creativity repatriates children, the creation of 
conditions for a positive attitude towards them from classmates, the formation of the readiness of 
these children to follow the prescribed cultural patterns [5, 107]. At the educational level, 
differentiated groups for extracurricular activities are formed or individual lessons are organized. 
Teachers develop individual educational trajectories for immersing children in a subject 
language environment, taking into account the level of knowledge, psychological characteristics 
and patterns of ethnocultural adaptation. The maximum inclusion in the language environment 
involves learning in mixed classes, where both repatriates and children for whom Kazakh / Russian 
is their mother tongue study. At the level of communication, the organization of work on the 
adaptation of child morality is carried out in the conditions of not only educational, but also 
extracurricular activities. Thus, an important stage in language work is the introduction of a 
repatriate child first into the school microenvironment, and then the gradual expansion of its scope 
to all spheres and situations of communication. An important role in the adaptation of children is 
played by psychological trainings aimed at uniting the class team. It is mandatory to conduct 
psychological diagnostics at the initial, intermediate and final stages adaptation. Cultural 
enrichment involves the organization of purposeful leisure, acquaintance with the history, culture, 
local traditions through a series of events, the participation of repatriate-Kazakh children in sports 
and recreation, cultural, tourism and local history and other extracurricular activities of the school. 
At the same time, the emphasis is on creating a situation of success for immigrant children. Cultural 
interaction opens up great opportunities for enriching the circle, club work of the school, which 
allows solving not only educational tasks, but also the tasks of adapting a repatriate-Kazakh child 
into society. Moreover, this form of work is attractive for both children and their families. The 
problem of interethnic relations affects not only the world of adults, but also children, adolescents 
and youth, since it is in childhood and adolescence that attitudes towards their own and other ethnic 
groups begin to form. Ethnic identity is built by a person on the basis of such signs that indicate 
ethnic differences: origin, language, religion, appearance, traditions and customs, culture, etc. The 
main institution for the formation of ethnic identity is the family, and not so much parental - father 
and mother, as grandparent - grandparents [6, 11]. It is through the family that the acquaintance 
with the peculiarities of their people occurs. The school, unlike the family, is the main means of the 
formation of identity in the younger generation and is responsible not only for the knowledge 
gained, but also for the upbringing of patriotism, the formation of an idea about the Motherland
about the native culture, as well as about the forms of behavior necessary for the successful 
functioning of a person in society; active civic position, awareness of the moral meaning, freedom 
in an inextricable links with civil liability. All this brings forward the need for scientific 
understanding of the issue of becoming ethnic identity in the learning process. In the model of the 
American researcher J. Finney the formation of an adolescent's ethnic identity is considered as a 

process similar to the development of personal identity, a three-stage division of the process of 
identity formation in adolescents [7, 73]:
Stage 1 - unverified identity, typical for younger adolescents. At this stage, the adolescent has 
a lack of interest in the problems of ethnic roots and membership in an ethnic group. The teenager is 
already showing a preference for the majority group;
Stage 2 - the search for ethnic identity (moratorium on Marcia). Adolescents go through this 
stage. The second stage is characterized by the manifestation of interest in one's identity and its role 
in the life of a teenager. In addition, J. Finney notes that ethnic "awakening" in a teenager is most 
often associated with events of discrimination or humiliation on the basis of ethnicity. What makes 
a teenager “... take a fresh look at his ethnic origin” [7, 75]. At this stage, there is an intensive 
process of immersion in the culture of their people. This process is carried out through activities 
such as reading, talking, visiting ethnographic museums and actively participating in cultural life. 
Stage 3 - the stage of realized ethnic identity, it is characteristic of older students. This stage is 
characterized by a bright, clear and stable feeling of the inviolability of their ethnic characteristics. 
There is an attachment to ethnicity and culture. This is the stage of the formation of the “ethnic I”, 
which has resolved the contradictions of its growth. J. Fanny, upon empirical testing of the model, 
concluded that “the third stage of ethnic identity coincides with the achievement of a clear personal 
identity ... ”[8,72]. Domestic studies of the development of ethnic identity are associated with such 
names as M.S. Shaikemelev, Z.K. Shaukenova, G.S. Abdirayimova, G.M. Mendikulova, S. Zh. 
Tazhibaeva, T.A. Kozyrev and others. Thus, summarizing a wide range of different points view on 
the problems of ethnic identification, linguistic and socio-cultural adaptation of children, you can do 
the following findings:
1) school age is an important step in the process ethnic identity and socialization; 
2) it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of ethnic values in 
schoolchildren and the formation of a positive ethnic identification, while it is imperative to take 
into account the degree of influence on the process of all factors: mega-factors, mesofactors, micro-
3) pedagogically, it is possible to construct a "mechanism" of ethnocultural education of 
children as a controlled process of familiarizing a child with the language and culture of his people, 
the formation of ethnic values and behavioral models inherent in a given society. 

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